Page 202 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 202

JSE – REM                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                              DIRECTORS: de BruynSEN(ind ne), Lubbe M,
                    Remgro Ltd.                                MagezaNP(ind ne), Malherbe J (ne),
                                                               MoleketiPJ(ind ne), MorobeMM(ind ne),
                                                               NeethlingPJ(ne), NieuwoudtGG(ne),
                                                               Rantloane L (ind ne), Rupert A (ne),
                                                               Rupert J P (Chair, ne),
                                                               Robertson F (Co Dep Chair, ind ne),
                                                               Durand J J (CEO), Williams N (CFO)
                                                              POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 456, Stellenbosch,
                                                  Scan the QR code to  7599
                                                   visit our website  EMAIL:
                                                  TELEPHONE: 021-888-3000  FAX: 021-888-3399
                                                  COMPANY SECRETARY: Danielle Dreyer
       ISIN: ZAE000026480  SHORT: REMGRO  CODE: REM  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       REG NO: 1968/006415/06  FOUNDED: 2000  LISTED: 2000
                                                  SPONSOR: Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Ltd.)
                                                  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
                                                  BANKERS: First National Bank
        Remgro Ltd. is an investment holding company established
        with effect from 1 April 2000, after the restructuring of the  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        former Rembrandt Group Ltd. The Group's interests consist  Next Final Results  Sep 2021  Unconfirmed
        mainly of investments in consumer products; banking;  Annual General Meeting  Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
        healthcare; insurance; industrial; infrastructure as well as  Next Interim Results  Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
        media and sport.
        The company's activities are concentrated mainly on the man-  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        agement of investments and the provision of support rather  REM  Ords no par  1 000 000 000  529 217 007
        than on being involved in the day-to-day management of  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        business units of investees.              Ords no par           Ldt     Pay    Amt
        Subsidiaries not wholly owned include listed companies with  Interim No 41  20 Apr 21  26 Apr 21  30.00
        independent boards of directors on which this company has  Final No 40  10 Nov 20  16 Nov 20  50.00
                                                                            20 Apr 20
                                                                    14 Apr 20
        non-executive representation. Non-subsidiary investments  Interim No 39  12 Nov 19  18 Nov 19  155.98
                                                  Final No 38
        this company and which are mostly associated companies due  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 8m shares p.w., R1 042.1m(83.1% p.a.)
        to significant influence and board representation.  FINA     40 Week MA   REMGRO
       SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—InvBnkng&BrokerServcs— DiversFinServcs
       CONTROLLED BY: Rupert Beleggings (Pty) Ltd.                                     18870
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
         Other                            83.65%                                       16278
         Public Investment Commissioner   16.35%
       NOTES:Remgrounbundledsharesintheapportionmentratioof0.7255039                   13685
        unbundled shares on 8 June 2020.
       (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17                             8500
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Sales        34 060  54 732  56 968  31 115  27 600  Recent Announcements
       Op Inc        2 965  1 545  3 278  1 260  760
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  626  1 014  209  380  622  Remgro interim results December 2020 - Thursday, 25 March 2021:
       Tax            885  452   987   423  227    Revenue for the interim period increased to R34.1 billion (2019:
       Minority Int  1 027  - 63  433  256   77    R31.6 billion) whilst trading profit increased to R3 billion (2019:
       Att Inc       1 250  6 646  7 319  8 943  8 877  R2.6 billion). Net profit for the period attributable to equity
       TotCompIncLoss  774  3 167  8 195  8 888  6 411  holders was recorded at R1.3 billion (2019: R4.3 billion). Further-
       Hline Erngs-CO  1 398  1 737  5 551  8 074  7 772
       Fixed Ass    16 894  16 954  14 660  13 745  6 797  more, headline earnings per share from continuing operations
       Inv in Assoc  48 927  50 991  71 183  73 722  80 883  decreased by 52.7% from 522.5 cents to 247.4 cents per share.
       Inv & Loans  15 373  12 995  4 185  3 764  3 907  Declaration of Dividend No. 41
       Def Tax Asset  198  190   199   158   23    Notice is hereby given that an interim gross dividend of 30 cents
       Tot Curr Ass  47 676  43 933  40 539  40 375  22 317  (2019: 215 cents) per share has been declared out of income
       Ord SH Int   86 737  86 773  101 097  98 098  92 432  reserves in respect of both the ordinary shares of no par value
       Minority Int  15 072  14 670  15 092  15 348  2 870  and the unlisted B ordinary shares of no par value, for the six
       LT Liab      24 209  23 139  26 770  25 891  18 493  months ended 31 December 2020.
       Tot Curr Liab  24 967  22 517  12 579  11 591  5 260
                                                   Results webcast and presentation
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      Shareholdersandotherinterestedpartiesareinvitedtojoinman-
       EPS (ZARc)   221.20 1 176.40 1 294.00 1 144.77 1 523.43
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  247.40  307.50  981.40 1 033.55 1 018.89  agement in discussing Remgro's interim results via webcast at
       Pct chng p.a.  60.9  - 68.7  - 5.0  1.4  25.4  09:00 am SAST on Thursday, 25 March 2021 at the following
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  - 15.0  2.8  15.5  11.6  link:
       DPS (ZARc)    30.00  205.98  409.18  385.96  359.13  Wednesday, 17 March 2021: In compliance with the JSE Listings Re-
       Pct chng p.a.   -  - 49.7  6.0  7.5   7.6   quirements, thefollowingguidanceisprovided toRemgroshare-
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  - 4.2  7.7  9.0  9.5  holders regarding the expected outcome for the six months
       NAV PS (ZARc)  15 263.24 15 359.00 17 895.00 12 554.05 11 835.08
       3 Yr Beta     0.91  0.92  0.62  0.77  0.89  ended 31 December 2020:
       Price High   10 511  14 666  15 914  17 992  19 615  Guidance for the six months ended 31 December 2020
       Price Low     8 293  7 367  12 624  13 661  14 477  Decrease
       Price Prd End  9 620  9 990  13 632  14 821  15 487  *Total headline earnings per share: 60% - 70%
       RATIOS                                      *Headline earnings per share from continuing operations: 45% -
       Ret on SH Fnd  4.47  6.49  6.67  8.11  9.40  55%
       Ret On Tot Ass  4.83  - 1.35  3.69  2.93  7.39  Range (cents)
       Oper Pft Mgn  8.71  2.82  5.75  4.05  2.75  *Total headline earnings per share: 225.3 – 300.4
       D:E           0.32  0.33  0.24  0.24  0.20
       Int Cover     4.85  1.54  n/a  17.42  2.91  *Headlineearningsper share fromcontinuingoperations: 235.1
       Current Ratio  1.91  1.95  3.22  3.48  4.24  – 287.4
       Div Cover     7.37  5.71  3.16  2.97  4.24
   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207