Page 117 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 117

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – COR
       COMPANY SECRETARY: CIS Company Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.
                                                            40 Week MA         CORONAT
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Java Capital Trustees and Sponsors (Pty) Ltd.                          8450
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       CIL  Ords no par value  600 000 000  402 091 069                                6190
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 816 327 shares p.w., R424 944.5(10.6% p.a.)
               ALSH       40 Week MA    CIL
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
                                           1724                 Final  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  Turnover      3 642  3 291  3 848  3 919  4 046
                                                  Op Inc        1 719  1 516  1 933  1 991  2 047
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  7   - 13  - 14  - 14  - 13
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  Att Inc  1 394  1 196  1 471  1 523  1 574
       NOTES: The company changed its year-end from 31 August to 31 December  TotCompIncLoss  1 391  1 203  1 526  1 590  1 611
        from 2019.                                Fixed Ass      18    18    20   21    31
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Inv & Loans  49 473  49 603  51 424  55 721  64 007
       (R million)  Dec 19  Aug 19  Aug 18  Aug 17  Aug 16  Tot Curr Ass  1 249  1 130  1 268  1 122  1 036
                     Final  Final Final(rst)  Final  Final  Ord SH Int  2 175  2 034  2 096  2 106  2 042
       Turnover       955  3 169  3 137  4 369  4 532  Minority Int  130  147  160  166  136
       Op Inc        - 186  - 990  - 1 183  - 93  402  LT Liab  50 112  49 775  51 744  55 892  64 432
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  94  261   222   104  108   Tot Curr Liab  1 381  1 196  1 156  932  848
       Minority Int   - 2  - 12   - 6  - 4   - 2  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Att Inc       - 282  - 1 331  - 1 672  - 147  395  HEPS-C (ZARc)  398.50  341.90  420.70  437.50  447.60
       TotCompIncLoss  - 307  - 1 302  - 1 655  283  456  DPS (ZARc)  383.00  341.00  420.00  437.00  447.00
       Fixed Ass      506  521   527   514  467   NAV PS (ZARc)  621.79  581.48  599.20  602.06  583.76
       Tot Curr Ass  2 152  3 003  3 324  4 304  4 872  3 Yr Beta  0.91  0.56  0.79  0.73  1.12
       Ord SH Int     261  575  1 099  3 841  3 392  Price High  4 500  5 648  8 649  7 922  7 882
       Minority Int   - 26  - 22  - 8  - 2    1   Price Low     2 436  3 882  5 378  5 882  4 525
       LT Liab        583  565  1 075  229  1 110  Price Prd End  4 032  4 169  5 389  6 730  7 024
       Tot Curr Liab  3 195  3 705  3 166  2 943  2 253
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Ret on SH Fnd  60.48  54.84  65.20  67.03  72.27
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 72.00  - 366.00  - 612.00  - 77.94  255.30  Oper Pft Mgn  47.20  46.07  50.23  50.80  50.59
       NAV PS (ZARc)  65.00  150.00  560.00 1 956.00 2 162.00  D:E  21.74  22.89  22.94  24.67  29.65
       3 Yr Beta     0.54  - 0.05  0.39  0.08  0.76  Current Ratio  0.90  0.94  1.10  1.20  1.22
       Price High     170  394  1 474  2 700  3 580  Div Cover  1.04  1.00  1.00  1.00  1.01
       Price Low      77    85   265  1 322  2 500
       Price Prd End  140  160   360  1 405  2 570         Crookes Brothers Ltd.
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 362.86  - 243.20  - 153.86  - 3.92  11.58  ISIN: ZAE000001434  SHORT: CROOKES  CODE: CKS
       Oper Pft Mgn  - 19.51  - 31.23  - 37.70  - 2.13  8.88  REG NO: 1913/000290/06  FOUNDED: 1913  LISTED: 1948
       D:E           4.70  2.23  1.47  0.16  0.34  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Crookes Brothers Ltd. is a South African
       Current Ratio  0.67  0.81  1.05  1.46  2.16  company with agricultural operationsin the KwaZulu-Natal,Mpumalanga
                                                   and Western Cape provinces of South Africa, as well as in Swaziland,
                                                   Zambia and Mozambique.
           Coronation Fund Managers Ltd.           The group’s head office is located at Mount Edgecombe, Durban.
        COR                                       SECTOR: ConsStaples—Food,Beverage&Tobacco—Food Producers—Farmers
       REG NO: 1973/009318/06  FOUNDED: 1993  LISTED: 2003  DIRECTORS: ChanceRGF(ind ne), CrookesTJ(ne), DentonTK(ne),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Coronation Fund Managers was founded in Cape  Mnganga Dr P (ind ne), RiddleLW(ne), RutherfordMT(ind ne),
        Town, South Africa in 1993. The company is an investment-led,  Stewart R (ind ne), Vaughan-Smith G (ne), Xaba T (ne), Sinclair K
        owner-managed business, with staff ownership of 25%. The company is  (CEO), Veale G L (Group FD)
        also an active investment manager with a long-term valuation-driven  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020
        investment approach.
       SECTOR: Fins–FinServcs–InvBnkng&BrokerServcs–AssMgrs&Custodians  Silverlands (SA) Plantations SARL  44.80%
                                                    Oasis Asset Management
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 336                     Ellingham Estate (Pty) Ltd.       5.50%
       DIRECTORS: Boyce L (ind ne), Brown N (ind ne), February J (ind ne),  POSTAL ADDRESS:POBox611, Mt.Edgecombe, KwaZulu-Natal,4300
        Hadebe P (ind ne), McKenzieJD(ind ne), Nelson Dr H (ind ne),  MORE INFO:
        Nhlumayo M (ind ne), Ntombela S (ind ne), Watson Prof A (ld ind ne),
        Pather S (Chair, ind ne), Pillay A (CEO), Musekiwa M (CFO)  COMPANY SECRETARY: Ziyanda Ngwenya
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 12 Feb 2021  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
         Government Employees Pension Fund  10.76%  SPONSORS: Sasfin Capital, a division of Sasfin Bank Ltd.
         The Imvula Trust                  7.75%  AUDITORS: BDO
         Allan Gray                        6.09%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 44684, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735  CKS  Ords 25c ea  16 000 000  15 264 317
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Nazrana Hawa            Ords 25c ea           Ldt     Pay    Amt
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  Interim No 206  2 Jan 18  8 Jan 18  35.00
       SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.            Final No 205        4 Jul 17  10 Jul 17  115.00
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young
                                                  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 14 217 shares p.w., R640 226.9(4.8% p.a.)
       CML  Ords 0.01c ea    750 000 000  349 799 102
       Ords 0.01c ea         Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 34        8 Dec 20  14 Dec 20  205.00
       Interim No 33      9 Jun 20  15 Jun 20  178.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R178.0m(63.1% p.a.)
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122