Page 121 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 121

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – DIS
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
               SAPY       40 Week MA   DIPULA A
                                                  (R million)  Aug 20  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  Feb 17
                                           1199               Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)
                                                  Turnover     12 807  23 984  21 420  19 480  17 897
                                                  Op Inc         607  1 248  1 376  1 125  1 127
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  167  380  345   160  225
                                                  Minority Int   12    30    28   14    43
                                           691    Att Inc        309  598   719   684  612
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  321  628  747   698  655
                                                  Fixed Ass     3 167  3 095  2 995  1 182  995
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  7 349  6 832  6 849  5 471  4 710
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Ord SH Int    2 567  2 253  1 886  1 631  1 106
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Minority Int   53    61    64   55    24
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Aug 20  Aug 19  Aug 18  Aug 17  Aug 16  LT Liab  3 076  3 109  2 852  1 389  1 522
                     Final  Final  Final  Final Final(rst)  Tot Curr Liab  5 554  5 163  5 719  4 060  3 250
       NetRent/InvInc  827 930  894 146  754 054  684 310  683 728  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Total Inc   859 238  920 146  796 157  704 916  692 268  HEPS-C (ZARc)  36.00  69.60  83.60  79.60  74.70
       Attrib Inc  119 071  681 574  471 540  387 922  666 049  DPS (ZARc)  -  12.79  34.17  31.47  7.35
       TotCompIncLoss  143 162  733 605  482 922  406 875  683 719  NAV PS (ZARc)  298.45  269.07  226.69  196.00  131.40
       Ord UntHs Int  5 295 022 5 426 917 5 308 816 4 424 473 4 194 414  3 Yr Beta  - 0.07  1.11  -  -  -
       FixedAss/Prop  9 094 502 8 837 313 8 607 859 6 883 958 6 964 389  Price High  2 757  2 930  3 844  3 995  2 592
       Tot Curr Ass  227 048  330 358  328 545  417 202  300 554  Price Low  1 650  1 982  2 353  2 140  2 048
       Total Ass  9 584 462 9 523 602 9 273 384 7 406 956 7 317 641  Price Prd End  1 826  2 162  2 580  3 445  2 398
       Tot Curr Liab  1 131 424  994 283 1 206 672  676 344  360 373
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Ret on SH Fnd  24.54  27.15  38.31  50.00  66.90
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  51.28  102.19  111.51  93.33  103.84  Oper Pft Mgn  4.74  5.21  6.42  5.80  6.50
       DPS (ZARc)      -  110.25  105.81  101.30  96.47  D:E    0.45  0.44  0.64  0.76  1.10
       NAV PS (ZARc)  1 000.00 1 025.00 1 003.02 1 012.62 1 045.70  Current Ratio  1.32  1.32  1.20  1.35  1.45
       3 Yr Beta     0.12  - 0.07  0.15  0.02  - 0.01  Div Cover  -   5.44  2.45  2.53  10.20
       Price Prd End  559  1 050  960  995  1 142
       Price High    1 100  1 130  1 050  1 163  1 199        Discovery Ltd.
       Price Low      489  120   640   940  400
       RATIOS                                     ISIN: ZAE000022331  SHORT: DISCOVERY  CODE: DSY
       RetOnSH Funds  2.58  13.08  8.84  9.20  15.81  ISIN: ZAE000158564  SHORT: DSY B PREF  CODE: DSBP
       RetOnTotAss   9.00  9.74  8.69  9.53  9.52  REG NO: 1999/007789/06  FOUNDED: 1992  LISTED: 1999
       Debt:Equity   0.68  0.66  0.65  0.65  0.67  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Discovery is a South African-founded diversified
       OperRetOnInv  9.10  10.12  8.76  9.94  9.82  financial services organisation that operates in health insurance, life
       OpInc:Turnover  64.11  66.81  66.07  63.97  64.18  insurance,long-termsavingsandinvestments,short-termandcommercial
                                                   insurance, banking and behaviour-change programmes.
                                                  SECTOR: Fins—Insurance—Life Insurance—Life Insurance
             Dis-Chem Pharmacies Ltd.             NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 12 980
        DIS                                       DIRECTORS: Bosman H (ne), Brink DrBA(ne), de BruynSEN(ne),
       ISIN: ZAE000227831  SHORT: DIS-CHEM  CODE: DCP  Farber R (ne), Kallner H D, KhanyileFN(ne), Koopowitz N S,
       REG NO: 2005/009766/06  FOUNDED: 1978  LISTED: 2016  Maphai DrTV(ne), Ntsaluba Dr A, OwenAL(ne), Pollard A,
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Dis-Chem is a leading retail pharmacy group in  Schreuder M (ind ne), Swartzberg B, ZilwaSV(ne),
        South Africa with a "Pharmacy First" approach meaning that ALL stores  Tucker M (Chair, ind ne), Gore A (CEO), Viljoen D M (Group CFO)
        have a dispensary.                        MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 02 Feb 2021
       SECTOR:CnsStp—PcDrugs&Groceries—PcDrugs&Groceries—DrugRetailers  Rand Merchant Investment Holdings Ltd.  25.04%
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 18 710                  Government Employees Pension Fund  7.87%
       DIRECTORS: Saltzman S E (Alternate), Bowman M (ind ne), Coovadia  Gore A       7.67%
        DrA(ind ne), Mthimunye J (ind ne), SithebeAK(ind ne), Nestadt L M  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 786722, Sandton, 2146
        (Chair, ind ne), Saltzman I L (CEO), Saltzman L F (MD),  MORE INFO:
        Morais R M (CFO)                          COMPANY SECRETARY: N N Mbongo
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 29 Feb 2020  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
         Ivlyn (Pty) Ltd.                 52.67%  SPONSOR: Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Ltd.)
         Government Employees Pension Fund  7.91%  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
         Stansh (Pty) Ltd.                 5.48%
       MORE INFO:  DSY  Ords 0.1c ea   1 000 000 000  665 768 601
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Nikki Lumley            DSBP  B Prefs R100 ea  20 000 000  8 000 000
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       SPONSOR: Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.  Ords 0.1c ea        Ldt     Pay    Amt
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.               Interim No 28     17 Mar 20  23 Mar 20  101.00
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  Final No 27        1 Oct 19  7 Oct 19  114.00
       DCP  Ords no par val  1 500 000 000  860 084 483  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 9m shares p.w., R989.1m(66.9% p.a.)
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                               LIFE       40 Week MA  DISCOVERY
       Ords no par val       Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Interim No 6      26 Nov 19  2 Dec 19  12.79                                    19000
       Final No 5         4 Jun 19  10 Jun 19  13.47
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 5m shares p.w., R114.2m(32.8% p.a.)
               CONS       40 Week MA  DIS-CHEM
                                           2951      2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
            2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126