Page 226 - SHB 2020 Issue 1
P. 226

JSE – ROY                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 1
                                                  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
            Royal Bafokeng Platinum Ltd.          EPS (ZARc)   - 70.80  78.10  - 390.60  87.60 - 1 589.20
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 70.80  25.00  56.40  86.70  - 83.20
                                                    Pct chng p.a.  - 666.4  - 55.7  - 34.9  204.2  - 134.9
                                                    Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  3.3  27.8  27.2  - 16.2
                                                  NAV PS (ZARc)  6 463.52 8 155.28 5 549.21 5 817.98 5 713.58
                                                  3 Yr Beta     0.67  0.03  0.83  1.39  1.37
                                                  Price High    3 845  3 500  4 340  5 300  5 996
                                                  Price Low     2 463  1 500  2 650  2 235  2 261
                                                  Price Prd End  3 460  2 648  2 800  3 561  2 665
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd  - 1.99  1.62  - 4.55  1.77  - 26.01
       ISIN: ZAE000149936  SHORT: RBPLAT  CODE: RBP  Ret On Tot Ass  - 0.31  1.99  2.47  2.12  0.58
       ISIN: ZAE000243853  SHORT: RBP CONV  CODE: RBPCB  Oper Pft Mgn  1.55  8.54  8.92  7.20  - 1.31
       REG NO: 2008/015696/06 FOUNDED: 2002  LISTED: 2010  D:E  0.48  0.58  0.40  0.28  0.28
                                                  Int Cover      n/a   n/a  7.73  n/a  56.74
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       Current Ratio  3.03  5.32  1.96  2.02  2.27
        The company is an independently operated and managed,  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 9 552
        mid-tier PGM (Platinum Group Metal) producer whose    DIRECTORS: Ledger P (ind ne), Lucht U (ne),
        current mining op er a tions and planned expansion prospects  Matlala Z (ind ne), Moffett M (ind ne),
        are based on the Bushveld Igneous Complex (the Bushveld  Mokgosi-Mwantembe T (ind ne),
                                                               Moodley A (ne), Phetwe O (ne),
        complex) in the North West province, South Africa, the  Rogers M H (ind ne), Smith G L (ne),
        largest source of PGMs in the world. RBPlat was formed to  Stephens L (ind ne),
        exploit PGMs in the Merensky and UG2 Reefs on the BRPM,  Moroka Adv K D (Chair, ind ne), Phiri S D
        Styldrift and Frischgewaagd properties in the Rustenburg  (CEO), Rossouw H (CFO)
        area. The PGM resources on the Styldrift and Frischgewaagd  Scan the QR code to  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 2283, Fourways,
                                                   visit our website
        farms have been iden ti fied as hosting the last un de vel oped  EMAIL:
        sub-outcrops of the Merensky Reef on the western limb of the  WEBSITE:
        Bushveld Complex. RBPlat produces approximately 368  TELE PHONE: 010-590-4510  FAX: 086-572-8047
        thousand 4E ounces per annum and has a total resource base  COMPANY SECRETARY: Lester Jooste (ACIS)
        of 68.3 million 4E ounces.                TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                  SPONSOR: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd.
        The mining op er a tions are Merensky biased with UG2 being  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
        mined  on a replacement basis. The mining plan currently  BANKERS: Nedbank Ltd.
        focuses on the shallow Merensky Reef on the BRPM property,  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        and expansion to the Merensky Reef on the Styldrift property.  Next Final Results  Mar 2020  Un con firmed
        UG2 is currently being mined on a supplemental basis at  Annual General Meeting  Apr 2020  Un con firmed
        BRPM, with the UG2 pro duc tion in creas ing com men su rately  Next Interim Results  Aug 2020  Un con firmed
        with the depletion of the Merensky resource.  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        The company’s brownfield Merensky expansion project on the   RBP  Ords 1c each  1 000 000 000  257 277 317
        neigh bour ing Styldrift farm which is con tig u ous to BRPM is  LIQUIDITY: Nov19 Ave 959 987 shares p.w., R31.7m(19.4% p.a.)
        well advanced. Styldrift is a new mine de vel op ment sunk to a  PLAT  40  Week  MA  RBPLAT
        depth of 753 metres. Styldrift as well as the ac qui si tion of the            7450
        Maseve concentrator has the potential to increase the
        Company’s pro duc tion to ap prox i mately 410ktpm of milled                   6233
        ore, yielding ap prox i mately 320koz platinum-in-con cen trate
        per annum. Capital ex pen di ture on the Styldrift project to date
        (at 30 September 2019) is R12.65 billion. Styldrift is expected                3798
        to achieve steady state pro duc tion of 230ktpm by the third
        quarter of 2020.
        The company has the benefit of en trenched broad-based black  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  1364
        economic empowerment (“BEE”) ownership by the Royal
        Bafokeng Nation (through its wholly-owned investment  Recent Announcements
        vehicle Royal Bafokeng Holdings (Pty) Ltd. (“RBH”).  Wednesday, 16 October 2019: RBPlat released a quarterly review
                                                   and pro duc tion report for the Period 1 July to 30 September
       SECTOR: Basic Materials—Basic Resrcs—Mining—Plat&Prcs Metals  2019 and Styldrift progress update.
       CONTROLLED BY: Royal Bafokeng Platinum Holdings (Pty) Ltd
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 25 Oct 2019  Overview
         Royal Bafokeng Platinum Holdings (Pty) Ltd.  40.21%  - Zero fa tal i ties with double digit im prove ments being recorded
         Allan Gray                       21.70%   in our LTIFR and SIFR
         Kagiso Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.  6.91%  - 9.2% increase in tonnes delivered to con cen tra tors
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                         21.3% increase in Styldrift delivered tonnes
       (R million)  Jun 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Dec 15
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final   1.5% increase in BRPM delivered tonnes
       Turnover      3 163  3 627  3 499  3 342  3 045  - 2.1% increase in tonnes milled
       Op Inc         49   310   312   241  - 40  - 2.1% and 1.8% re spec tive reduction in platinum and 4E metals
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  201  - 74  - 85  - 84  - 81  in con cen trate
       Tax            - 51  61    84   - 8  - 753  - BRPM cost per 4E ounce increased by 15.1% year to date
       Minority Int    -   100    96   94   - 722  - 60.1% reduction in capital expenditure as Styldrift project
       Att Inc       - 164  156  - 753  168  - 3 045
       TotCompIncLoss  - 164  256  - 657  263  - 3 767  activity nears completion and becomes  commercially op era-
       Hline Erngs-CO  - 164  50  109  167  - 160  tional as of January 2019
       Fixed Ass    20 433  20 309  17 599  16 317  15 896  Safety
       Inv & Loans    278  267   200   182  146    In line with our as pi ra tion of zero harm we are pleased to report
       Def Tax Asset  62    70    47   39    35    that no fatal accidents were recorded during the reporting
       Tot Curr Ass  4 105  4 027  3 697  2 704  2 611  period and that our lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) and
       Ord SH Int   16 561  15 729  10 670  11 156  10 920
       Minority Int    -     -  3 754  3 658  3 564  serious injury frequency rate (SIFR) improved by 33.4% and
       LT Liab       7 911  9 025  5 838  4 165  4 126  32.2% re spec tively, compared to the third quarter of 2018.
       Tot Curr Liab  1 355  756  1 884  1 339  1 149
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