Page 140 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 140

JSE – HAR                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                   Pct chng p.a.  1 106.5  - 175.5  19.3  - 42.6  34.8
        Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd.           Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  10.6  - 119.7  29.8  18.4
        HAR                                       DPS (ZARc)   110.00   -     -    -  85.00
                              ISIN: ZAE000015228   Pct chng p.a.  -     -     -  - 100.0  70.0
                              SHORT: HARMONY       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  - 6.0  - 6.0  - 6.0  - 6.0
                              CODE: HAR
                              REG NO: 1950/038232/06  NAV (ZARc)  5 026.36 3 874.87 4 189.01 5 073.85 6 657.69
                              FOUNDED: 1950       3 Yr Beta     1.69  1.91  0.94  - 0.33  0.92
                              LISTED: 1951        Price Prd End  7 160  7 186  3 174  2 122  2 168
                                                  Price High   12 676  7 428  3 298  2 908  6 700
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       Price Low     6 041  2 945  2 036  1 900  2 009
        Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd. (‘Harmony') is a  RATIOS
        gold-mining and exploration company with operations in  Ret on SH fund  37.49  - 3.64  - 11.53  - 17.62  - 0.38
                                                                     - 1.33
                                                                                - 11.83
                                                  Ret on Tot Ass
        SouthAfricaandPapua New Guinea(PNG), oneofthe world's  Oper Pft Mgn  25.77  - 1.22  - 9.43  - 22.79  - 5.16
        premier new gold regions.                 D:E           0.38  0.33  0.26  0.22  0.07
        With 70 years ofexperience, Harmonyis SouthAfrica's largest  Interest Cover  75.93  n/a  n/a  n/a  n/a
        gold producer. The company is listed and regulated by stock  Current Ratio  1.30  1.34  1.35  1.16  1.28
        exchanges in Johannesburg and New York, and is a constitu-  Dividend Cover  8.78  -  -  -  0.98
        ent of the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment index. The  Yield (g/ton)  20 863  25 429  25 976  22 441  19 401
                                                  Ton Mll (‘000)
        company's shares are also quoted in the form of American De-  Output (kg)  23 183  37 863  44 734  38 193  33 836
        positary Receipts (ADRs) on the New York Stock Exchange.  Price Received  896 587  735 569  586 653  570 709  570 164
        In South Africa, Harmony has nine underground mines  WrkCost(R/kg)  596 047  553 513  439 722  421 260  436 917
        (Tshepong complex is classified as one) and one open-pit  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 39 714
        mine and several surface operations. In PNG, Harmony has  DIRECTORS: Sibiya G R (ind ne), Lekubo B P (FD),
        the Hidden Valley open-pit gold and silver mine and sur-  Chissano J A (ind ne, Moz),
        rounding exploration tenements. Harmony has a 50% joint  LushabaDrDSS(ind ne), Mashego H E,
                                                               Msimang M (ld ind ne), Nondumo K T (ind ne),
        venture with Newcrest Mining Ltd (Newcrest) in the     Wetton J L (ind ne), Pillay V P (ind ne),
        Wafi-Golpu project. Harmony’s own (100%) exploration   De Buck FFT(ind ne), Wilkens A J (ne),
        portfolio focuses principally on highly prospective areas in  Motloba M J (Dep Chair, ne), Turner P L (ind ne),
                                                               Motsepe Dr P T (Chair, ne),
        PNG and SA.                               Scan the QR code to  Steenkamp P W (CEO)
        In FY20, Harmony produced 1.2Moz of gold (FY19:  visit our website  POSTAL ADDRESS:POBox2,Randfontein,1760
        1.438Moz) and at year end employed close to 39714 people  EMAIL:
        (including some 5841 contractors), mostly in South Africa.  WEBSITE:
        Harmony's attributable gold and gold equivalent mineral  TELEPHONE: 011-411-2000  FAX: 011-692-3879
                                                  COMPANY SECRETARY: Shela Mohatla
        reserves amounts to 36.5Moz¹, a 0.1% increase from the  TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        36.45Moz¹ declared at June 2019. The gold reserve ounces in  SPONSOR: JP Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
        South Africa represent 48%, while the PNG gold and gold  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
        equivalent ounces represent 52% of Harmony’s total mineral  BANKERS: Nedbank Ltd.
