Page 219 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 219

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                         JSE – SIL
       Mining Ass   60 600  57 480  54 558  51 445  27 241  RATIOS
       Inv & Loans    847  599   156    -     -   Ret on SH Fnd  7.11  5.13  - 15.97  10.71  26.49
       Tot Curr Ass  52 243  26 164  15 195  12 005  7 703  Oper Pft Mgn  4.88  3.55  - 9.60  8.64  13.82
       Tot Curr Liab  17 487  14 327  14 633  8 438  6 257  D:E  0.08  0.11  0.06  0.07  0.06
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Current Ratio  3.48  2.50  4.43  5.91  5.51
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 068.00  - 40.00  - 1.00  - 12.00  162.00  Div Cover  -  -  -  4.53  5.97
       DPS (ZARc)   371.00   -    -     -  145.00
       NAV (ZARc)  2 418.82 1 166.22 1 090.98 1 106.56 1 772.77  Sirius Real Estate Ltd.
       3 Yr Beta       -   2.08  1.34  2.93  2.68  SIR
       Price Prd End  6 000  3 589  1 002  1 582  2 539  ISIN: GG00B1W3VF54  SHORT: SIRIUS  CODE: SRE
       Price High    6 180  3 589  1 716  3 540  7 248  REG NO: 46442  FOUNDED: 2007  LISTED: 2014
       Price Low     1 537  950  682  1 414  2 144  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Listed on the main markets of the London and
                                                   Johannesburg Stock Exchanges, Sirius is the leading operator of branded
       RATIOS                                      business parks providing flexible workspace to the German SME market.
       Ret on SH fund  43.30  1.39  - 10.20  - 18.47  18.48  Since 2006, the Company haslookedtoacquire individualbusinessparksand
       Ret on Tot Ass  40.36  15.71  8.76  10.28  24.45  integrate them into its network of sites under the Sirius brand, whilst also
       Yield (g/ton)  0.80  0.84  0.99  2.29  2.33  reconfiguringandupgradingthespacetoappealtotheGermanSMEmarket.
       Price Received  967 229  676 350  552 526  536 378  586 319  SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—InvestmentServices—Holdings
       WrkCost(R/kg)  581 113  538 696  532 081  408 773  369 707  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 241
                                                  DIRECTORS: Britton C (ind ne), Cherry M (ind ne), Cleveland K (ind ne),
             SilverBridge Holdings Ltd.            PeggieAJ(ld ind ne), Kitchen D M (Chair, ne), Coombs A J (CEO),
                                                   Marks A (CFO), Swoboda R (COO)
        SIL                                       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 15 Mar 2021
       ISIN: ZAE000086229  SHORT: SILVERB  CODE: SVB  BlackRock, Inc.                10.07%
       REG NO: 1995/006315/06  FOUNDED: 1995  LISTED: 1999  Standard Life Aberdeen    9.41%
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: The Group comprises a group of companies  Bank of Montreal  7.25%
        providing business solutions to the financial services industry. The Group is a  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 119, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3HB
        highly specialised information technology and telecommunication (ITC)  MORE INFO:
        entity focusing on financial services operating in South Africa and Africa.
       SECTOR: AltX                               COMPANY SECRETARY: Anthony Gallagher
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 82                    TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DIRECTORS: BooiLS(ne), de Villiers J (ind ne), Govind H (ind ne),  SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.
        Makhubela J (ind ne), MurrayTC(ind ne), Emslie R (Chair, ind ne),  AUDITORS: Ernst & Young LLP
        Swanepoel J (CEO), Kuyper L (FD)          CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 04 Dec 2020  SRE  Ords no par        -   1 052 816 867
         MMI Strategic Investments        17.00%  DISTRIBUTIONS [EURc]
         NMT Group (Pty) Ltd.              7.00%
         The SilverBridge Employee Share Trust  6.51%  Ords no par    Ldt   Pay  Amt  Scr/100
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 11799, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, 0048  Interim No 12  14 Dec 20 21 Jan 21  1.82  1.86
       MORE INFO:  Final No 11      7 Jul 20 20 Aug 20  1.80  2.06
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Melinda Gous            LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R68.7m(20.7% p.a.)
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                          ALSH       40 Week MA   SIRIUS
       DESIGNATED ADVISOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: Mahdi Meyer Steyn Chartered Accountants Inc.
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       1739
       SVB  Ords 1c ea       200 000 000  33 589 069
       Ords 1c ea            Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 10        9 Oct 18  15 Oct 18  4.50
       Final No 9        10 Oct 17  16 Oct 17  7.00                                    962
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 98 679 shares p.w., R89 869.0(15.3% p.a.)
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
               ALSH       40 Week MA   SILVERB
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in EUR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17
                                                              Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  NetRent/InvInc  32 047  64 167  54 833  63 072  36 643
                                           235    Total Inc    33 364  65 198  54 908  63 085  36 666
                                                  Attrib Inc   56 549  98 136  128 657  81 272  66 911
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  56 598  98 145  128 722  81 363  66 936
                                           115    Ord UntHs Int  845 584  801 570  725 808  625 461  495 187
                                                  Investments  1 243 263 1 193 915  972 868  913 843  727 295
                                           55     FixedAss/Prop  2 595  2 374  3 438  3 126  2 564
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  145 487  146 500  212 055  140 243  158 985
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Total Ass  1 452 882 1 402 272 1 193 912 1 063 511  892 822
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  Tot Curr Liab  83 658  95 559  112 130  51 867  41 503
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
       Turnover     47 128  90 411  87 696  94 881  93 112  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Op Inc        2 301  3 214  - 8 423  8 195  12 872  HEPS-C (ZARc)  59.98  74.05  68.93  46.18  19.54
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 88  - 397  - 492  - 492  - 1 317  DPS (ZARc)  32.89  63.64  54.99  49.49  43.53
       Att Inc       1 744  2 528  - 7 539  5 906  13 070  NAV PS (ZARc)  1 766.10 1 529.03 1 156.24  919.22  797.04
       TotCompIncLoss  1 744  2 528  - 7 539  5 906  13 070  3 Yr Beta  0.41  0.41  0.33  - 0.13  -
       Fixed Ass      730  916  1 513  2 285  2 686  Price Prd End  1 552  1 431  1 205  1 045  847
       Tot Curr Ass  36 545  43 324  31 085  38 728  34 977  Price High  1 795  1 836  1 245  1 279  990
       Ord SH Int   49 081  49 324  47 194  55 126  49 348  Price Low  1 311  912  980  836  741
       LT Liab       4 053  5 603  3 061  3 775  3 026  RATIOS
       Tot Curr Liab  10 492  17 318  7 019  6 552  6 349  RetOnSH Funds  13.38  12.24  17.73  13.00  13.52
                                                  RetOnTotAss   4.90  4.82  4.61  5.95  4.12
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Debt:Equity   0.59  0.60  0.46  0.59  0.69
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  6.22  8.49  - 25.81  20.33  41.51  OperRetOnInv  5.14  5.36  5.62  6.88  5.02
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -    -   4.50  7.00  OpInc:Turnover  40.42  42.77  39.15  51.01  53.27
       NAV PS (ZARc)  176.35  169.98  162.06  190.09  170.19
       3 Yr Beta     0.20  - 0.64  - 0.92  0.11  0.74
       Price High     205  120   140   300  360
       Price Low      61    55    31   86   208
       Price Prd End  104   71    55   110  230
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