Page 225 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 225

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – STE
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
               CONM       40 Week MA  STEFSTOCK
                                                  (EUR million)  Mar 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
                                           509                Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)
                                                  Turnover      6 241  11 992  11 435  12 493  16 130
                                                  Op Inc        - 681  - 389  221  - 150  278
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  639  995  578   372  391
                                                  Minority Int    3   - 222  55   42    42
                                           208    Att Inc      - 1 523  - 1 622  - 1 247  - 4 036  - 279
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 2 218  - 1 735  - 1 165  - 4 182  - 1 043
                                                  Fixed Ass     1 277  1 352  2 146  3 430  3 860
                                                  Inv & Loans     -     -   134   106  198
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  5 277  6 567  6 834  4 441  4 558
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Ord SH Int   - 4 520  - 2 371  - 521  924  5 500
       (R million)  Aug 20  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  Feb 17  Minority Int  1 071  1 273  1 162  1 166  590
                   Interim Final(rst)  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  LT Liab  13 366  11 068  2 949  1 387  1 967
       Turnover      1 662  5 316  9 875  10 390  9 150  Tot Curr Liab  4 994  4 631  12 780  14 028  12 967
       Op Inc        - 101  - 816  - 158  - 506  - 106  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  38   55    57   34    41   HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 545.46  - 278.83  - 158.51  - 76.80  - 107.33
       Minority Int   - 3   - 1   -    - 4  - 13  DPS (ZARc)      -     -     -    -  221.40
       Att Inc       - 246  - 1 071  - 111  - 543  - 137  NAV PS (ZARc)  - 2 056.50  - 910.97  - 198.76  346.65 2 345.97
       TotCompIncLoss  - 273  - 1 020  - 53  - 592  - 161  3 Yr Beta  0.70  1.86  1.33  0.41  0.92
       Fixed Ass      488  1 591  1 502  1 484  1 212  Price High  205  254  6 244  7 967  9 700
       Tot Curr Ass  5 076  4 039  3 996  4 057  3 960  Price Low  78  87   107  5 455  6 950
       Ord SH Int     459  730  1 746  1 794  2 387  Price Prd End  111  98  230  6 003  7 855
       Minority Int   - 20  - 18  - 14  - 4   4   RATIOS
       LT Liab        481  896   419   480  366   Ret on SH Fnd  88.14  167.94  - 185.96  - 191.10  - 3.11
       Tot Curr Liab  5 325  5 037  4 297  4 074  3 766  Oper Pft Mgn  - 10.91  - 3.24  1.93  - 1.20  1.72
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     D:E           - 4.08  - 10.99  17.65  5.23  1.67
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 86.01  - 474.72  - 70.12  67.51  10.94  Current Ratio  1.06  1.42  0.53  0.32  0.35
       NAV PS (ZARc)  274.38  436.43 1 043.95 1 058.49 1 385.65  Div Cover  -  -  -  -  - 0.55
       3 Yr Beta     0.79  - 0.63  - 0.66  1.60  1.45
       Price High     50   260   420   460  528     Steinhoff Investment Holdings Ltd.
       Price Low      12     5   140   170  335    STE
       Price Prd End  28    22   260   182  440   ISIN: ZAE000068367  SHORT: SHFINV-PREF  CODE: SHFF
       RATIOS                                     REG NO: 1998/003951/06  FOUNDED: 1964  LISTED: 1998
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 113.63  - 150.64  - 6.43  - 30.56  - 6.26  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Steinhoff is an integrated retailer that
                                                   manufactures, sources and retails furniture and household goods in
       Oper Pft Mgn  - 6.09  - 15.36  - 1.60  - 4.87  - 1.16  Europe, Africa and Australasia. In addition, the group owns diversified
       D:E           1.14  1.31  0.27  0.28  0.15  industrial businesses in southern Africa through supply chain solutions
       Current Ratio  0.95  0.80  0.93  1.00  1.05  and passenger services, timber products and manufacturing operations
                                                   across diverse industries.
        Steinhoff International Holdings N.V.     SECTOR: Add—Debt—Preference Shares—Pref Shares
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 79 818
       ISIN: NL0011375019  SHORT: STEINHOFF N.V. CODE: SNH  DIRECTORS: de Klerk T, du PreezLJ(ind ne), Nelson Dr H (ne),
       REG NO: 63570173  FOUNDED: 2015  LISTED: 2015  SonnHJ(ind ne), Moses M A (Chair, ne), Watson Prof A
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Steinhoff is an integrated retailer that retails,  (Dep Chair, ne)
        sources and manufactures household goods and general merchandise in the  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1955, Bramley, 2018
        United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and Australasia. Retail operations are  MORE INFO:
        positioned towards price conscious (value) consumer segments, providing  COMPANY SECRETARY: Steinhoff Secretarial Services (Pty) Ltd.
        them with affordable products through a vertically integrated supply chain.  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SECTOR: ConsDiscr—Retail—Retailers—DiversifiedRetailers  SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 105 000               AUDITORS: Mazars
       DIRECTORS: Copley P (ne), de Klerk T, Nelson Dr H (ne), Pauker D (ind  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        ne), Wakkie P (ne), Watson Prof A (ind ne), Moses M A (Chair, ind ne),  SHFF  Prefs no par value  1 000 000 000  15 000 000
        du Preez L J (CEO)
         The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.     1.63%  Ords 0.5c ea          Ldt     Pay    Amt
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 15803, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1001 CA  Final No 17  6 Nov 15  16 Nov 15  165.00
       MORE INFO:  Final No 16       7 Nov 14  17 Nov 14  150.00
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Sarah Radema            LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 66 979 shares p.w., R4.2m(23.2% p.a.)
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.                    ALSH       40 Week MA  SHFINV-PREF
       AUDITORS: Mazars                                                                10411
       SNH  Ords of EUR1c ea  17 500 000 000  4 269 609 051
       DISTRIBUTIONS [EURc]                                                            7347
       Ords of EUR1c ea      Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 19       14 Mar 17  20 Mar 17  3.00                                    5814
       Final No 18       29 Nov 16  6 Dec 16  12.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 33m shares p.w., R44.4m(40.7% p.a.)
               ALSH       40 Week MA  STEINHOFF N.V.  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                           10781  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)   Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17
                                           8638                  Final  Final(rst)  Final  Final(rst)
                                                  Turnover       63 679  61 504  64 347  57 985
                                                  Op Inc        - 9 491  7 573  - 428  - 4 286
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  1 971  1 087  1 479  1 710
                                                  Minority Int      -      -    561    536
                                           2211   Att Inc       - 13 684  3 938  - 3 597  - 6 169
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 13 360  3 484  - 5 026  - 6 536
                                           69     Fixed Ass      5 195  5 484  7 280  8 884
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Inv & Loans    2 526  3 226  8 381  7 072
                                                  Tot Curr Ass   44 436  48 119  35 979  25 855
   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230