Page 177 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 177

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – NAS
                    Naspers Ltd.                           Nedbank Group Ltd.
        NAS                                        NED
                         ISIN: ZAE000015889                    ISIN: ZAE000004875  SHORT: NEDBANK
                         SHORT: NASPERS-N  CODE: NPN           CODE: NED   REG NO: 1966/010630/06
                         REG NO: 1925/001431/06                FOUNDED: 1888     LISTED: 1969
                         FOUNDED: 1925  LISTED: 1994           NATURE OF BUSINESS: Nedbank Group is one
                         NATURE OF BUSINESS: Founded in         of South Africa's four largest banks, with
                                                                Nedbank Ltd. as the Group's principal banking
                          1915, Naspers is a global internet    subsidiary. Nedbank Group offers the following
                          group and one of the largest technology  solutionsthrough itsfrontline clusters, Nedbank
                          investors in the world. Operating in  Corporate and Investment Banking, Nedbank
        over 80 countries and markets with long-term growth potential, Naspers  Retail and Business Banking, Nedbank Wealth
        builds leading companies that empowerpeople andenrich communities. It  and Nedbank Africa Regions: *A wide range of
        runs or invests in some of the world’s leading internet platforms.  wholesale and retail banking services. *A
       SECTOR: Technology—Technology—Software & CompSer—DigitalService  growing insurance, asset management and wealth management offering.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 25 527                SECTOR: Fins—Banks—Banks—Banks
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 28 324
       DIRECTORS: Bekker J P (Chair, ne), Van Dijk B (CEO), Sgourdos V (CFO),  DIRECTORS: BrodyHR(ind ne), BrownMWT (CE),
        Choi E M (ind ne), du Toit H J (ld ind ne), Enenstein C (ind ne),  DamesBA(ind ne), Davis M (CFO), DongwanaNP(ind ne),
        Girotra M (ind ne, Indian), Jafta Prof R C C (ind ne), Kemna A (ind ne),  KrugerEM(ind ne), LeithRAG(ne), Makalima L (ind ne),
        Letele F L N (ne), Meyer Prof D (ind ne), Oliveira de Lima R (ind ne),  Makwana P M (Acting Chair, ld ind ne), Marwala Prof T (ind ne),
        Pacak S J Z (ne), Sorour M R (ne), Stofberg J D T (Alternate, ne),  MatooaneMA(ind ne), Naidoo V (Chair, ind ne (on medical leave)),
        van der Ross B J (ind ne), Xu Y (ind ne, China)  Nkuhlu M C (COO), Subramoney S (ind ne), WilliamsonIG(ne)
         Public Investment Corporation Group  13.84%  Old Mutual                     21.96%
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 2271, Cape Town, 8000  PIC                             10.39%
                                                    Allan Gray
       EMAIL:       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000
       WEBSITE:                   EMAIL:
       TELEPHONE: 021-406-2121  FAX: 021-406-3753  WEBSITE:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Lynelle Bagwandeen      TELEPHONE: 011-294-4444
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Link Market Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd.  COMPANY SECRETARY: Jackie Katzin
       SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.                TRANSFER SECRETARY: Link Market Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.                         SPONSORS: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd., Nedbank CIB
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young Inc.
       NPN  N Ords 2c ea     500 000 000  435 511 058  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                       NED  Ords 100c ea     600 000 000  502 054 496
       N Ords 2c ea          Ldt    Pay     Amt   DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       Final No 91       24 Nov 20  30 Nov 20  580.00  Ords 100c ea     Ldt     Pay    Amt
       Final No 90       10 Sep 19  16 Sep 19  480.48  Final No 56  14 Apr 20  20 Apr 20  695.00
       LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 6m shares p.w., R17 624.4m(73.1% p.a.)  Interim No 55  10 Sep 19  16 Sep 19  720.00
                                                  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 11m shares p.w., R1 353.7m(111.9% p.a.)
