Page 220 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 220

JSE – SOU                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                    South32 Ltd.                        South Ocean Holdings Ltd.
        SOU                                        SOU
       ISIN: AU000000S320  SHORT: SOUTH32  CODE: S32
       REG NO: ABN84093732597  FOUNDED: 2015  LISTED: 2015
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: South32 is a global mining and metals company.
        South32 produce bauxite, alumina, aluminium, energy and metallurgical
        coal, manganese, nickel, silver, lead and zinc at operations in Australia,
        Southern Africa and South America. With a focus on growing base metals
        exposure, South32 also has two development options in North America
        and several partnerships with junior explorers around the world.  ISIN: ZAE000092748  SHORT: S.OCEAN  CODE: SOH
       SECTOR:BasicMaterials—BasicResrcs—IndMet&Min—GeneralMining  REG NO: 2007/002381/06  FOUNDED: 1989  LISTED: 2007
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 14 192                NATURE OF BUSINESS: South Ocean Holdings Ltd. is an investments
       DIRECTORS: Cooper F (ind ne), Lansdown G (ind ne), Liu Dr X (ind ne),  holding company that is listed on the main board of the JSE. The Group
        Mtoba N (ind ne), Osborn W (ind ne), Rumble K (ind ne),  manufactures low voltage electrical cables through its subsidiary, South
        Wood K (Chair, ind ne), Kerr G (MD & CE)   Ocean Electric Wire Company (Pty) Ltd. Its products are sold to wholesalers
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 18 Sep 2020  and distributors who supply mainly the building and construction industry.
         Schroder                          8.13%   South Ocean Holdings also has investments in a Hong Kong based company
         The Vanguard Group Inc.           6.01%   SOH Calibre International Ltd. and a property holding company.
         Blackrock Group                   5.09%  SECTOR: Inds—IndGS—E&EE—Elec
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Claire Tolcon           DIRECTORS: ChenC-F(ne), Chong M (ind ne), Lalla N (ind ne),
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  LiuCC(alt), PanDJC(alt, Brazil), Petersen B (alt),
       SPONSOR: UBS South Africa (Pty) Ltd.        Van Rensburg J (ne), YehJH(ind ne), Pon K H (Chair, ind ne),
                                                   Li H L (Deputy Vice Chair, ind ne, ROC), Smith A (CEO),
       AUDITORS: KPMG Inc.
                                                   Basson W P (CFO)
       S32  Ords no par value  5 324 000 000  4 774 149 163  Hong Tai Electric Industrial Group  30.74%
                                                    PanEHTand Family                 20.19%
       DISTRIBUTIONS [USDc]                         Joseph Investments (Pty) Ltd.    20.16%
       Ords no par value     Ldt    Pay     Amt   POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 123738, Alrode, 1451
       Interim No 10      9 Mar 21  8 Apr 21  1.40  EMAIL:
       Final No 9         8 Sep 20  8 Oct 20  1.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R91.4m(3.8% p.a.)  TELEPHONE: 011-864-1606  FAX: 086-628-9523
                                                  COMPANY SECRETARY: Whitney Thomas Green
               MINI       40 Week MA   SOUTH32
                                                  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                           4977   SPONSOR: AcaciaCap Advisors (Pty) Ltd.
                                                  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
                                                  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
                                           3407   SOH  Ords 1c ea       500 000 000  203 276 794
                                                  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
                                                  Ords 1c ea            Ldt     Pay    Amt
                                           1837   FinalNo 5         29 Mar21  6 Apr21  3.00
                                                  Final No 4        31 Mar 10  12 Apr 10  3.00
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 58 692 shares p.w., R16 647.6(1.5% p.a.)
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                               IIND       40 Week MA   S.OCEAN
       (USD million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
       Wrk Revenue   2 943  5 492  6 468  6 682  6 160                                 77
       Wrk Pft        170  261   887  1 719  1 795
       NetIntPd(Rcd)  126  139    84   100  171                                        63
       Att Inc        53   - 65  389  1 332  1 231
       TotCompIncLoss  35  - 87  432  1 475  1 258
       Ord SH Int    9 450  9 563  10 169  10 710  10 236                              34
       LT Liab       3 239  2 565  2 525  2 315  2 236
       Cap Employed  12 975  12 466  13 027  13 469  12 989  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  20
       Mining Ass   10 179  9 680  9 596  8 196  8 373
       Inv & Loans    420  460   688   697  569   FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       Tot Curr Ass  2 836  2 663  3 401  4 821  4 332  (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
       Tot Curr Liab  1 467  1 271  1 688  1 664  1 744
                                                  Turnover   1 743 027 1 557 318 1 727 792 1 425 777 1 433 648
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Op Inc       38 088  - 8 778  60 988  19 299  - 25 780
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  29.50  7.83  244.07  323.82  314.62  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  9 376  14 690  21 070  23 118  17 746
       DPS (ZARc)    21.11  50.18  136.50  144.47  129.51  Att Inc  26 939  - 15 861  - 3 664  - 57 350  - 39 139
       NAV (ZARc)   196.26 3 059.26 2 862.24 3 050.16 2 517.08  TotCompIncLoss  26 963  - 17 514  - 2 831  - 57 919  - 39 853
       3 Yr Beta     1.18  1.07  0.82  1.47   -   Hline Erngs-CO  27 080  - 8 406  7 019  - 56 193  - 25 722
       Price Prd End  2 818  2 435  3 112  3 681  2 705  Fixed Ass  220 358  204 839  191 650  293 035  289 699
       Price High    2 991  3 241  4 477  3 926  3 164  Tot Curr Ass  464 737  484 994  667 211  587 394  623 873
       Price Low     2 220  1 637  2 966  2 692  1 700  Ord SH Int  498 270  471 307  488 820  471 953  529 872
       RATIOS                                     LT Liab      59 494  61 315  73 382  84 648  87 543
       Ret on SH fund  1.12  - 0.68  3.83  12.44  12.03  Tot Curr Liab  136 584  173 180  296 659  328 293  325 727
       Ret on Tot Ass  0.62  0.90  5.54  10.86  11.21
                                                  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                                                  EPS (ZARc)    13.25  - 7.80  - 1.95  - 36.70  - 25.00
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  13.32  - 4.14  3.74  - 35.90  - 16.40
                                                  DPS (ZARc)    3.00    -     -    -     -
                                                  NAV PS (ZARc)  245.10  231.90  240.50  301.80  338.80
                                                  Price High     40    93    80   55    55
                                                  Price Low      19    35    10   28    30
                                                  Price Prd End  39    40    80   28    46
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd  5.41  - 3.37  - 0.75  - 12.15  - 7.39
                                                  Ret On Tot Ass  4.14  - 3.33  4.65  - 0.43  - 4.65
                                                  Oper Pft Mgn  2.19  - 0.56  3.53  1.35  - 1.80
                                                  D:E           0.15  0.23  0.29  0.30  0.54
   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225