Page 178 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 178

JSE – NED                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                   opportunities efficiently, benefiting from a strategic advantage in the
                    Nedbank Ltd.                   acquisition, development and management of properties.
        NED                                       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—InvestmentServices—Holdings
       REG NO: 1951/000009/06  FOUNDED: 1951  LISTED: 2002  DIRECTORS: Aase G (ind ne), Brown S (ne), de Lange A (ind ne),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Nedbank Ltd. (‘Nedbank’ or ‘the company’) is a  DijkstraALV(ind ne, Neth), Klingen A (ld ind ne), MajijaSV(alt),
        registered bank that, through its subsidiaries, provides a wide range of  NoetzelMP(Pol), OlivierAK(alt), van der Veer A (ind ne), Emslie R R
        banking and financial services. Nedbank maintains a primary listing of its  (Chair, ind ne), Morar A (CEO, Rom), Covasa M (CFO, Rom)
        non-redeemable, non-cumulative, non-participating preference shares  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 17 Dec 2020
        under ‘Preference Shares’ on JSE Ltd. (‘the JSE’).  Fortress REIT Ltd.       21.71%
       SECTOR: Add—Debt—Preference Shares—Pref Shares  Resilient REIT Ltd.           12.66%
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 30 877                  Public Investment Corporation    10.07%
       DIRECTORS: Brody H R (ind ne), Dames B A (ind ne), Dongwana N P (ind ne),  POSTAL ADDRESS: 2nd Floor, 30 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1
        Kruger E M (ind ne), Leith R AG(ne), Makalima L (ind ne), Makwana P M  1JB
        (ld ind ne), Marwala Prof T (ind ne), Matooane M A (ind ne),  MORE INFO:
        Subramoney S (ind ne), Williamson I G (ne), Naidoo V (Chair, ind ne),  COMPANY SECRETARY: Cornelius E Cassell
        Brown M W T (CE), Davis M (CFO Designate), Nkuhlu M C (COO)
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Dec 2019  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
         Nedbank Group Ltd.               13.40%  SPONSOR: Java Capital
         Investec Securities (Pty) Ltd.    8.90%  AUDITORS: PwC LLP
         Nedgroup Private Wealth (Pty) Ltd. (SA)  8.63%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1144, Johannesburg, 2000  NRP  Ords EUR1c ea  2 000 000 000  608 994 907
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Jackie Katzin           Ords EUR1c ea         Ldt     Pay    Amt
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  Final No 7  16 Mar 21  25 Mar 21  16.88
       SPONSORS: Investec Bank Ltd., Nedbank CIB  Final No 6        10 Mar 20  6 Apr 20  27.31
       AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young Inc.
                                                  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 8m shares p.w., R686.1m(67.2% p.a.)
       NBKP  Prefs 0.1c ea  1 000 000 000  358 277 491    SAPY       40 Week MA  NEPIROCK
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 890 157 shares p.w., R6.7m(12.9% p.a.)                     21750
               BANK       40 Week MA  NEDBANK-P
                                                           2018  |   2019  |  2020  |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                           605    (Amts in EUR'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                                 Final  Final  Final   Final
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Turnover      322 964  583 980  501 733  336 977
       (R million)   Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Op Inc    - 130 732  535 387  309 475  360 961
                      Final  Final(rst)  Final(rst)  Final(rst)  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  60 045  52 517  39 859  22 906
       Interest Paid  41 146  51 888  46 774  46 111  Minority Int  - 953  107  - 150  280
       Interest Rcvd  68 654  79 240  72 729  71 311  Att Inc  - 174 921  416 235  221 855  - 579 694
       Operating Inc  34 109  42 304  43 302  42 077  TotCompIncLoss  - 175 874  416 342  221 705  - 579 414
       Minority Int     2     - 14    16     - 2  Fixed Ass    5 802 398  6 022 600  5 911 070  4 927 509
       Attrib Inc     3 919  10 087  10 765  11 160  Inv & Loans  44 377  44 064  70 496  66 648
       TotCompIncLoss  4 177  10 217  10 413  11 651  Tot Curr Ass  704 433  804 930  386 585  870 604
       Ord SH Int    73 613  72 792  68 846  67 425  Ord SH Int  3 687 068  4 090 672  3 839 772  3 914 243
       Dep & OtherAcc  929 761  881 297  806 487  742 859  Minority Int  5 255  6 208  6 101  476
       Liabilities  1 067 409  985 091  895 216  835 914  LT Liab  2 621 386  2 687 397  2 221 338  1 937 282
       Inv & Trad Sec  159 499  143 333  132 117  122 221  Tot Curr Liab  357 447  189 823  435 433  145 800
       Adv & Loans   835 568  815 063  748 428  695 744
       ST Dep & Cash  32 597  29 623  27 720  26 968  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)  323.44  551.60
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)
       Total Assets  1 152 358  1 068 310  971 623  910 068
                                                  DPS (ZARc)    310.57  953.20  882.97  731.93
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     NAV PS (ZARc)  10 834.52  10 770.91  10 969.02  10 075.08
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 193.21  2 897.75  3 037.87  40 541.22  3 Yr Beta  1.65  -  -     -
       DPS (ZARc)     65.40  84.47  84.05  86.56  Price High    12 765  13 971  21 500  22 020
       NAV PS (ZARc)  20 546.36  20 317.21  19 215.83  241 666.67  Price Low  5 204  10 909  9 692  17 100
       3YrBeta           -      -      -   -0.12  Price Prd End  9 350  12 383  11 300  21 357
       Price Prd End   745    970    875    840   RATIOS
       Price High      980   1 000   920    960   Ret on SH Fnd  - 4.76  10.16  5.76  - 14.80
       Price Low       600    875    810    810   Oper Pft Mgn  - 40.48  91.68  61.68  107.12
       RATIOS                                     D:E             0.78   0.66   0.65   0.50
       Ret on SH Fund  4.62  12.10  14.11  15.05  Current Ratio   1.97   4.24   0.89   5.97
       RetOnTotalAss   2.97   3.97   4.45   4.61  Div Cover      - 1.69  1.16   0.68  - 2.86
       Interest Mgn    0.02   0.03   0.03   0.03
       LiquidFnds:Dep  0.04   0.03   0.03   0.04
                                                       Net 1 UEPS Technologies Inc.
                NEPI Rockcastle plc               ISIN: US64107N2062  SHORT: NET1UEPS  CODE: NT1
                                                  REG NO: 98-0171860  FOUNDED: 1997  LISTED: 2008
       ISIN: IM00BDD7WV31  SHORT: NEPIROCK  CODE: NRP  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc. (“Net1” and
       REG NO: 014178V  FOUNDED: 2016  LISTED: 2017  collectively with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company”) was
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: NEPI Rockcastle is the premier owner and  incorporated in the State of Florida on May 8, 1997. The Company is a
        operator of shopping centres in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with  provider of financial technology, or fintech, products and services to the
        presenceinninecountriesandaninvestmentportfolioofEUR6.3billionas  unbanked and underbanked in a number of emerging and developed
        at 31 December 2019. The Group benefits from a highly-skilled internal  economies. Its universal electronic payment system (“UEPS”) uses
        management team which combines asset management, development,  biometrically secure smart cards that operate in real-time but offline,
        investment, leasing and financial expertise. Geographically diverse  which allows users to enter into transactions at any time with other card
        management skills allow NEPI Rockcastle to pursue CEE property  holders in even the most remote areas. The Company also develops and
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