Page 174 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 174

JSE – MTN                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 19 288                 *receiving and distributing dividends and other distributions in terms of
       DIRECTORS: Gosa N P (ind ne), Mabasa- Koyana S (ind ne), Molope C W N  the BEE Transaction Documents to which it is a party; and
        (ind ne), Perumal S (Acting CFO), Jonas M H (Chair, ind ne), Mokhele Dr K  *such other business as may, subject to the Transaction Documents to
        DK(ld ind ne), Mupita R T (Group President&CEO), Hanratty P (ind ne),  which MTNZF is a party, be approved in writing by MTN in its sole
        KheradpirDrS(ind ne, USA), Mikati A T (ne, Leb), Miller S P (ind ne, Blgm),  discretion from time to time.
        Rague V (ind ne, Keny), Sanusi L (ind ne, Nig), Sowazi N L (ind ne),  SECTOR:Fins—FinServcs—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh
        Tshabalala B S (ind ne)                   NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 02 Apr 2020  DIRECTORS: GelinkGG(ind ne), Mabaso-KoyanaSN(ind ne),
         Government Employees Pension Fund  25.33%  NhlanhlaMM(ne), Pitsi E (ind ne), Mapongwana B (Chair, ind ne)
         M1 Ltd.                           7.16%  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000
         Prudential Investment Managers    5.31%  MORE INFO:
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X9955, Cresta, 2118  COMPANY SECRETARY: Nedbank GS
       MORE INFO:  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       COMPANY SECRETARY: P T Sishuba-Bonoyi      SPONSOR: Tamela Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  AUDITORS: SNG Grant Thornton Inc.
       SPONSORS: JP Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Tamela Holdings
        (Pty) Ltd.                                CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc., SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant Thornton Inc.  MTNZF  BEE ords of 1c eac  300 000 000  123 416 826
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 48 061 shares p.w., R582 501.5(2.0% p.a.)
       MTN  Ords 0.01c ea   2 500 000 000  1 884 269 758    40 Week MA        MTNZFUTHI
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                                                            1650
       Ords 0.01c ea         Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 31       31 Mar 20  6 Apr 20  355.00                                   1445
       Interim No 30     27 Aug 19  2 Sep 19  195.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 37m shares p.w., R2 301.5m(103.1% p.a.)
               TELE       40 Week MA  MTN GROUP
                                           19030                                       830
                                           15937                                       625
                                                                  2020         |
                                           12844  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in ZAR'000)    Dec 20        Dec 19
                                                                        Final          Final
                                                  Turnover             272 766       399 544
                                                  Op Inc               256 284       362 456
                                           3566   NetIntPd(Rcvd)         428          96 353
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Att Inc              145 892       - 38 049
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       TotCompIncLoss      - 993 955     - 370 803
       (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Inv & Loans  3 076 564  4 216 411
                     Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  Tot Curr Ass  10 809  22 971
       Turnover    179 361  151 460  134 560  132 869  147 920  Ord SH Int  1 050 771  2 044 726
       Op Inc       44 595  31 429  23 576  20 573  14 142  LT Liab   2 002 850     2 166 388
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  18 233  15 184  8 331  9 267  10 495  Tot Curr Liab  33 752    28 268
       Minority Int  2 625  1 729  859  134  - 489
       Att Inc      17 022  9 100  8 719  4 416  - 2 614  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       TotCompIncLoss  24 268  9 726  937  1 291  - 25 225  NAV PS (ZARc)  851.40    1 656.76
       Fixed Ass   100 576  98 312  100 581  91 786  95 633  Price High  1 360        2 200
       Inv & Loans  28 518  28 555  24 025  27 686  11 841  Price Low    600            82
       Tot Curr Ass  113 776  75 444  70 266  60 780  79 611  Price Prd End  967      1 320
       Ord SH Int  102 873  83 897  84 799  94 188  102 380  RATIOS
       Minority Int  3 352  2 203  3 427  1 532  2 851  Ret on SH Fnd   13.88         - 1.86
       LT Liab     133 334  132 372  83 811  83 482  85 743  Oper Pft Mgn  93.96      90.72
       Tot Curr Liab  109 383  83 839  84 798  65 080  77 726  D:E       1.92          1.07
                                                  Current Ratio          0.32          0.81
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  749.00  468.00  337.00  182.00  - 77.00
       DPS (ZARc)      -  550.00  500.00  700.00  700.00  MultiChoice Group Ltd.
       NAV PS (ZARc)  5 718.37 4 666.11 4 717.23 5 240.09 5 696.55  ISIN: ZAE000265971  SHORT: MC GROUP  CODE: MCG
       3 Yr Beta     0.84  0.48  0.23  0.45  0.32  REG NO: 2018/473845/06  FOUNDED: 2018  LISTED: 2019
       Price High    8 978  11 445  14 000  13 724  15 647  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Multichoice uses the power of entertainment to
       Price Low     2 625  7 505  6 907  10 905  10 476  enrich lives. The Company achieves this goal through showcasing
       Price Prd End  6 019  8 249  8 900  13 660  12 617  compelling local and international stories, which bring people together
       RATIOS                                      around a shared passion. As Africa’s leading entertainment company, the
       Ret on SH Fnd  18.50  12.58  10.86  4.75  - 2.95  Group creates and secures the rights to phenomenal content from all over
       Oper Pft Mgn  24.86  20.75  17.52  15.48  9.56  the world. This gets delivered through its Direct To Home (DTH), Digital
                                                   Terrestrial Television (DTT) and online video entertainment services. The
       D:E           1.42  1.72  1.09  0.97  1.00  Group's entertainment platforms – DStv, GOtv, Showmax and DStv Now –
       Current Ratio  1.04  0.90  0.83  0.93  1.02  are a hub for approximately 14 million people across 50 countries.
       Div Cover       -   0.92  0.97  0.35  - 0.21  Through Irdeto, Multichoice is a world leader in digital platform security
                                                   for video entertainment, video games, connected transport and IoT
                                                   connected industries.
             MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Ltd.          SECTOR: Telecoms—Telecoms—TelecomServiceProvider—CableTV
       REG NO: 2016/268837/06  FOUNDED: 2016  LISTED: 2019  DIRECTORS: du PreezJH(ind ne), LeteleFLN(ne), MabuzaJA(ld ind
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: MTNZF was set up as a ring-fenced, special  ne), Masilela E (ne), Moroka AdvKD(ind ne), Sabwa C (ind ne, Keny),
        purpose vehicle with the sole business and objective of:  Sanusi DrFA(ind ne, UK), Stephens L (ind ne), VolkwynJJ(ne),
        *entering into the Transaction Documents to which it is a party;  PatelMIA (Chair), Mawela C P (CEO), Jacobs T N (CFO)
        *exercising its rights and performing its obligations under the Transaction  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 05 Oct 2020
        Documents and (subject to the provisions of the Transaction Documents)  Government Employees Pension Fund  13.43%
        the Refinancing Agreements to which it is a party;  Allan Gray Ltd.          10.05%
        *carrying on the business of holding andmanaging andgenerally dealing in  Prudential Investment Managers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.  9.00%
        MTN Shares, cash and such other property as may be received or acquired  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1502, Randburg, South Africa, 2125
        solely by virtue of or in relation to the MTN Shares, in each case in  MORE INFO:
        accordancewithandsubjecttothe BEETransactionDocumentstowhich it  COMPANY SECRETARY: C C Miller
        is a party;                               TRANSFER SECRETARY: Singular Systems (Pty) Ltd.
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