Page 142 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 142

JSE – HOS                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                  SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
       Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd.       AUDITORS: BDO South Africa Inc.
        HOS                                       BANKERS: First National Bank of SA Ltd.
                              ISIN: ZAE000003257  SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 31 Mar 21 (asa%of Revenue)
                              SHORT: HCI            Media and broadcasting           27.40%
                              CODE: HCI             Branded products and manufacturing  24.97%
                              REG NO: 1973/007111/06  Transport                      19.47%
                              FOUNDED: 1973
                              LISTED: 1973          Coal Mining                      16.24%
                                                    Gaming                            2.05%
                                                    Properties                        1.64%
                                                    Other                             0.26%
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       CALENDAR               Expected     Status
        HCI is involved in high growth industries via hotels; gaming;  Next Final Results  May 2021  Unconfirmed
        media;transport;mining;industrialandtechnologicalservices.  Annual General Meeting  Oct 2021  Unconfirmed
                                                  Next Interim Results   Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
       SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—InvBnkng&BrokerServcs— DiversFinServcs  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2021  HCI  Ords 25c ea  450 000 000  85 620 648
         SACTWU                           28.50%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
         Ronaldgate (Pty) Ltd.             7.50%  Ords 25c ea           Ldt     Pay    Amt
         Squirewood Investments 64 (Pty) Ltd.*  5.30%  Interim No 60  10 Dec 19  17 Dec 19  55.00
         *treasury shares
                                                  Final No 59        18 Jun 19  24 Jun 19  210.00
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Interim No 58     11 Dec 18  18 Dec 18  55.00
       (R million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Final No 57  19 Jun 18  25 Jun 18  190.00
                   Interim Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)
       Turnover      5 653  14 924  14 326  14 596  14 310  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 501 746 shares p.w., R21.9m(30.5% p.a.)
       Op Inc        - 402  5 086  5 142  4 934  5 157    FINI       40 Week MA    HCI
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  918  1 786  1 633  1 506  1 340
       Tax           - 179  - 1 750  1 001  454  1 067
       Minority Int  - 474  - 3 520  956  1 037  2 037                                 12666
       Att Inc       - 286  - 3 805  708  940  1 238
       TotCompIncLoss  - 1 258  - 6 853  2 137  1 784  2 688                           9932
       Hline Erngs-CO  - 407  1 047  1 029  1 164  1 306
       Fixed Ass    25 258  25 687  25 694  24 913  25 128
       Inv in Assoc  2 633  2 978  2 470  1 720  1 455                                 4464
       Inv Props     9 063  9 345  10 053  9 588  8 510
       Def Tax Asset  730  468   429   487  379      2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  1730
       Tot Curr Ass  8 863  10 588  8 895  8 420  8 690
       Ord SH Int   11 783  12 348  16 162  15 274  15 756  Recent Announcements
       Minority Int  13 574  14 303  19 171  20 387  20 364  Friday, 20 November 2020: At the Company’s Annual General
       LT Liab      26 227  25 397  25 441  24 873  22 868  Meeting held on the 15 October 2020, more than 25% (25.51%)
       Tot Curr Liab  10 732  12 844  11 812  9 796  11 548
                                                   ofthe voteswere castagainstnon-bindingadvisory votenumber
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      1 to endorse the Company’s Remuneration Policy. In keeping
       EPS (ZARc)  - 353.11 - 4 591.53  826.16 1 062.91 1 312.99
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 470.67 1 352.17 1 265.18 1 213.43 1 357.29  with the recommendations of the King IV Report on Corporate
       Pct chng p.a.  - 169.6  6.9  4.3  - 10.6  42.6  Governance for South Africa and paragraph 3.84(k) of the JSE
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  7.0  4.7  6.6  12.2   Listings Requirements, shareholders are hereby invited to raise
       DPS (ZARc)      -  55.00  265.00  240.00  215.00  their concerns or recommendations on the Remuneration
       Pct chng p.a.   -  - 79.2  10.4  11.6  13.2  Policy (as set out within the Remuneration Committee Report
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  - 5.8  13.6  17.5  19.2  in the Company’s Annual Report for the year ending 31 March
       NAV PS (ZARc)  14 569.96 15 269.00 19 043.00 17 785.00 17 897.00  2020) on Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 15:00. Shareholders
       3 Yr Beta     1.26  1.34  - 0.06  0.51  1.04
       Price High    3 975  12 000  15 650  16 299  15 000  who wish to participate in the meeting are requested to contact
       Price Low     1 600  1 999  10 206  11 691  10 450  the Company Secretary at by 15:00 on 7
       Price Prd End  3 450  2 746  11 179  14 400  14 185  December 2020 to obtain details for the meeting.
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 5.99  - 27.48  4.71  5.54  9.07
       Ret On Tot Ass  - 6.04  6.06  7.48  7.58  8.11
       Oper Pft Mgn  - 7.10  34.08  35.89  33.80  36.04
       D:E           1.31  1.30  0.94  0.86  0.84
       Int Cover     0.19  - 3.91  2.81  2.63  4.64
       Current Ratio  0.83  0.82  0.75  0.86  0.75
       Div Cover       -  - 83.48  3.12  4.43  6.11
       DIRECTORS: Copelyn J A (CEO),
        Nicolella J R (FD), Govender T G, Shaik Y,
        AhmedMH(ind ne), MaguguMF(ind ne),
        McDonald L (ne), Mkhwanazi-SigegeSNN(ne),
        Mphande V E (Chair, ind ne),
        NgcoboJG(ind ne), WatsonRD(ind ne)
       MAJOR HOLDINGS as at 31 March 2021
        Deneb Investments Ltd.  85.4%
        Hosken Passenger Logistics and Rail Ltd. 82.2%
        eMedia Holdings Ltd.  62.9%  Scan the QR code to
        Tsogo Sun Gaming Ltd.  49.8%  visit our website
        Tsogo Sun Hotels Ltd.  42.5%
       POPULAR BRAND NAMES: Business Systems
        Group, Deneb Investments, E Media Holdings, e,, Formex, Galaxy Bingo, Gallagher Estates, HCI Coal, Hosken
        Passenger Logistics & Rail, Openview HD, Tsogo Sun Gaming, Tsogo Sun
        Hotels, VSlots, YFm
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 5251, Cape Town, 8000
       TELEPHONE: 021-481-7560  FAX: 021-434-1539
       COMPANY SECRETARY: HCI Managerial Services (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
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