Page 205 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 205

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – REU
                                                              POPULAR BRAND NAMES: African Cables,
                    Reunert Ltd.                               CBI-electric, ECN, Nashua, Reutech
                                                               Communications, Reutech Radar Systems, Reutech
                                                               Solutions, Skywire
                                                              POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 784391, Sandton,
                                                              TELEPHONE: 011-517-9000
                                                  Scan the QR code to  COMPANY SECRETARY: Reunert Management
                                                   visit our website  Services
                                                              TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare
                                                               Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       ISIN: ZAE000057428  SHORT: REUNERT  CODE: RLO  SPONSOR: One Capital
       REG NO: 1913/004355/06  FOUNDED: 1888  LISTED: 1948  AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche
                                                  BANKERS: Investec, Nedbank Ltd., Standard Bank
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 30 Sep 20 (asa%of Assets)
        Reunert Ltd. is a South African-based industrial group in the  Information Communication Technologies  44.00%
                                                    Applied Electronics
        industrial goods and services sector. It manages a number of  Electrical Engineering  25.00%
        businesses focused on electrical engineering, information and  Other          5.00%
        communication  technologies  and  applied  electronics.
        Reunert's employees are highly qualified and experienced  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        engineers, technicians, research and developmentexperts and  Next Interim Results  25 May 2021  Confirmed
        field support staff. Reunert owns well-known brands such as  Next Final Results  23 Nov 2021  Confirmed
        Nashua, CBI-electric and Reutech. Reunert promotes a decen-  Annual General Meeting  Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
        tralised management style. While operating decisions are  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        made by the businesses, the Reunert board and executive  RLO  Ords no par value  235 000 000  179 914 793
        team define and monitor long-term strategic plans, risks, per-  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        formance and investment decisions.        Ords no par value     Ldt     Pay    Amt
                                                  Final No 189       19 Jan 21  25 Jan 21  192.00
       SECTOR: Inds—IndGS—E&EE—Elec               Interim No 188      7 Jul 20  13 Jul 20  65.00
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Dec 2020  Final No 187   14 Jan 20  20 Jan 20  383.00
         Old Mutual Investment Group (SA) (Pty) Ltd.  14.70%  Interim No 186  18 Jun 19  24 Jun 19  130.00
         Public Investment Corporation Ltd.  11.40%
         Pzena Investment Management LLC   6.20%  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 2m shares p.w., R85.2m(54.9% p.a.)
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                 40 Week MA         REUNERT
       (R million)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
                     Final  Final  Final  Final  Final                                 8200
       Turnover      8 046  10 714  10 492  9 773  8 511                               7131
       Op Inc         307  1 361  1 542  1 497  1 315
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  42   15   - 11  - 65  - 137                                     6062
       Tax            82   387   358   437  404
       Minority Int   - 40  14    - 6  30     9
       Att Inc        47   790  1 158  1 112  954
       TotCompIncLoss  - 49  809  1 087  1 150  944
       Hline Erngs-CO  186  924  1 135  1 111  942                                     2855
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Fixed Ass      826  862  1 297  1 095  1 019
       FinCo Acc Rec  1 778  2 082  1 990  1 682  1 449  Recent Announcements
       Inv & Loans    135  214   214   214  205   Friday, 26 March 2021: At the one hundred and seventh (107th)
       Def Tax Asset  172  143   151   105  104
       Tot Curr Ass  5 260  5 574  5 748  6 072  6 395  annual general meeting (“AGM”) of ordinary shareholders of
       Ord SH Int    6 505  7 312  7 438  7 138  7 011  Reunert, held on 26 March 2021, all the ordinary and special res-
       Minority Int   38   119    88   105   81    olutions proposed at the AGM were approved by the requisite
       LT Liab        348  209   381   306  145    majority of votes.
       Tot Curr Liab  2 835  2 664  2 546  2 540  2 672  The totalissued share capital ofReunert is 184 969 196 ordinary
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      shares (“Shares”). Of these, 5 054 403 Shares are treasury
       EPS (ZARc)    29.00  490.00  717.00  680.00  577.00  shares, held by a subsidiary of Reunert. Therefore, the total
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  115.00  573.00  703.00  679.00  570.00  number of Shares that were entitled to vote at the AGM was 179
       Pct chng p.a.  - 79.9  - 18.5  3.5  19.1  - 3.1  914 793 Shares.
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  - 15.8  3.5  4.5  1.5  - 0.3
       DPS (ZARc)   257.00  513.00  493.00  474.00  439.00  Friday, 22 January 2021: Reunert shareholders are advised that the
       Pct chng p.a.  - 49.9  4.1  4.0  8.0  7.9   Company’s summarised consolidated annual financial state-
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  - 5.2  6.8  6.0  5.2  6.0  mentsfortheyearended30September2020,accompaniedbythe
       NAV PS (ZARc)  3 516.80 3 952.43 4 020.54 3 872.52 3 810.21  notice of annual general meeting (“AGM”), (“Notice”) are being
       3 Yr Beta     0.32  0.13  0.35  0.24  0.58  distributed to Shareholders on 22 January 2021. The 2020 Inte-
       Price High    7 918  8 422  8 875  7 768  7 560  grated Annual Report is available on the Company’s website:
       Price Low     2 806  6 014  6 473  5 933  5 650
       Price Prd End  2 863  6 900  7 600  6 772  6 110  Notice of the annual general meeting
       RATIOS                                      Notice is hereby given that the Company’s 107th AGM of
       Ret on SH Fnd  0.11  10.82  15.31  15.77  13.58
       Ret On Tot Ass  2.25  15.15  16.51  17.44  16.14  ordinary shareholders will be held electronically on Friday, 26
       Oper Pft Mgn  3.82  12.70  14.70  15.32  15.45  March 2021 at 09h00, to transact the business as stated in the
       D:E           0.16  0.07  0.08  0.07  0.08  Notice,  which  is  available  on  Reunert’s  website:
       Int Cover     4.95  80.47  n/a  n/a  n/a
       Current Ratio  1.86  2.09  2.26  2.39  2.39  -2020.pdf.
       Div Cover     0.11  0.96  1.45  1.43  1.31  The Company has retained the services of The Meeting Special-
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 5 747                  ist (Pty) Ltd. (“TMS”) to host the AGM on an interactive elec-
       DIRECTORS: Abdool-Samad T (ind ne), DarkoAB(ind ne),  tronic platform in order to facilitate remote participation and
        Fourie P (ind ne), HulleyJP(ind ne), JagoeSD(ld ind ne),
        Martin S (ind ne), Matshoba-Ramuedzisi T (ind ne), Moodley M,  voting by Shareholders. Shareholders that wish to participate in
        Orleyn AdvNDB(ne), Munday T S (Chair, ind ne),  and vote at the AGM will need to register with TMS in accor-
        Dickson A E (CEO), Husain M J (Chair Designate, ind ne),  dance with the instructions set out in the Notice.
        Thomson N A (CFO)
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