Page 130 - 2021 Issue 2
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JSE – EXX                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
               Exxaro Resources Ltd.              CALENDAR               Expected     Status
                                                  Annual General Meeting  May 2021  Unconfirmed
                                                  Next Interim Results   Aug 2021  Unconfirmed
                                                  Next Final Results     Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
                                                  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
                                                  EXX  Ords 1c ea       500 000 000  358 706 754
                                                  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
                                                  Ords 1c ea            Ldt     Pay    Amt
                                                  Final No 36       26 Apr 21  3 May 21  1243.00
       ISIN: ZAE000084992  SHORT: EXXARO  CODE: EXX  Special        26 Apr 21  3 May 21  543.00
       REG NO: 2000/011076/06  FOUNDED: 2000  LISTED: 2001
                                                  Interim No 35      21 Sep 20  28 Sep 20  643.00
                                                  Final No 34       21 Apr 20  28 Apr 20  566.00
        Exxaro, a public company incorporated in South Africa and  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 5m shares p.w., R698.3m(76.0% p.a.)
        listed on the JSE, is a large South African-based diversified  MINI  40 Week MA  EXXARO
        resources group, with interests in the coal, TiO 2 , ferrous and               20016
        energy markets.
       SECTOR: Energy—Energy—OilGas&Coal—Coal
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Dec 2020
         Eyesizwe RF (Pty) Ltd.           30.00%
         Public Investment Corporation Ltd (SOC)  11.00%                               10534
         Prudential Investment Managers    7.40%
       (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16                             4212
                     Final  Final  Final  Final  Final  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Turnover     28 924  25 726  25 491  22 813  20 897  Recent Announcements
       Op Inc        4 293  4 269  5 703  975  4 623
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  832  37   322   611  628   Tuesday, 20 April 2021: Shareholders are hereby advised that the
       Tax            719  968  1 653  1 542  1 179  board of directors (“Board”) has approved the appointment of
       Minority Int  1 943  260   32   50    12    Mr MvuleniGeoffreyQhena (“Geoffrey”)tothe board as aninde-
       Att Inc       7 283  9 809  7 030  5 982  5 679  pendent non-executive director and the chairperson designate,
       TotCompIncLoss  8 975  9 359  7 308  4 680  4 741  with effect from 19 April 2021.
       Hline Erngs-CO  7 417  7 599  6 568  2 120  5 155
       Fixed Ass    38 395  33 562  28 825  24 362  21 972  Friday, 09 April2021: As set out in the Exxaro announcementof 20
       Inv in Assoc  18 594  15 928  15 477  15 810  21 518  February 2020 and as part of its sustainable growth approach,
       Fin Assets    2 141  2 674  2 634  -   -    Exxaro conducted an internal portfolio review to evaluate and
       Def Tax Asset  1 076  467  523  571  415    optimise its current coal operations and projects. Exxaro identi-
       Tot Curr Ass  9 033  9 121  7 641  10 844  9 842  fied assets which are non-core to its future strategic objectives
       Ord SH Int   38 781  34 776  41 846  40 103  35 875  and decided to dispose of its total equity interest in Exxaro Coal
       Minority Int  9 340  8 111  - 701  - 738  - 788
       LT Liab      19 103  19 364  15 745  17 442  16 282  Central (Pty) Ltd. (“ECC”) and its Leeuwpan Coal Mine
       Tot Curr Liab  10 244  5 179  6 823  3 956  7 461  operation (“Target Assets”).
                                                   Exxaro resultantly embarked on a divestment process of the
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       EPS (ZARc)  2 902.00 3 908.00 2 801.00 1 923.00 1 600.00  Target Assets. Exxaro received significant interest in the Target
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  2 928.00 2 983.00 2 617.00  682.00 1 452.00  Assets, both on an individual basis as well as a package. In deter-
       Pct chng p.a.  - 1.8  14.0  283.7  - 53.0  153.4  mining the acquirer of the Target Assets, Exxaro applied
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  79.2  68.0  63.8  13.1  16.7  selection criteria including value maximisation, broad based
       DPS (ZARc)  1 886.00 1 430.00 1 085.00  700.00  500.00  black ownership and sustainability of the new operator to
       Pct chng p.a.  69.9  31.8  55.0  40.0  233.3
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  86.0  58.4  49.1  40.1  24.6  operate the Target Assets, whilst also minimising transaction
       NAV PS (ZARc)  10 811.34 9 694.83 11 665.80 11 179.88 10 017.72  execution risk for Exxaro.
       3 Yr Beta     0.92  1.36  0.89  1.23  0.41  Thedivestmentprocesshasnowculminatedinanagreementfor
       Price High   14 865  18 345  16 988  16 567  11 428  the disposal of ECC. Exxaro has signed a definitive sale and
       Price Low     7 507  10 860  10 192  8 301  4 002  purchase agreement (“SPA”) with Overlooked Colliery Propri-
       Price Prd End  13 890  13 114  13 787  16 250  8 950
       RATIOS                                      etary Limited (“Overlooked”).Overlookedwill acquire allofthe
       Ret on SH Fnd  19.17  23.48  17.16  15.32  16.22  issued shares in, and shareholder claims against, ECC (“ECC
       Ret On Tot Ass  13.08  12.89  13.17  6.92  11.28  Transaction”). Exxaro has obtained certainty of funding from
       Oper Pft Mgn  14.84  16.59  22.37  4.27  22.12  Overlooked’s lenders towards settlement of its obligations in
       D:E           0.53  0.48  0.43  0.44  0.48  terms of the ECC Transaction.
       Int Cover     5.01  115.38  17.73  1.60  7.36  This is a voluntary update as the transaction falls below the
       Current Ratio  0.88  1.76  1.12  2.74  1.32
       Div Cover     1.19  2.73  2.58  2.75  3.20  Category 2 threshold of the JSE Ltd. Listings Requirements.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 8 500                  The ECC Transaction is classified as a held for sale asset by
       DIRECTORS: Fraser-MoleketiGJ(ld ind ne),    Exxaro and proceeds received will be used in accordance with
        Mbatha L (ne), MntamboVZ(ne),              Exxaro’s capital allocation framework.
        MoffetMJ(ind ne), MophatlaneLI(ind ne),
        Msimang M (ne), MyburghEJ(ind ne),         The Leeuwpan Coal Mine operation’s disposal is ongoing, and
        Nkonyeni V (ind ne), NxumaloCJ(ind ne),    shareholders will be updated on progress once finalised.
        Snyders MrPCCH(ind ne),                    The ECC Transaction
        van Rooyen J (Chair, ind ne), Mgojo M D M (CEO),
        Tsengwa N (CEO designate),                 Salient transaction terms:
        Qhena M G (Chair Designate, ind ne),       Exxaro will sell all its shares in, and shareholder claims against
        Koppeschaar P A (FD)       Scan the QR code to  ECC, to Overlooked Included in the purchase consideration is
       POSTAL ADDRESS:POBox9229, Pretoria,0001  visit our website  cash in the rehabilitation trust which Exxaro will retain. In
       WEBSITE:                     addition, Overlooked will assume all the rehabilitation liabili-
       TELEPHONE: 012-307-5000  FAX: 012-323-3400  ties. Exxaro will retain all coal export entitlement through
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Inlexso (Pty) Ltd. (interim)  Richards Bay Coal Terminal.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSORS: Absa Bank Ltd., Tamela Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       BANKERS: Absa Bank Ltd.
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