Page 203 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 203

                                                  UNAUDITED RESULTS

                                                  FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020 AND
                                                  CASH DIVIDEND DECLARATION
                                                  Registration number 1968/006415/06
    SALIENT FEATURES                              ISIN ZAE000026480   Share code REM
    HEADLINE EARNINGS PER                                                  INTRINSIC NET ASSET
    247.4 cents        247.4 cents      221.2 cents       30 cents         R161.98
    down by 52.7%      down by 67.1%    down by 71.1%

    COVID-19                                     DECLARATION OF CASH DIVIDEND NO. 41
    The second wave of Covid-19 in the second half of 2020 hit South Africa harder   Notice is hereby given that an interim gross dividend of 30 cents
    than expected, bringing with it a new variant with higher infection rates and   (2019: 215 cents) per share has been declared out of income reserves in respect
    greater severity of symptoms. This led to the imposition of further lockdown   of both the ordinary shares of no par value and the unlisted B ordinary shares of
    measures in order to slow down the spread of the disease and ease pressure on   no par value, for the six months ended 31 December 2020. The interim dividend
    the healthcare system. All this has had a devastating effect on millions of South   was adjusted downwards to take into account the RMH Unbundling and the
    Africans with lives and livelihoods being lost, household finances decimated
    and many going hungry in large parts of the country.  impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Managing within this crisis continues to be Remgro and its investee companies’   A  dividend  withholding  tax  of  20% or  6  cents  per  share will  be  applicable,
    single biggest priority. Remgro’s focus is on the factors within its control, the   resulting in a net dividend of 24 cents per share, unless the shareholder
    health and well-being of its people, ensuring that its investments have the most   concerned is exempt from paying dividend withholding tax or is entitled to a
    robust financial positions to support business continuity and ensuring that the   reduced rate in terms of an applicable double-tax agreement.
    underlying investee companies that are in a position to offer help to the country,
    are empowered to do so. As a response to the call for the support of all social   The issued share capital at the declaration date is 529 217 007 ordinary shares
    partners in finding effective solutions for a vaccination programme, Remgro,   and 39 056 987 B ordinary shares. The income tax number of the Company is
    together with its investee companies in the medical and logistics sectors have   9500-124-71-5.
    been actively assisting Government in its efforts to urgently establish and
    execute an effective vaccination programme for all South Africans.
                                                  DATES OF IMPORTANCE
    RESULTS IN CONTEXT                            Last day to trade in order to participate
    The results for the six months to 31 December 2020 are not directly comparable   in the dividend  Tuesday, 20 April 2021
    with the six months to 31 December 2019, which related to a pre-Covid-19
    period. Headline earnings for the period under review was significantly affected   Shares trade ex dividend  Wednesday, 21 April 2021
    by the decreased contribution of Mediclinic International plc (Mediclinic) (down
    by 80.2%), which includes the full impact of the Covid-19-related lockdown   Record date   Friday, 23 April 2021
    measures on its results for the six months to 30 September 2020. Furthermore,   Payment date  Monday, 26 April 2021
    due to the accounting reclassification of FirstRand Limited (FirstRand) from
    an equity accounted investment to an investment at fair value through other
    comprehensive income, no earnings from FirstRand were accounted for in the
    period under review, whereas R548 million was included in the comparative   Share certificates  may not  be dematerialised or  rematerialised between
    period. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, FirstRand did not pay any   Wednesday, 21 April 2021, and Friday, 23 April 2021, both days inclusive.
    dividends during the period under review. Excluding Mediclinic and FirstRand,
    the rest of Remgro’s investment portfolio had a resilient performance during   In terms of the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation, dividends will
    the Covid-19 pandemic with their contribution to Remgro’s headline earnings   only be transferred electronically to the bank accounts of shareholders. In
    decreasing by only 7.7%.                     the instance where shareholders do not provide the Transfer Secretaries with
                                                 their banking details, the dividend will not be forfeited, but will be marked as
    RESULTS                                      “unclaimed” in the share register until the shareholder provides the Transfer
    For the period under review, total headline earnings decreased by 67.0% from   Secretaries with the relevant banking details for payout.
    R4 242 million to R1 398 million, while total headline earnings per share (HEPS)
    decreased by 67.1% from 750.9 cents to 247.4 cents. During June 2020, Remgro   DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT
    unbundled its 28.2% interest in RMB Holdings Limited (RMH) (RMH Unbundling)   The directors, who take responsibility for the contents of this short-form
    and, consequently, the investment in RMH was treated as a discontinued   announcement, present the unaudited results of Remgro for the six months
    operation for the year ended 30 June 2020. As a result, headline earnings is
    also presented for continuing operations and discontinued operations for   ended 31 December 2020. The preparation of the Group’s consolidated results
    the period under review and, accordingly, discontinued operations for the   was supervised by the Chief Financial Officer, Neville Williams CA(SA).
    comparative six months to 31 December 2019 include the equity accounted
    income of RMH.                               The financial information in this short-form announcement is a summary only
                                                 and  does  not  contain  full  details  of  the  financial  results.  Accordingly,  any
    Headline earnings from continuing operations decreased by 52.6% from   investment decisions should be based on information contained in the full
    R2 952 million to R1 398 million, while HEPS from continuing operations   announcement, which can be found on SENS, or on the Company’s website
    decreased by 52.7% from 522.5 cents to 247.4 cents. The decrease in headline   at
    earnings from continuing operations is mainly due to lower contributions by
    Mediclinic and FirstRand, as well as lower interest income, due to the 300 basis   Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors.
    points reduction in interest rates since January 2020.
                                                 Johann Rupert          Jannie Durand
    INTRINSIC NET ASSET VALUE                    Chairman               Chief Executive Officer
    Remgro’s intrinsic net asset value per share increased by 4.9% from R154.47
    at 30 June 2020 to R161.98 at 31 December 2020. The closing share price at   Stellenbosch
    31 December 2020 was R96.20 (30 June 2020: R99.90) representing a discount   Approved by the Board: 24 March 2021
    of 40.6% (30 June 2020: 35.3%) to the intrinsic net asset value.  SENS release date: 25 March 2021
    NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS                      Millennia Park, 16 Stellentia Avenue, Stellenbosch 7600
                                                 (PO Box 456, Stellenbosch 7599)
    Johann Rupert (Chairman), F Robertson* (Deputy Chairman), S E N De Bruyn*,
    N P Mageza*, J Malherbe, P J Moleketi*, M Morobe*, P J Neethling,   TRANSFER SECRETARIES
    G G Nieuwoudt*, K M S Rantloane*, A E Rupert  Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited
    (* Independent)                              Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank 2196
    EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS                          (Private Bag X9000, Saxonwold 2132)
    J J Durand (Chief Executive Officer), M Lubbe, N J Williams  AUDITORS
                                                 PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.
    CORPORATE INFORMATION                        Stellenbosch
    SECRETARY                                    SPONSOR
    D I Dreyer                                   Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
    JSE Limited                                  ACCESS TO INFORMATION
    Sector: Financials – Financial Services – Investment Banking and Brokerage Services –   The financial results:
    Diversified Financial Services               • can be viewed on;
                                                 • can be viewed online at;
                                                 •  are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office and the offices of the
                                                   sponsor at no charge, during normal business hours from 25 March 2021; or
    For more information:         •  may be requested in printed format from Ms D I Dreyer, tel: +27 21 888 3373.
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