        reserves as at 30 June 2020.              SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 30 Jun 20 (asa%of Revenue)
        Harmony's shareholders are located around the world,  South Africa           86.76%
        primarily in South Africa (32%), the United States (45%) and
                                                  CALENDAR               Expected     Status
        the Europe (13%) as at 30 June 2020.      Next Final Results     Sep 2021  Unconfirmed
        Our corporate offices are based in Randfontein, South Africa.  Annual General Meeting  Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
        Harmony is governed by an experienced board of directors.  Next Interim Results  Feb 2022  Unconfirmed
        Skilled management teams ensure the company continues to  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        deliver on its strategy to produce safe, profitable ounces and
                                                  HAR  Ords no par val  1 200 000 000  616 052 197
        increase margins.                         DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        ¹Gold equivalent based on USD1 290/oz gold, USD3.00/lb  Ords no par val  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        copper at 100% recovery for both metals.  Interim No 89     13 Apr 21  19 Apr 21  110.00
                                                  Final No 88       10 Oct 17  16 Oct 17  35.00
       SECTOR:BasicMaterials—BasicResrcs—PreciousMet&Min—GoldMin  Interim No 87  14 Mar 17  20 Mar 17  50.00
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 03 Mar 2021  Final No 86    13 Sep 16  19 Sep 16  50.00
         African Rainbow Minerals Ltd.    12.38%  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 19m shares p.w., R1 366.2m(157.8% p.a.)
         Van Eck Associate Corporation    10.02%
         Fairtree Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.  5.04%        40 Week MA         HARMONY
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                                            11650
       (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final                             9716
       Wrk Revenue  21 588  29 245  26 912  20 452  19 264
       Wrk Pft       5 564  - 358  - 2 538  - 4 660  - 994                             7782
       NetIntPd(Rcd)  87   286   267   - 13  - 34
       Tax            772  255  - 139  - 234  - 510
       Minority Int   27    28    -     -     -                                        3914
       Att Inc       5 785  - 878  - 2 607  - 4 473  362
       TotCompIncLoss  7 552  - 2 808  - 3 309  - 5 133  1 180                         1980
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Ord SH Int   30 965  23 371  22 614  25 382  29 291
       Minority Int   44     4    -     -     -   Recent Announcements
       LT Liab      11 460  12 761  10 200  9 395  4 046  Tuesday, 16 March 2021: It is with deep regret that Harmony
       Def Inc & Tax  1 810  996  688  1 145  1 702
       Cap Employed  44 279  37 132  33 502  35 922  35 039  advised that an employee was fatally injured yesterday at its
       Mining Ass   35 180  29 186  27 749  30 969  30 044  Moab Khotsong mine, in Orkney in the North West Province,
       Inv In Assoc   149  146   110   84    46    following an engineering-related incident.
       Inv & Loans   5 070  3 642  3 393  3 271  2 911  Harmony’s management team extends its condolences to the de-
       Def Tax Asset  312    -    -     -     -    ceased’s family, friends and co-workers.
       Other Ass     1 042  1 016  574  471  344  Harmony interim results December 2020 - Tuesday, 23 February
       Tot Curr Ass  8 691  10 166  4 377  4 181  4 935
       CurLiabExclCsh  6 707  7 560  3 234  3 599  3 844  2021: Revenue for the interim period jumped to R21.6 billion
                                                   (R15.5 billion) whilst gross profit more than doubled to R4.7
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       EPS (ZARc)   966.00  - 164.00  - 498.00 - 1 003.00  82.00  billion (R2.0 billion).
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  775.00  - 154.00  204.00  171.00  298.00
   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145