               SCOM       40 Week MA  NASPERS-N
                                                          BANK       40 Week MA   NEDBANK
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       (USD million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                   Interim Final(rst)  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
       Turnover     2 497  4 001  3 291  2 985  6 098           Final Final(rst)  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)
       Op Inc        - 274  - 720  - 567  - 659  - 360  Interest Paid  42 219  53 513  47 122  47 675  46 969
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  39  - 92  - 209  524  1 107  Interest Rcvd  72 300  83 680  75 941  75 299  73 395
       Tax           - 125  231  229   70   244   Operating Inc  41 094  50 035  51 107  48 383  45 375
       Minority Int  823   254    20   - 59  - 169  Tax         1 877  3 796  4 762  4 209  3 955
       Att Inc      2 141  3 097  6 901  11 358  2 337  Minority Int  794  496  436  340  166
       TotCompIncLoss  7 302  1 979  6 466  13 041  3 709  Attrib Inc  3 467  12 001  13 376  11 621  10 132
       Hline Erngs-CO  1 730  2 166  3 719  1 670  188  TotCompIncLoss  5 345  11 735  13 794  12 330  6 718
       Fixed Ass     454   457   191  1 638  1 638  Ord SH Int  88 992  87 597  83 778  81 823  75 733
       Inv in Assoc  29 697  22 309  19 746  16 666  10 784  Minority Int  466  780  874  859  756
       Inv & Loans  1 058  818   170   193  161   Dep & OtherAcc  953 715  904 382  825 804  771 584  761 542
       Def Tax Asset  21    20    21   117  128   Liabilities  1 127 693 1 044 900  952 641  894 775  884 311
                                                                                      68 681
                                                  Inv & Trad Sec
                                                                    200 251
                                                                          119 483
                                                              265 151
                                                                                79 145
       Tot Curr Ass  11 401  9 512  10 552  13 065  5 639  Adv & Loans  843 303  824 786  736 305  710 329  707 077
       Ord SH Int   26 444  21 750  27 999  25 523  12 856
                                                               41 382
                                                                          114 153
                                                                     37 635
       Minority Int  10 071  8 178  132  169  286  ST Dep & Cash  1 228 137 1 143 349 1 043 912  128 897  129 763
                                                                               983 314
                                                                                     966 022
                                                  Total Assets
       LT Liab      6 318  4 184  3 973  5 623  5 349
       Tot Curr Liab  2 827  2 207  1 581  4 136  3 439  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                                                  EPS (ZARc)   717.00 2 500.00 2 768.00 2 417.00 2 121.00
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 126.00 2 605.00 2 793.00 2 452.00 2 400.00
       EPS (USDc)   500.00  709.00  647.14 1 749.89  364.22  DPS (ZARc)  - 1 415.00 1 415.00 1 285.00 1 200.00
       HEPS-C (USDc)  404.00  496.00  571.20  260.06  29.57  NAV PS (ZARc)  18 391.00 18 204.00 17 560.00 16 990.00 15 830.00
       DPS (ZARc)*     -  580.00  480.48  436.80  389.76  3 Yr Beta  1.79  0.39  0.27  0.65  1.08
       NAV PS (USDc)  6 176.05  4 979.9 4 289.38 3 968.83 2 001.98  Price Prd End  12 948  21 430  27 472  25 610  23 813
       3 Yr Beta     0.92  1.01  1.82  1.67  1.19  Price High  21 898  29 396  31 650  26 900  24 200
       Price High  336 726  273 592  234 469  268 943  165 657  Price Low  6 730  21 000  22 358  19 800  16 201
       Price Low   240 967  184 380  153 373  149 947  122 155  RATIOS
       Price Prd End  296 000  255 371  223 920  187 725  150 179  Ret on SH Fund  4.24  12.69  15.13  15.30  15.30
        *Results are reported in USD but dividends are paid in ZAR.  RetOnTotalAss  0.45  1.13  1.33  1.22  1.23
        Note: Mar 19 EPS, HEPS adjusted to include shares issued for no consider-
        ation related to capitalisation in September 2019.  Oper Pft Mgn  68.06  87.75  92.78  93.17  79.00
        Mar 19 and 18 results for continuing operations following MCG  Div Cover  -  1.84  1.97  1.91  2.00
        unbundling.                               Interest Mgn  3.36  3.52  3.65  3.62  3.41
        Mar 16, 17 not restated for discontinued operations.  LiquidFnds:Dep  0.04  0.04  0.14  0.17  0.17
   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182