Page 148 - 2021 Issue 2
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JSE – IMP                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                              POSTAL ADDRESS:POBox3013, Edenvale,1610
               Imperial Logistics Ltd.                        EMAIL:
                                                              TELEPHONE: 011-372-6500
                                                              COMPANY SECRETARY: J Ravjee (Acting)
                                                              TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare
                                                               Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                              SPONSOR: Rand Merchant Bank (A division of
                                                               FirstRand Bank Ltd. (SA))
                                                  Scan the QR code to  AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche
                                                   visit our website
                                                              BANKERS: First National Bank, Nedbank,
                                                               Standard Bank
                                                  CALENDAR               Expected     Status
                                                  Next Final Results   24 Aug 2021  Confirmed
                                                  Annual General Meeting  8 Nov 2021  Confirmed
       ISIN: ZAE000067211  SHORT: IMPERIAL  CODE: IPL  Next Interim Results  Feb 2022  Unconfirmed
       REG NO: 1946/021048/06  FOUNDED: 1946  LISTED: 1987
                                                  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       IPL  Ords 4c ea       394 999 000  202 074 388
        Imperial is an African focused provider of integrated market  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        access and logistics solutions, with a focus on the following key  Ords 4c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        industries — healthcare, consumer, automotive, chemicals, in-  Interim No 61  16 Mar 21  23 Mar 21  83.00
        dustrial and commodities. Imperial takes its clients and princi-  Interim No 60  17 Mar 20  23 Mar 20  167.00
                                                                     23 Sep 19
                                                  Final No 59
                                                                            30 Sep 19
        pals’ products to some of the fastest growing and most chal-  Interim No 58  18 Mar 19  25 Mar 19  135.00
        lenging markets in the world. Ranked among the top 30 global
        logistics providers and listed on the JSE in South Africa,  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R166.2m(103.1% p.a.)
        Imperial seeks out and leverages new technology to deliver in-  INDT  40 Week MA  IMPERIAL
        novative, end-to-end solutions. Through its significant African                11425
        footprint and international expertise, and with the support of
        its 25 000 people, Imperial’s purpose is connecting Africa and
        the world — and improving people’s lives with access to quality                7748
        products and services.
       SECTOR: Inds—IndsGoods & Services—IndsTransport—TransportSer
       CONTROLLED BY: None                                                             4072
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 26 Mar 2021
         Public Investment Corporation Ltd.  11.35%  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2233
         M&G Investments (London)         10.43%  Recent Announcements
         PSG Asset Management              9.51%
                                                  Imperial interim results December 2020 - Tuesday, 23 February
       (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  2021: Revenue for the interim period went up 15% to R26.4
                   Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)  billion (2019: R23 billion) whilst operating profit decreased by
       Turnover     26 360  46 380  44 039  48 565  115 889  18% to R1.2 billion (2019: R1.5 billion). Net profit attributable
       Op Inc        1 201  1 459  2 413  2 868  6 049  to owners from continuing operations fell to R232 million
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  395  762  605   569  1 680  (2019: R590 million). In addition, headline earnings per share
       Tax            158  159   386   620  901    from continuing operations was lower at 180 cents per share
       Minority Int   67    77   142   135  - 36   (2019: 315 cents per share).
       Att Inc        814  - 303  3 438  3 273  2 601
       TotCompIncLoss  - 210  683  3 887  4 063  2 160  Dividend
       Hline Erngs-CO*  336  295  870  1 139  2 700  For the six months ended 31 December 2020 notice is hereby
       Fixed Ass     3 004  3 326  2 647  3 042  10 371  given that a gross interim ordinary dividend in the amount of
       Right of use Ass  4 576  5 422  4 780  5 335  -  83.00 cents per ordinary share has been declared by the board of
       Inv in Assoc   259  198   520   752  1 002  Imperial, payable to the holders of the 202 074 388 ordinary
       Inv & Loans    458  271   225   258  805    shares. The dividend will be paid out of income reserves.
       Def Tax Asset  1 468  1 510  1 227  940  1 509  Company prospects
       Tot Curr Ass  13 103  19 529  14 633  51 720  36 114  Manyofour markets continuetofaceincreasinguncertaintyand
       Ord SH Int    7 090  7 320  7 774  22 321  20 742
       Minority Int  1 000  1 218  913  886  667   volatility, being in various levels of lockdown and restrictions.
       LT Liab      15 250  21 270  16 539  17 428  26 464  However, as some of these restrictions are easing and
       Tot Curr Liab  9 376  12 984  11 361  35 331  21 687  COVID-19 vaccines are in the process of being rolled out,
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      volumes and operating activities are improving — but the
       EPS (ZARc)   437.00  - 161.00 1 773.00 1 681.00 1 339.00  business is notyet at pre-COVID-19 levels. It remains to be seen
       HEPS-C (ZARc)*  180.00  156.00  448.00  585.00  379.00  how the second wave of COVID-19 will fully impact the
       DPS (ZARc)    83.00  167.00  244.00  650.00  795.00  business. Forecasts indicate that most economies in the key
       NAV PS (ZARc)  3 718.00 3 783.00 3 960.00 11 464.00 10 550.00  African markets in which we operate contracted in 2020, with
       3 Yr Beta     1.47  1.62  0.89  1.25  1.06  low to modest growth expected in 2021. We therefore expect
       Price High    4 387  6 300  8 764  11 671  7 724  volatile trading conditions across the markets in which we
       Price Low     3 247  2 299  5 143  6 374  5 482
       Price Prd End  3 723  3 933  5 143  7 914  6 504  operate until some level of normalisation is reached around the
       RATIOS                                      COVID-19 pandemic.
       Ret on SH Fnd  22.38  - 2.73  10.40  14.76  12.39  At this stage, for the 12 months to 30 June 2021, subject to
       Ret On Tot Ass  6.22  2.03  6.29  8.25  7.54  stable currencies, steady recovery in volumes and revenue on
       Oper Pft Mgn  4.56  3.15  5.48  5.91  5.22  the back of easing COVID-19 restrictions, as well as a recovery
       D:E           1.94  2.57  2.03  0.49  1.28  from current levels in markets in which we operate, we expect
       Int Cover     2.14  1.33  1.40  4.06  2.84  Imperial’s continuing operations to deliver:
       Current Ratio  1.40  1.50  1.29  1.46  1.67  Double-digit revenue growth compared to F2020.
       Div Cover     5.27  - 0.96  7.27  2.37  0.83
       * Continuing operations                     Double-digit operating profit growth compared to F2020.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 25 082                 Double-digit growth in continuing HEPS compared to F2020.
       DIRECTORS: Adesola H (ind ne, Nig), Anammah J (ind ne, Nig),  Double-digit growth in core EPS compared to F2020.
        Langeni P (Chair, ne), SparksRJA(ind ne), Cooper P (ind ne),  Strong free cash flow generation - free cash conversion expected
        DempsterGW(ld ind ne), RadebeNB(ind ne), Reich D (ind ne),  to be between 70% and 75%.
        Akoojee M (CEO), de Beer J G (CFO)
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