Page 127 - 2021 Issue 2
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Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – EPP
                      EPP N.V.                    CALENDAR               Expected     Status
                                                  Annual General Meeting  7 May 2021  Confirmed
                                                  Next Interim Results   Sep 2021  Unconfirmed
                                                  Next Final Results     Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
                                                  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
                                                  EPP  Ords of EUR 0.81 ea  2 572 645 659  907 946 792
                                                  DISTRIBUTIONS [EURc]
                                                  Ords of EUR 0.81 ea   Ldt     Pay    Amt
                                                  Interim No 6       1 Oct 19  7 Oct 19  5.80
       ISIN: NL0011983374  SHORT: EPP   CODE: EPP
       REG NO: 64965945  FOUNDED: 2016  LISTED: 2016  Final No 5     2 Apr 19  8 Apr 19  5.78
                                                  Interim No 4       2 Oct 18  8 Oct 18  5.82
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       Final No 3        10 Apr 18  16 Apr 18  5.68
        EPP is a Dutch based real estate investment company and one  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 3m shares p.w., R26.7m(16.5% p.a.)
        of the leading owners of retail space in Poland. The majority of  REDS  40 Week MA  EPP
        its properties are located in the main and regional cities across              2822
        the country. EPP operates in a market characterised by its
        strong and resilient economy, growing purchasing power and                     2353
        ability to attract international investment interests. EPP is the
        only JSE-listed property company with a retail focus on
        Poland.The portfoliospans 29retailproperties, six officesand                   1415
        one development project across Poland.
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—InvestmentServices—Holdings
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Dec 2020    2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  477
         Redefine Properties Ltd.         45.44%
         Tensai Investments Pty) Ltd.      8.15%  Recent Announcements
         Government Employees Pension Fund  5.89%  Friday, 19 March 2021: Shareholders are advised that in response
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                        to the growing number of COVID-19 infections in Poland and
       (Amts in EUR’000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Europe, in particular the higher number of cases requiring
                     Final  Final  Final  Final Final(rst)
       NetRent/InvInc  114 205  148 100  142 674  103 255  67 302  hospital treatment, the Polish government has announced addi-
       Int Recd      1 174  6 229  4 865  7 419  7 339  tional restrictions including the partial limitation of shopping
       Profit/Loss before tax  - 95 310  87 780  137 592  160 905  91 752  centre operations from 20 March 2021 to 9 April 2021.
       Tax          - 7 405  21 615  13 427  32 557  19 424  As a result, the operations of all Polish shopping centres will be
       Attrib Inc  - 87 905  65 181  124 165  128 348  72 328  temporarily limited for the period of three weeks. Based on the
       TotCompIncLoss  - 187 800  76 047  118 356  128 498  71 894  governmentalannouncement,essentialstoreswillbeallowedto
       Hline Erngs-CO  99 961  61 120  87 454  46 053  32 045  continue trading. Assuming that the same categories as in
       Ord UntHs Int  897 972 1 087 372 1 022 688  833 821  607 438
       TotStockHldInt  897 972 1 087 372 1 022 688  833 821  607 438  previous lockdown will be included in essential stores, they con-
       Investments  2 288 168 2 492 501 2 340 435 1 771 581 1 413 717  stitute approximately 30% of EPP’s retail portfolio by GLA.
       FixedAss/Prop   -     -     -   47    85    Other businesses such as non-essential retail, cinemas,
       Tot Curr Ass  177 484  105 661  111 355  154 569  85 564  theatres, sport facilities and hotels will be required to suspend
       Total Ass   2 476 367 2 606 715 2 471 715 1 952 114 1 509 398  their operations.
       Tot Curr Liab  76 437  75 506  61 815  176 583  83 502
                                                   The proposed regulations are intended to slow down the pace of
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      new infections by limiting people’s mobility, reducing social
       EPLU (ZARc)  - 182.26  121.33  240.39  301.02  320.72  contact and encouraging Poles to stay home. Importantly,
       HEPLU-C (ZARc)  206.88  111.94  168.90  108.74  141.64
       Pct chng p.a.  84.8  - 33.7  55.3  - 23.2  -  Poland’s vaccination programme is advancing well. Almost 4.9
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  16.6  -  -    -     -    million coronavirus vaccines have been administered as of today.
       DPLU (ZARc)     -  94.36  194.51  163.20  42.71  That is equivalent to 13 doses per 100 people (compared to the
       Pct chng p.a.  - 100.0  - 51.5  19.2  282.1  -  EU-wide average of 11.3 as at 14 March 2021). It is expected that
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  30.0  -  -    -     -    Poland will further increase its vaccination rate, thereby reaching
       NAV (ZARc)  1 952.19 2 067.20 2 223.45 1 961.52 1 675.04  the required minimum herd immunity faster. We believe that
       3 Yr Beta      1.59  - 0.08  -   -     -
       Price Prd End  1 035  1 715  1 875  1 700  1 950  these measures, together with Poland’s vaccination programme,
       Price High    1 774  2 100  2 183  2 199  2 450  will allow Poland to quickly reduce the number of new infections
       Price Low      434  1 631  1 382  1 315  1 900  and lift the introduced limitations.
       RATIOS                                      As evidenced in EPP’s most recent annual results, the company’s
       RetOnSH Funds  - 9.79  5.99  12.14  15.39  11.91  liquidity position remains stable with no debt maturities in the
       RetOnTotAss    3.14  6.05  6.93  5.68  5.00  next 12 months and sufficient access to cash resources.
       Oper Pft Mgn  58.07  96.39  108.76  73.09  79.26
       Debt:Equity    1.61  1.26  1.29  1.16  1.34  Friday, 12 March 2021: Shareholders are referred to the announce-
       OperRetOnInv   4.99  5.94  6.10  6.21  4.86  ments released on SENS and published on the Luxembourg
       OpInc:Turnover  85.35  90.51  90.58  67.73  69.34  Stock Exchange on:
       SH Ret On Inv   -  78.79  157.86  137.54  41.21  - 4 December 2017 wherein shareholders were advised that EPP
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 212                    would acquire 12 shopping centres consisting of 8 Metro
       DIRECTORS: Trzoslo T (CEO),                 branded shopping centres and 4 Power Parks, with the third
        Baginski J (CFO), Weisz R (Chair, ind ne),  tranche of properties (comprising 4 Power Parks situated in
        Belka M (ind ne), de Groot T (ind ne),
        Dyjas M (ne), Ellerine D (ind ne), Konig AJ(ne),  Olsztyn, Tychy, Kielce and Opole, with a total GLA of 110 000
        Prinsloo P (ne), Templeton J W A (ind ne)  m2) (“tranche 3 of the Metro portfolio”) contractually set to be
       EMAIL:              acquired in June 2020; and
       WEBSITE:                - 20 October 2020 wherein shareholders were advised that the
       TELEPHONE: 004822-221-7110
       FAX: 004822-430-0301        Scan the QR code to  closing of the purchase of tranche 3 of the Metro portfolio was
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Rafal Kwiatkowski  visit our website  extended until June 2021 andthat the purchase price fortranche
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare           3 of the Metro Portfolio was reduced to EUR106 million.
        Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.               The conditions precedent for the purchase of tranche 3 of the
       SPONSOR: Java Capital                       Metro portfolio have now been fulfilled and the acquisition of
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc., Ernst & Young LLP
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