Page 218 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 218

JSE – SHO                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       TotCompIncLoss  962  - 307  827  4 534  4 502
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Fixed Ass  14 918  18 265  21 444  21 218  18 407
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Inv & Loans  1 898  1 953  4 180  3 408  2 421
       Turnover    291 065  727 040  835 824  830 686  839 985  Tot Curr Ass  40 510  39 937  34 742  32 334  31 151
       Op Inc        8 962  - 4 566  14 696  54 328  84 750  Ord SH Int  19 408  19 851  22 101  24 096  27 658
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  6 762  17 830  13 957  17 283  19 523  Minority Int  147  143  106  82  91
       Att Inc     - 29 640  - 17 372  44 041  44 167  68 139  LT Liab  27 715  30 159  29 011  21 100  1 492
       TotCompIncLoss  - 29 640  - 17 372  44 041  42 960  68 139  Tot Curr Liab  36 811  32 573  29 764  32 912  26 482
       Fixed Ass   108 151  124 271  147 060  143 665  142 798  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Inv & Loans    121  2 000  2 000  2 000  2 000  HEPS-C (ZARc)  419.60  767.00  747.70  971.40 1 023.20
       Tot Curr Ass  151 114  122 363  123 003  160 671  183 343  DPS (ZARc)  191.00  383.00  319.00  484.00  504.00
       Ord SH Int  1 071 599 1 100 765 1 085 324 1 035 398  983 880  NAV PS (ZARc)  3 520.00 3 592.00 3 987.00 4 937.00 4 905.00
       LT Liab     135 807  133 392  103 665  143 930  202 063  3 Yr Beta  - 0.19  - 0.13  0.23  0.31  0.45
       Tot Curr Liab  135 151  103 598  130 310  127 747  125 263  Price High  15 173  16 751  22 964  28 190  21 450
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Price Low     9 930  9 501  14 883  19 320  15 871
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 13.47  - 7.97  21.08  20.92  33.37  Price Prd End  14 000  10 665  15 766  22 061  19 938
       NAV PS (ZARc)  421.08  432.54  521.25  501.79  484.74  RATIOS
       3 Yr Beta     0.29  0.40  0.05  0.33  0.81  Ret on SH Fnd  22.83  16.89  15.67  21.60  19.59
       Price High     74   200   280   325  484   Oper Pft Mgn  5.38  4.94  5.33  5.19  5.48
       Price Low      23    49   102   200  250   D:E           1.59  1.77  1.61  1.27  0.35
       Price Prd End  35    50   200   260  290   Current Ratio  1.10  1.23  1.17  0.98  1.18
       RATIOS                                     Div Cover     2.11  1.58  1.96  1.93  1.98
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 5.53  - 1.58  4.06  4.27  6.93
       Oper Pft Mgn  3.08  - 0.63  1.76  6.54  10.09      Sibanye Stillwater Ltd.
       D:E           0.13  0.12  0.10  0.18  0.24
       Current Ratio  1.12  1.18  0.94  1.26  1.46  ISIN: ZAE000259701  SHORT: SIBANYE-S  CODE: SSW
                                                  REG NO: 2014/243852/06  FOUNDED: 2002  LISTED: 2013
               Shoprite Holdings Ltd.             NATURE OF BUSINESS: Sibanye Stillwater is a leading international
                                                   precious metals mining company, with a diverse portfolio of platinum
        SHO                                        group metal (PGM) operations in the United States and Southern Africa,
       ISIN: ZAE000012084  SHORT: SHOPRIT  CODE: SHP  gold operations and projects in South Africa, and copper, gold and PGM
       REG NO: 1936/007721/06  FOUNDED: 1936  LISTED: 1936  exploration properties in North and South America.
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Shoprite is an investment holding company  SECTOR: Basic Materials–Basic Resrcs–PreciousMet&Min–Plat&PrecMet
        listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Ltd. in the "food retailers &  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 69 450
        wholesalers" sector. Secondary listings are also maintained on the  DIRECTORS: Cumming T (ind ne), Danson S (ind ne), Dorward-King E
        Namibian and Zambian Stock Exchanges. Cash income is derived mainly
        from dividends and interest. The consolidated annual financial statements  (ind ne), Kenyon-Slaney H (ind ne), MenellRP(ld ind ne), Nika N G
        of Shoprite and its subsidiaries also incorporate the equity accounted  (ind ne), RaynerKA(ind ne), van der Merwe S (ind ne), Vilakazi J S
        attributable income of associated companies and joint ventures.  (ind ne), ZilwaSV(ind ne), Maphai Dr V (Chair, ind ne), Froneman N
                                                   (CEO), Keyter C (CFO)
       SECTOR: CnsStp—PcDrugs&Groceries—PcDrugs&Groceries—Food  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 15 Oct 2020
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 141 452                 Gold One International Ltd.       9.93%
       DIRECTORS: BassonJF(ind ne), BullWL(ind ne), Harisunker B,  Public Investment Corporation SOC Ltd.  9.17%
        le RouxAM(ind ne), Mokgokong DrATM(ld ind ne),  Exor Investments (UK) LLP     6.60%
        RockJA(ind ne), Wiese AdvJD(alt), Wiese Dr C H (Chair, ne),  POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X5, Westonaria, 1780
        Engelbrecht P C (CEO), Lucas-Bull W E (Chair Designate, ind ne),
        de Bruyn A (CFO)                          MORE INFO:
         Government Employees Pension Fund  14.30%  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
         Wiese C H                        10.67%  SPONSOR: JP Morgan Equities South Africa Ltd.
         Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd.      5.99%  AUDITORS: Ernst & Young
       MORE INFO:  SSW  Ords no par   10 000 000 000  2 954 975 358
       COMPANY SECRETARY: P G du Preez            DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking  Ords no par value  Ldt  Pay  Amt
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.                         Final No 8         4 Apr 17  10 Apr 17  60.00
                                                  Interim No 7       20 Sep 16  26 Sep 16  85.00
       SHP  Ords no par     1 300 000 000  591 338 502  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 91m shares p.w., R4 114.7m(159.4% p.a.)
                                                            40 Week MA        SIBANYE-S
       Ords no par           Ldt    Pay     Amt                                        7303
       Interim No 144     6 Apr 21  12 Apr 21  191.00
       Final No 143      29 Sep 20  5 Oct 20  227.00                                   5987
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 11m shares p.w., R1 349.8m(95.2% p.a.)                     4671
               FOOR       40 Week MA   SHOPRIT
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  NOTES: Sibanye Gold Ltd. renamed to Sibanye Stillwater Ltd. on 19
                                           16701   February 2020 due to internal restructuring.
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
                                                                Final  Final  Final  Final Final(rst)
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  Wrk Revenue  127 392  72 925  50 656  45 912  31 241
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Wrk Pft      51 616  16 825  9 141  9 429  10 532
       (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  NetIntPd(Rcd)  2 086  2 742  2 653  2 556  572
                   Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  Minority Int  1 310  371  - 21  4  - 431
       Turnover     83 430  156 855  147 478  145 104  141 000  Att Inc  29 312  62  - 2 500  - 4 437  3 473
       Op Inc        4 490  7 751  7 867  7 527  7 725  TotCompIncLoss  28 616  - 33  - 757  - 5 060  2 911
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  1 420  2 467  2 327  207  114  Ord SH Int  70 716  31 138  24 724  23 998  16 469
       Minority Int   11    20    12   12     7   LT Liab      38 269  48 950  35 413  35 111  14 080
       Att Inc       2 221  3 356  3 468  5 211  5 428  Cap Employed  116 616  86 745  70 290  67 634  35 465
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