Page 172 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 172

JSE – MOT                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                  D:E             0.72   0.96   0.82   0.81
                Motus Holdings Ltd.               Int Cover       4.80   1.47   4.34   5.30
        MOT                                       Current Ratio   1.29   1.54   1.41   1.16
                          ISIN: ZAE000261913      Div Cover       3.17     -    1.94     -
                          SHORT: MOTUS
                          CODE: MTH                           NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: +16 000
                          REG NO: 2017/451730/06              DIRECTORS: Dempster G W (Chair, ind ne),
                          FOUNDED: 2017                        Tugendhaft A (Dep Chair, ne),
                          LISTED: 2018                         Arbee O S (CEO),
                                                               Janse van Rensburg O J (CFO),
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                                    Cassel K A (Executive), CrousePJS(ind ne),
                                                               Mayet S (ind ne), MolokoKR(ind ne),
        Motus Holdings Ltd. (“Motus”) is a South African-based  NjekeMJN(ind ne), Radebe B (ind ne)
        holding company with a selected international presence  POSTAL ADDRESS:POBox1719, Edenvale,1610
        primarily in the United Kingdom (“UK”) and Australia, as  Scan the QR code to  EMAIL:
        well as a limited presence in South East Asia and Southern and  visit our website  WEBSITE:
        East Africa. Through its subsidiaries and associates, it  TELEPHONE: 010-493-4335
        operates as a diversified (non-manufacturing) business in the  COMPANY SECRETARY: Ntando Simelane
        automotive sector. Motus participates in the entire automo-  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        tive value chain through its four business segments namely:  SPONSOR: Merchantec Capital
                                                  AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche
        Import and Distribution, Retail and Rental, Financial Services  BANKERS: First National Bank Ltd., Nedbank Ltd., The Standard Bank of
        and Aftermarket Parts.                     South Africa Ltd.
        The activities of Motus’ business segments are described
        below:                                    CALENDAR               Expected     Status
        *Import and Distribution: Importer and distributor of  Next Final Results  31 Aug 2021  Confirmed
        passenger, light commercial vehicles and parts to serve a  Annual General Meeting  Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
        network of dealerships, car rental companies, fleets and gov-  Next Interim Results  Feb 2022  Unconfirmed
        ernment institutions in South Africa.
        *Retail and Rental: Retailer of new and pre-owned passenger  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        and commercial vehicles across all segments in South Africa  MTH  Ords no par val  394 999 000  191 202 392
        and the UK, and passenger vehicles in Australia. Servicing and  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        maintenance of vehicles. Rental of passenger and light com-  Ords no par val  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        mercial vehicles.                         Interim No 3      23 Mar 21  29 Mar 21  160.00
        *Financial Services: Manager and administrator of service,  Final No 2  17 Sep 19  23 Sep 19  250.00
        maintenance and  warranty  plans.  Develop  and  sell  Interim No 1  18 Mar 19  25 Mar 19  240.00
        value-added products and services. Provider of fleet manage-  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R180.4m(95.4% p.a.)
        ment services. Provider of business process outsourcing  ALSH  40 Week MA  MOTUS
        through sophisticated technology and call centre capabilities.
        Operate an innovation hub.
        *Aftermarket Parts: Distributor, wholesaler and retailer of ac-                9924
        cessories and parts for out-of-warranty vehicles through retail
        and franchised stores, and specialised workshops supported                     8125
        by distribution centres in South Africa, Taiwan and China.                     6326
       SECTOR: ConsDisr—Retail—Retailers—SpecialityRetaillers                          4526
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
         Public Investment Corporation    12.05%                                       2727
         M&G Investment Management (UK)    8.74%           2019    |       2020    |
         Ukhamba Holdings (Pty) Ltd. (SA)  8.42%  Recent Announcements
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Tuesday, 09 March 2021: Management announced that Motus has
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18
                     Interim  Final  Final  Final (P)  acquired a 49% shareholding in Synapt (Pty) Ltd. which owns
       Turnover    44 343 000  73 417 000  79 711 000  77 001 000  100% of GetWorth.
       Op Inc       1 724 000  2 136 000  3 620 000  3 593 000  About GetWorth
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  332 000  1 116 000  774 000  737 000  Launched in 2017, GetWorth is a technology and on-line
       Tax           359 000  356 000  714 000  897 000  pre-owned vehicle business that uses proprietary and patented
       Minority Int      -  - 121 000  28 000  - 33 000
       Att Inc       928 000  306 000  1 868 000  2 346 000  technology, and products to assist customers to buy right and sell
       TotCompIncLoss  - 339 000  1 426 000  1 680 000  2 544 000  smart. GetWorth uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and smart
       Hline Erngs-CO  963 000  550 000  1 977 000  1 991 000  products to drive customer offerings. These, coupled with a profes-
       Fixed Ass    7 432 000  7 625 000  7 023 000  6 786 000  sional service and one touch customer technology, gives the
       Inv in Assoc  250 000  232 000  258 000  348 000  business a unique value proposition. The business has registered
       Inv & Loans   513 000  504 000  684 000  653 000  patents in South Africa and is awaiting registration overseas.
       Def Tax Asset  1 347 000  1 302 000  1 048 000  782 000  Business rationale for the acquisition
       Tot Curr Ass  25 455 000  30 065 000  28 586 000  26 917 000  The acquisition underpins Motus’ intention to support its new
       Ord SH Int  12 139 000  12 508 000  11 875 000  11 640 000
       Minority Int  - 86 000  - 56 000  - 37 000  4 000  and pre-owned vehicle retail businesses utilising technology.
       LT Liab      6 987 000  11 674 000  6 716 000  1 914 000  Through this investment and innovation, Motus aims to
       Tot Curr Liab  19 794 000  19 552 000  20 318 000  23 158 000  empower its customers and dealer group alike.
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      Motus will deploy the innovative vehicle buying and selling
       EPS (ZARc)    507.00  165.00  953.00  1 162.00  processes which were developed by GetWorth. By matching the
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  526.00  296.00  1 009.00  986.00  scaleofthetrusted and established Motus dealer network with the
       Pct chng p.a.  255.4  - 70.7   2.3     -    GetWorth innovative processes and systems, this will expedite
       DPS (ZARc)    160.00     -   490.00    -    andimprovethesellingandbuyingexperienceforthecustomers.
       Pct chng p.a.     -  - 100.0    -      -    The GetWorth’s business model will enable Motus to fast-track
       NAV PS (ZARc)  6 526.00  6 653.00  6 185.00  5 762.00
       Price High     6 214  8 598  10 238    -    its positioning in on-line vehicle buying and warehouse
       Price Low      2 514  2 300  7 152     -    retailing, resulting in increased vehicle sales.
       Price Prd End  5 600  3 062  7 312     -   Motus interim results December 2020 - Tuesday, 23 February 2021:
       RATIOS                                      Revenue for the interim period was higher at R44.3 billion
       Ret on SH Fnd  15.40   1.49  16.02  19.86   (R42.0 billion).
       Ret On Tot Ass  7.61   2.48   7.64   8.16
       Oper Pft Mgn    3.89   2.91   4.54   4.67
   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177