Page 128 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 128

JSE – EQU                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 2
             Equites Property Fund Ltd.                          Etion Ltd.
        EQU                                        ETI
       REG NO: 2013/080877/06  FOUNDED: 2013  LISTED: 2014  REG NO: 1987/001222/06  FOUNDED: 1987  LISTED: 2007
       NATURE OF BUSINESS:Equites Property FundLtd. listed as a Real Estate  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Etion Ltd. is a diversified digital technology
        Investment Trust (REIT) on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) on 18  provider. Our purpose is to advance humanity by improving the safety,
        June 2014 and its main business is the investment in and development of  productivity, connectivity and cyber security of our customers. The group
        modern logistic facilities.The company carries on its business directly and  creates digital solutions and products, digitilises business operations and
        through a number of subsidiaries, (collectively referred to as the group).  processes, connects people, entities, systems and things and secures
        All income producing properties are currently situated in Cape Town,  identities, information and transactions in the cyber arena.
        Gauteng and the UK.                       SECTOR: AltX
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—REITs—Industrial REITs  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 311
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 29                    DIRECTORS: Bester C (ld ind ne), de Kock E (ne),
       DIRECTORS: Benjamin-SwalesRE(ind ne), Brey M (ind ne),  van RensburgMJ(ind ne), Daka T (Chair, ne),
        Cross E (ind ne), Dreyer K (ne), Gouws A (ne), Khan N (ind ne),  Willis R C (Acting CEO), Naidoo N (Group CFO)
        Ntuli K (ind ne), Campher L (Chair, ind ne),  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020
        Lanfranchi G (Dep Chair, ne), Taverna-Turisan A (CEO),  T Daka               26.18%
        Gous R (COO), Razack L (Acting CFO)         Clive Douglas Investments        13.82%
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 28 Feb 2020  Investec                        4.53%
         Government Employees Pension Fund  11.90%  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 95361, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0145
         Old Mutual Group                  7.10%  MORE INFO:
         Newshelf 1331 (Pty) Ltd. (Brimstone)  6.30%  COMPANY SECRETARY: Wyna Modisapodi
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 7391, Roggebaai, 8012  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       MORE INFO:  DESIGNATED ADVISOR: Exchange Sponsors 2008 (Pty) Ltd.
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Riaan Gous              AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Java Capital (Pty) Ltd.           CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.                         ETO  Ords no par value  1 725 490 196  564 411 033
       EQU  Ords no par val  2 000 000 000  628 715 583  Ords no par value  Ldt  Pay   Amt
                                                  Final             30 May 08  9 Jun 08  4.00
       Ords no par val     Ldt  Pay   Amt  Scr/100  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 1m shares p.w., R206 082.8(11.3% p.a.)
       Interim No 13   27 Oct 20  2 Nov 20  74.44  4.59   ALSH       40 Week MA   ETION
       Final No 12     19 May 20 25 May 20  76.96  5.02
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 6m shares p.w., R107.2m(51.6% p.a.)
               REIV       40 Week MA   EQUITES
                                           1455                                        40
                                           1083      2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  NOTES: Ansys Ltd. changed to Etion Ltd. on 11 July 2018
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                           338    (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                              Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Turnover    247 432  572 889  595 939  572 562  806 019
       (R million)  Aug 20  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  Feb 17  Op Inc  11 321  - 34 723  10 174  46 521  100 206
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  4 220  8 507  9 544  4 168  6 026
       NetRent/InvInc  441  878  659   486  425   Minority Int    -     -     -   - 49  - 125
       Total Inc      454  864   580   719  604   Att Inc       4 935  - 36 128  - 2 729  33 473  67 876
       Attrib Inc    - 122  682  670   870  785   TotCompIncLoss  4 935  - 36 128  - 2 730  33 424  67 751
       TotCompIncLoss  395  953  1 009  718  633  Fixed Ass    45 776  43 339  48 455  50 294  53 158
       Ord UntHs Int  10 724  9 730  8 520  6 299  4 947  Inv & Loans  1 020  240  -  -  -
       FixedAss/Prop  16 174  14 850  11 968  8 079  6 001  Tot Curr Ass  239 972  286 241  330 613  285 379  304 794
       Tot Curr Ass   536  187   163   240  384   Ord SH Int  313 557  308 627  343 294  302 446  268 793
       Total Ass    16 892  15 203  12 239  8 484  6 519  Minority Int  -  -  -    -   229
       Tot Curr Liab  719  568   312   170  381
                                                  LT Liab      59 363  83 432  42 542  32 952  38 060
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Tot Curr Liab  135 660  158 023  206 608  134 550  176 722
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 7.60  125.90  109.40  164.70  165.30  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       DPS (ZARc)    74.44  151.39  138.43  123.86  110.37  HEPS-C (ZARc)  0.87  - 0.87  - 0.53  7.29  14.71
       NAV PS (ZARc)  1 744.00 1 755.00 1 722.17 1 536.00 1 412.00  NAV PS (ZARc)  55.55  54.68  66.53  65.60  58.40
       3 Yr Beta     0.43  0.64  0.35  0.39   -   3 Yr Beta     0.76  0.36  - 0.90  0.24  1.31
       Price Prd End  1 720  1 727  2 008  1 999  1 610  Price High  18  35  72   139  174
       Price High    1 900  2 417  2 200  2 346  1 610  Price Low  7    5    28   61    58
       Price Low     1 294  1 655  1 682  1 600  1 190  Price Prd End  12  8  34  72   125
       RATIOS                                     RATIOS
       RetOnSH Funds  - 2.31  7.08  8.26  13.91  15.99  Ret on SH Fnd  3.15  - 11.71  - 0.79  11.05  25.18
       RetOnTotAss   5.37  5.68  4.74  8.48  9.26  Oper Pft Mgn  4.58  - 6.06  1.71  8.13  12.43
       Debt:Equity   0.49  0.49  0.38  0.30  0.27  D:E          0.23  0.31  0.29  0.17  0.16
       OperRetOnInv  5.45  5.91  5.50  6.01  7.08  Current Ratio  1.77  1.81  1.60  2.12  1.72
       OpInc:Turnover  86.41  88.34  85.98  84.67  84.59
   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133