Page 143 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 143

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – HOS
        Hosken Passenger Logistics and Rail               Hudaco Industries Ltd.
                         Ltd.                      HUD                    ISIN: ZAE000003273
        HOS                                                               SHORT: HUDACO
       ISIN: ZAE000255907  SHORT: HPLR  CODE: HPR                         CODE: HDC
       REG NO: 2015/250356/06  FOUNDED: 2015  LISTED: 2018                REG NO: 1985/004617/06
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: HPLR is an investment entity tailored to       FOUNDED: 1891
        consolidate and expand opportunities in the mobility and logistics sectors.  LISTED: 1985
        The current portfolio is rooted in the commuter bus and luxury coach  NATUREOF BUSINESS:HudacoisaSouthAfricangroupthatimportsand
        segments. Through its principal subsidiary Golden Arrow Bus Services,  distributes  high-quality  branded  engineering  consumables  and
        with over 157 years of proven operational expertise, the Company aims to  consumer-related products. Its customer base is mainly within the
        harness the combined institutional knowledge and skills sets to pursue  southern African manufacturing, mining, construction, automotive
        further prospects in bus and coach operations and potential entrées into  aftermarket and security industries. Adding value to the product sold by
        freight, rail and logistics operations.    offering technical advice, prompt availability and training is a key part of
       SECTOR: ConsDisr—Travel&Leis—Travel&Leis—Travel&Tour  Hudaco’s business model.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0                     SECTOR: Ind—Ind Goods&Srvcs—Support Srvcs—Ind Suppliers
       DIRECTORS: GovenderTG(ne), Govender L (ld ind ne), Jappie N  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 3 587
        (ind ne), WatsonRD(ind ne), Shaik Y (Chair, ne), Meyer F E (CEO),  DIRECTORS: ConnellySJ(ne), Mandindi N (ind ne), Meiring L,
        Wilkin M L (CFO)                           Naidoo D (ind ne), Thompson M (ind ne), Dunford G R (Group CE),
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020  Amoils C V (Group FD)
         HCI                              82.11%  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 22 Feb 2021
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 115, Cape Town, 8000  Public Investment Corporation GEPF  10.19%
       MORE INFO:   PSG Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.   9.67%
       COMPANY SECRETARY: HCI Managerial Services (Pty) Ltd.  Foord Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.  6.46%
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag 13, Elandsfontein, 1406
       SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.                EMAIL:
       AUDITORS: BDO Cape Incorporated            WEBSITE:
                                                  TELEPHONE: 011-657-5000  FAX: 011-690-0350
       HPR  Ords no par val  1 000 000 000  290 000 000  COMPANY SECRETARY: Natasha Petrides
                                                  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                       SPONSOR: Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking
       Ords no par val       Ldt    Pay     Amt   AUDITORS: BDO Inc.
       Interim No 5       8 Dec 20  14 Dec 20  18.00
       Final No 4         15 Jun 20  22 Jun 20  31.00  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
                                                  HDC  Ords 10c ea      40 000 000  33 128 931
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 137 658 shares p.w., R452 179.6(2.5% p.a.)
                                                  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
               TRAV       40 Week MA   HPLR       Ords 10c ea           Ldt     Pay    Amt
                                           685    Final No 67       16 Feb 21  22 Feb 21  410.00
                                                  Final No 66       18 Feb 20  24 Feb 20  410.00
                                                  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 279 876 shares p.w., R23.0m(43.9% p.a.)
                                           461            INDE       40 Week MA   HUDACO
         2018  |     2019  |     2020  |
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18
                     Interim  Final  Final  Final                                      4451
       Turnover      749 254  2 048 402  1 779 849  1 808 406                          1313
       Op Inc        155 564  488 657  330 527  342 038  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  10 549  24 538  - 3 796  17 308  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       Minority Int  - 2 733  1 868  11 008  9 447  (R million)  Nov 20  Nov 19  Nov 18  Nov 17  Nov 16
       Att Inc       68 162  261 042  233 908  235 947          Final  Final  Final  Final  Final
       TotCompIncLoss  65 429  272 060  242 950  262 064  Turnover  6 254  6 704  6 381  5 902  5 534
       Fixed Ass    1 702 516  1 730 134  1 579 256  1 462 937  Op Inc  510  701  655  676  639
       Tot Curr Ass  573 156  576 927  609 825  630 598  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  104  103  91  81  87
       Ord SH Int   1 209 714  1 228 751  1 115 079  1 373 692  Tax  133  160  144  156  148
       Minority Int  - 4 896  - 2 163  43 623  32 616  Att Inc   36   429   381   397  388
       LT Liab       647 942  695 780  633 272  557 397  Hline Erngs-CO  331  429  408  398  387
       Tot Curr Liab  477 369  441 266  428 356  376 013  Fixed Ass  265  302  277  270  256
                                                  Right-of-use Assets  414  -  -   -     -
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  23.16  86.39  80.78  81.15  Investments   3 031 -  3 057  3 167 9  2 777 9  2 619 7
                                                  Tot Curr Ass
       DPS (ZARc)     18.00  45.00  42.00     -   Ord SH Int    2 593  2 742  2 509  2 295  2 065
       NAV PS (ZARc)  417.14  423.71  384.51  473.69  Minority Int  76  101  70   81    65
       Price High      781    535   1 000     -   LT Liab       1 148  919  1 124  891  869
       Price Low       270    289    370      -   Tot Curr Liab  1 138  1 182  1 339  1 353  1 231
       Price Prd End   295    320    380      -
       RATIOS                                     PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Ret on SH Fnd  10.86  21.43  21.14  17.45  EPS (ZARc)   113.00 1 355.00 1 202.00 1 254.00 1 226.00
       Oper Pft Mgn   20.76  23.86  18.57  18.91  HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 050.00 1 355.00 1 289.00 1 256.00 1 222.00
       D:E             0.68   0.71   0.69   0.50  DPS (ZARc)   410.00  600.00  570.00  560.00  525.00
       Current Ratio   1.20   1.31   1.42   1.68  NAV PS (ZARc)  7 579.00 8 666.00 7 927.00 7 252.00 6 525.00
       Div Cover       1.31   2.00   1.92     -   3 Yr Beta     0.58  - 0.23  - 0.17  0.35  0.64
                                                  Price High   11 498  15 785  17 850  15 432  12 194
                                                  Price Low     5 580  10 006  12 302  10 300  7 700
                                                  Price Prd End  8 550  10 808  14 200  13 600  10 850
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd  0.34  16.57  15.55  17.76  19.39
                                                  Ret On Tot Ass  10.85  17.63  16.26  19.48  19.01
                                                  Oper Pft Mgn  8.15  10.46  10.26  11.45  11.55
                                                  Int Cover     4.90  6.81  7.20  8.37  7.57
                                                  Current Ratio  2.66  2.59  2.37  2.05  2.13
                                                  Div Cover     0.28  2.26  2.11  2.24  2.34
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148