Page 199 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 199

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – RAV
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
               CONM       40 Week MA   RAUBEX
                                                  (Amts in GBP'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18
                                                                    Final    Final     Final
                                                  NetRent/InvInc  113 090   126 504  118 285
                                                  Total Inc       115 176   128 515  123 154
                                                  Attrib Inc      - 14 157  46 018  - 120 681
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 160 824  123 036  - 70 827
                                           1634   Ord UntHs Int   233 690   354 586  284 415
                                                  FixedAss/Prop  1 089 768  1 377 678  1 209 562
                                                  Tot Curr Ass     84 601   110 091  117 813
                                                  Total Ass      1 229 120  1 518 283  1 395 834
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Tot Curr Liab    68 798   111 864  141 758
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       (R million)  Aug 20  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  Feb 17  HEPLU-C (ZARc)  - 41.13  -  - 16.93
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  NAV (ZARc)  814.67  1 404.48  880.32
       Turnover      3 938  8 735  8 519  8 542  9 006  Price Prd End  950    780        -
       Op Inc         22   480   207   672  662   Price High        950       850        -
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  12   34    25   32    44   Price Low         780       780        -
       Minority Int   17    49    59   29    38   RATIOS
       Att Inc        - 45  252   58   424  372   RetOnSH Funds       -      12.58    - 40.82
       TotCompIncLoss  -   329   132   439  401   RetOnTotAss         -       8.52     8.94
       Fixed Ass     2 430  2 452  2 536  2 410  2 364  Debt:Equity  2.75     1.92     2.24
       Tot Curr Ass  4 017  3 733  3 434  3 484  3 514  OperRetOnInv  -       9.18     9.78
       Ord SH Int    4 254  4 256  4 065  4 041  3 797  OpInc:Turnover  73.53  72.13  72.73
       Minority Int    -   257   262   157  152
       LT Liab       1 341  1 389  881  923  1 099
       Tot Curr Liab  2 323  2 079  2 058  2 019  1 945       RCL Foods Ltd.
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     ISIN: ZAE000179438  SHORT: RCL   CODE: RCL
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 26.60  161.70  57.00  228.60  201.70  REG NO: 1966/004972/06  FOUNDED: 1891  LISTED: 1989
       DPS (ZARc)    24.00  22.00  34.00  78.00  90.00  NATURE OF BUSINESS: RCL FOODS is a leading South African food
       NAV PS (ZARc)  2 340.43 2 341.87 2 236.51 2 309.70 2 173.20  manufacturer that produces a wide range of branded and private label food
       3 Yr Beta     0.72  0.35  - 0.01  - 0.32  - 0.15  products in various categories, ranging from staples to value-added
       Price High    2 722  2 550  2 400  2 659  2 651  high-end speciality offerings, which are distributed to retail and food
       Price Low     1 215  1 500  1 550  1 701  1 540  service customers through Vector Logistics, the company's own
                                                   route-to-market supply chain specialist.
       Price Prd End  2 436  2 100  1 860  2 272  2 451  SECTOR: ConsStaples—Food,Beverage&Tobacco—Food Producers—Farmers
       RATIOS                                     NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 20 823
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 1.24  6.68  2.70  10.78  10.38  DIRECTORS: CarseHJ(ne), HessCJ(ind ne), KruythoffGCJ(ne),
       Oper Pft Mgn  0.55  5.50  2.43  7.87  7.35  LouwPR(ne), MagezaNP(ind ne), Moumakwa Dr P (ne), Msibi D T
       D:E           0.37  0.38  0.27  0.31  0.38  V(ind ne), NeethlingPJ(alt), NhlanhlaMM(ind ne), Steyn G M
       Current Ratio  1.73  1.80  1.67  1.73  1.81  (ld ind ne), ZondiGC(ne), Durand J J (Chair, ne), Dally M (CEO), Field
       Div Cover     - 1.05  6.32  0.94  2.99  2.26  R H (CFO)
                                                  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
                                                    Remgro Ltd.                      71.44%
             Raven Property Group Ltd.              Oasis Asset Management Ltd.       7.45%
        RAV                                         Prudential Portfolio Managers SA (Pty) Ltd.  5.27%
       ISIN: GB00B0D5V538  SHORT: RAVEN  CODE: RAV  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 2734, Westway Office Park, 3635
       REG NO: 43371    FOUNDED: 2005  LISTED: 2018  MORE INFO:
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Raven Property Group Ltd. was founded in 2005  COMPANY SECRETARY: J M J Maher
        to invest in class A warehouse complexes in Russia and lease to Russian  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        and International tenants.
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—InvestmentServices—Holdings  SPONSOR:RANDMERCHANTBANK(AdivisionofFirstRandBankLtd.)
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 179                   AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       DIRECTORS: Field R (ind ne), Hough M (snr ind ne), Moore Adv  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        DC(ne), Swire P (ind ne), Jewson Sir R W (Chair, ne),  RCL  Ords no par value  2 000 000 000  959 004 383
        Bilton A (Dep Chair), Hirsch G V (CEO), Sinclair M (CFO),  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        Smith C A (COO)                           Ords no par value     Ldt     Pay    Amt
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 28 Feb 2020  Interim No 92  20 Apr 21  26 Apr 21  15.00
         Invesco Perpetual                28.52%
         Schroder Investment Management Ltd.  11.73%  Final No 91   27 Oct 20  2 Nov 20  10.00
         J O Hambro Capital Management Ltd.  11.17%  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 981 958 shares p.w., R7.6m(5.3% p.a.)
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 522, Second Floor, La Vieille Cour, La  FOOD  40 Week MA  RCL
        Plaiderie, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 6EH
       MORE INFO:                                      1925
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Benn Garnham
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.                            1660
       SPONSOR: Renaissance Capital
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young LLP
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       1130
       RAV  Ords 1p ea      1 500 000 000  591 353 766
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 192 shares p.w., R1 612.3(-% p.a.)
               ALSH       40 Week MA   RAVEN         2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                                           947                Interim  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final
                                                  Turnover     15 701  27 804  25 888  24 528  24 951
                                                  Op Inc         676  - 806  - 29  1 270  777
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  160  455  277   252  333
                                                  Minority Int   - 42  - 58  - 73  - 44  - 39
                                           691    Att Inc        548  - 901  - 111  922  516
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  500  - 928  - 164  876  461
                                           605    Fixed Ass     5 401  5 285  5 413  5 923  5 720
              2019    |       2020    |
                                                  Inv & Loans    199  204    92   36     2
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  12 505  10 840  9 010  9 475  8 145
   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204