Page 222 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 222

JSE – SPA                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                              NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 10 168
                The SPAR Group Ltd.                           DIRECTORS: Koyana L (ind ne),
        SPA                                                    WallerAG(ld ind ne), Botten B (CEO),
                                                               Godfrey M W (Group FD),
                                                               Hankinson M J (Chair, ind ne),
                                                               Mashologu M (ind ne), MehtaHK(ind ne),
                                                               Mnganga Dr P (ind ne), O'ConnorGO(ne)
                                                              POPULAR BRAND NAMES: S Buys Group,
                                                               SPAR, SUPERSPAR, KWIKSPAR, SPAR
                                                  Scan the QR code to  Express, TOPS at SPAR, Pharmacy at SPAR,
       ISIN: ZAE000058517  SHORT: SPAR  CODE: SPP              Bean Tree, SaveMor, Build it, EUROSPAR,
       REG NO: 1967/001572/06  FOUNDED: 1967  LISTED: 2004  visit our website
                                                               MACE, XL, Value Centre, Londis, Maxi
                                                              POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1589, Pinetown,
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                                    3600
        SPAR is the registered licensee of the SPAR brand in Southern  EMAIL:
        Africa. The company is also the registered owner of the TOPS  WEBSITE:
        and Build it trademarks. The nature of the relationship  TELEPHONE: 031-719-1900  FAX: 031-719-1990
        between the company and independently owned SPAR stores  COMPANY SECRETARY: Kevin O'Brien (Acting)
        (grocery outlets), TOPS stores (liquor outlets), Build it stores  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Link Market Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
                                                  SPONSOR: One Capital
        (building material outlets) and Pharmacy at SPAR stores is  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
        one of joint co-operation for the benefit of the members of this  BANKERS: Rand Merchant Bank Ltd.
        association. SPAR operates under ‘voluntary trading' princi-  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        pleswhich meansthatwhileweencourageourretailerstotake  Next Interim Results  19 May 2021  Estimate
        advantage of SPAR's trading power, our retailers can source  Next Final Results  Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
        goods from local traders. SPAR focuses on:  Annual General Meeting  Feb 2022  Unconfirmed
        * the wholesale distribution and supply of goods and services  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        to independently owned SPAR, TOPS, Build it and Pharmacy  SPP  Ords of 0.06c ea  250 000 000  192 602 355
        at SPAR stores from seven regional distribution centres;  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        * and the managing of voluntary trading groups.  Ords of 0.06c ea  Ldt  Pay    Amt
        SPAR's revenue stream is derived from the provision of goods  Final No 32  8 Dec 20  14 Dec 20  665.00
        and services to SPAR, TOPS, Build it and Pharmacy at SPAR  Interim No 31  9 Jun 20  15 Jun 20  200.00
                                                  Final No 30        3 Dec 19  9 Dec 19  516.00
        stores. The financial performance of independent retailers do  Interim No 29  4 Jun 19  10 Jun 19  284.00
        not form part of the company's financial results. The founda-  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R800.2m(117.1% p.a.)
        tions of SPAR's business have been built on the company's
                                                          FOOR       40 Week MA   SPAR
        core competencies of managing voluntary trading groups,
        providing distribution and logistical services, brand manage-
        ment and strong operational management.                                        23468
       SECTOR: CnsStp—PcDrugs&Groceries—PcDrugs&Groceries—Food                         21413
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Sep 2020
         Government Employees Pension Fund  18.39%                                     19359
         Coronation Fund Managers          7.56%
       (R million)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
                     Final  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  15250
       Turnover    124 277  109 477  101 018  95 373  90 689
       Op Inc        3 443  2 979  2 779  2 576  2 577  Recent Announcements
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  404  158   24   - 17  12   Thursday, 25 March2021: SPARshareholders (“Shareholders”) are
       Tax            740  618   637   645  624    referred to the announcement published on SENS on 28
       Minority Int  - 119   -    -     -     -    October 2020 wherein Shareholders were advised of the resigna-
       Att Inc       2 075  2 163  1 827  1 821  1 815
       TotCompIncLoss  2 433  1 843  2 091  2 231  1 562  tion of Ms Mandy Hogan as SPAR’s company secretary
       Hline Erngs-CO  2 184  2 173  1 860  1 835  1 833  (“CompanySecretary”)witheffectfrom31December2020,and
       Fixed Ass     8 725  7 184  6 652  6 554  6 160  are hereby notified that in accordance with paragraph 3.59(a) of
       Inv in Assoc   103  103   157   117   38    the JSE Ltd. Listing Requirements, the board of directors of the
       Inv & Loans    795  1 132  696  406  218    company wishes to advise that Mr Kevin O’Brien (“Mr
       Def Tax Asset  223   75    14   21    37    O’Brien”) hasbeenappointedasactingCompanySecretarywith
       Tot Curr Ass  24 363  19 841  18 176  17 021  16 968
       Ord SH Int    7 960  7 467  7 110  6 560  5 628  immediate effect.
       Minority Int   - 70   -    -     -     -    Mr O’Brien was the previous Company Secretary prior to being
       LT Liab      19 694  8 405  8 037  7 875  8 127  appointed as the Group Sustainability, Risk and Governance
       Tot Curr Liab  25 155  18 181  16 108  14 541  14 351  Executive and will act as acting Company Secretary for a limited
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      period until a permanent Company Secretary is appointed.
       EPS (ZARc)  1 078.70 1 124.10  948.90  945.50 1 010.00  Shareholders will be advised once a permanent Company
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 135.30 1 129.10  965.70  952.80 1 020.00  Secretary has been appointed.
       Pct chng p.a.  0.5  16.9  1.4  - 6.6  22.1
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  6.9  8.1  7.2  9.5  13.0
       DPS (ZARc)   865.00  800.00  729.00  675.00  665.00
       Pct chng p.a.  8.1   9.7  8.0   1.5   5.2
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  6.5  8.3  8.6  9.6  12.1
       NAV PS (ZARc)  4 102.20 3 879.90 3 692.20 3 407.00 3 140.10
       3 Yr Beta     0.07  0.64  1.05  0.95  0.79
       Price High   21 622  21 072  22 700  20 499  21 971
       Price Low    14 225  16 418  16 553  15 018  16 161
       Price Prd End  18 965  19 101  18 413  16 708  19 222
       Ret on SH Fnd  24.79  28.97  25.70  27.75  32.25
       Ret On Tot Ass  6.50  9.69  10.36  10.41  10.67
       Oper Pft Mgn  2.77  2.72  2.75  2.70  2.84
       D:E           2.70  1.46  1.13  1.24  1.53
       Int Cover     7.83  18.63  105.87  n/a  203.86
       Current Ratio  0.97  1.09  1.13  1.16  1.18
       Div Cover     1.25  1.41  1.32  1.41  1.52
   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227