Page 213 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 213

Group Annual Results for the year ended
        31 December 2020

                                   Capital management
                                   Discretionary capital at 31 December 2020
        Earnings                   R636 million (R220 million in 2019)  New business
        Net result from fi nancial services  Sanlam Group SAM cover ratio  New business volumes
         13% (up 17% excluding the impact of COVID-19)  191% (2019: 211%)   25% to R311 billion (Exceeds R300 billion
        Net operational earnings   Group Equity Value         for the fi rst time)
         23%                      Group Equity Value per share  Net fund infl ows
        Headline earnings          R59,20 (2019: R64,36)       8% to R62 billion (R57 billion in 2019)
         24%
                                   Return on Group Equity Value (RoGEV) per share  Net value of new covered business
        Dividend                   -2.8%  (2019: 6.4%)         16% to R1 921 million
        Dividend per share of      Adjusted Return on Group Equity Value per share  Net new covered business margin
        300 cents (2019: 334)      2.6%  (2019: 11.9%)        2.58% (2019: 2.98%)
        for the  year ended 31 December 2020      2020   2019   %  for the  year ended 31 December 2020   2020   2019
                                                                                  R’m   R’m
        Earnings                                 RESULT FROM FINANCIAL SERVICES BEFORE TAX   13 567   16 116
        Net result from fi nancial services   R million   8 382   9 674  (13%)  Tax on result from fi nancial services   (3 833)  (4 671)
        Net operational earnings   R million   8 349  10 798  (23%)  Result from fi nancial services after tax   9 734  11 445
        Headline earnings    R million   9 249   7 481  24%  Non-controlling interests   (1 352)   (1 771)
        Weighted average number of shares     million  2 087,8 2 090,0   –
        Adj. weighted average number of shares   million  2 226,7  2 208,5   1%  Net result from fi nancial services   8 382   9 674
        Net result from fi n. services per share   cents   376,4  438,0  (14%)  Net investment income   1 081   1 044
        Net operational earnings per share   cents   374,9  488,9  (23%)  Net investment surpluses   (810)   210
        Diluted headline earnings per share   cents   443,0   357,9  24%  Project Expenses   (304)   (130)

        Business volumes                         Net operational earnings       8 349  10 798
        New business volumes   R million  310 875 249 323  25%  Net amortisation of value of business acquired
        Net fund infl ows     R million   61 563  56 766   8%  and other intangibles   (699)   (766)
        Net new covered business                 Equity participation costs       (1)   (596)
           Value of new covered business   R million   1 921  2 280  (16%)  Net non-operational equity-accounted earnings   10   19
           Covered business PVNBP    R million   74 591  76 446  (2%)  Net profi t/(loss) on disposal or subsidiaries and
           New covered business margin    %   2,58   2,98  associated companies   285   (6)
        Group Equity Value                       Impairments                    (8 638)   (339)
        Group Equity Value    R million   131 812  143 271  (8%)
        Group Equity Value per share   cents   5 920  6 436  (8%)  Normalised attributable earnings   (694)   9 110
        RoGEV per share         %   (2,8)   6,4  Fund transfers                  3 557  (1 960)
        Adjusted RoGEV per share    %   2,6   11,9
                                                 Attributable earnings per Group statement
        SOLVENCY COVER                           of comprehensive income         2 863   7 150
        Sanlam Group            %    191   211   Note
        Sanlam Life Insurance Limited   %   257    253  (1)  The B-BBEE transaction in 2019 gave rise to a non-recurring share-based payment charge of R1 686 million. The above market-related
        Sanlam Life Insurance Limited             discount of R594 million was recognised as equity participation cost in Shareholders’ fund income statement, with the remainder
                                                  recognised in fund transfers.
        covered business        %    197   206
        (1)   Weighted average number of shares excludes Sanlam shares held directly or indirectly through consolidated investment funds in
         policyholder portfolios, as well as Sanlam shares held by the Group’s broad-based black economic empowerment special purposes vehicle   SANLAM GROUP EARNINGS
         (B-BBEE SPV) that is consolidated in terms of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These shares are treated as shares in issue
         for purposes of adjusted weighted average number of shares in issue, which is the base to determine net result from fi nancial services per
         share and net operational earnings per share. Diluted headline earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of shares.  9 674  9 110
        (2)   PVNBP = present value of new business premiums and is equal to the present value of new recurring premiums, at the relevant risk discount   8 382
         rate for each business, plus single premiums.
        (3)   New covered business margin = value of new covered business as a percentage of PVNBP.
        (4)   Growth in Group Equity Value per share (with dividends paid, capital movements and cost of treasury shares acquired reversed) as a
         percentage of Group Equity Value per share at the beginning of the year.
        (5)   Adjusted RoGEV equals RoGEV excluding investment market and currency volatility, changes in interest rates and other factors outside of
         management’s control.
        (6)   Excludes investments in subsidiaries and associated companies, discretionary capital, cash accumulated for dividend payments and the
         netasset value of non-covered operations.
        NEW BUSINESS VOLUMES                         Net result from fi nancial services  Normalised attributable earnings
        for the  year ended 31 December 2020      2020   2019
                                    R’m   R’m   %  2020  2019
        Sanlam Life and Savings     77 847   77 051   1%  NET RESULT FROM FINANCIAL SERVICES
        Sanlam Emerging Markets     46 898   34 809  35%  for the  year ended 31 December 2020   2020   2019   %  %
        Sanlam Investment Group     161 470   113 236  43%              R’m   R’m      (ex COVID-19)
        Santam                     24 660    24 227   2%
                                                 Sanlam Life and Savings   4 600   4 855   (5%)   5%
        Total                    310 875  249 323  25%  Sanlam Emerging Markets   2 377   2 632   (10%)   19%

                                                 Sanlam Investment Group   805   1 070  (25%)   19%
        Life insurance              56 111   53 927   4%
        Investment business        213 625   155 565  37%  Santam      686   1 217  (44%)   79%
        General insurance          41 139   39 831   3%  Group Offi  ce and other   (86)   (100)   14%   14%

        Total                    310 875  249 323  25%  Net result from fi nancial services   8 382   9 674   (13%)   17%

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