Page 114 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 114

JSE – CLI                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  HEPS-C (ZARc)  370.60  754.30  675.20  609.50  536.30
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  DPS (ZARc)  142.50  450.00  445.00  380.00  322.00
       Turnover    215 605 1 159 283 1 547 984 1 498 426 1 520 410  NAV PS (ZARc)  1 762.00 2 089.00 1 903.00 1 811.00 1 395.00
       Op Inc      - 232 979  107 370  364 584  467 541  496 350  3 Yr Beta  - 0.10  - 0.08  0.51  0.62  0.71
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  93 601  201 732  57 609  59 836  70 955  Price High  28 113  27 467  21 950  22 220  15 206
       Att Inc     - 550 383 - 486 632  205 456  279 438  295 141  Price Low  21 600  19 124  15 250  14 844  11 000
       TotCompIncLoss  - 586 380 - 434 504  203 059  307 263  258 858  Price Prd End  24 476  23 000  19 900  20 300  15 130
       Fixed Ass  2 112 174 2 509 752 2 630 411 2 285 396 1 917 022  RATIOS
       Inv & Loans    800  8 700  13 873  200  200  Ret on SH Fnd  41.10  36.20  35.12  33.19  38.75
       Tot Curr Ass  216 343  241 088  303 373  333 046  372 367  Oper Pft Mgn  7.53  8.05  7.99  6.95  6.76
       Ord SH Int  1 177 231  568 316 1 106 701 1 057 866  934 311  D:E  0.48  0.37  0.35  0.10  0.12
       LT Liab    1 965 652 2 260 101 1 701 435 1 446 619  560 688  Current Ratio  1.08  1.20  1.17  1.24  1.14
       Tot Curr Liab  225 765 1 029 987  217 592  181 245  855 861
                                                  Div Cover     2.52  1.67  1.52  1.60  1.68
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 62.60  - 77.00  111.44  142.47  160.74  Clientèle Ltd.
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -  72.61  90.08  99.20
       NAV PS (ZARc)  206.00  307.42  598.63  850.94  779.32  ISIN: ZAE000117438  SHORT: CLIENTELE  CODE: CLI
       3 Yr Beta     1.49  1.37  - 0.09  - 0.08  0.57  REG NO: 2007/023806/06  FOUNDED: 2007  LISTED: 2008
       Price High     680  2 351  3 115  3 541  3 492  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Clientèle, the holding Company of the Group, is
       Price Low      222  264  1 924  2 281  2 619  incorporated in South Africa and is listed under the Insurance sector index
       Price Prd End  250  471  2 038  2 814  2 780  on the JSE. Its Long-term insurance subsidiary, Clientèle Life, markets,
       RATIOS                                      distributes and underwrites insurance and investment products and
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 93.50  - 85.63  18.56  26.42  31.59  invests funds derived therefrom and accounts for the majority of the
       Oper Pft Mgn  - 108.06  9.26  23.55  31.20  32.65  Group’s earnings and assets. The Group also provides personal and
       D:E           1.71  4.06  1.54  1.37  0.69  business lines legal insurance policies underwritten through Clientèle
                                                   General Insurance, its Short-term insurance subsidiary.
       Current Ratio  0.96  0.23  1.39  1.84  0.44
       Div Cover       -     -   1.54  1.68  1.62  SECTOR: Fins—Insurance—Life Insurance—Life Insurance
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 2 171
                                                  DIRECTORS: ChadwickGK(alt), Enthoven DrADT(ne), Gwangwa P
                  Clicks Group Ltd.                R(ind ne), Hlatshwayo D (ne), Louw H, NkadimengPG(ne), Stott B
                                                   A(ind ne), Tabane T, WilliamsRD(ind ne), Routledge
       ISIN: ZAE000134854  SHORT: CLICKS  CODE: CLS  G Q (Chair, ind ne), Reekie B W (MD), Hume I B (Group FD)
       REG NO: 1996/000645/06  FOUNDED: 1968  LISTED: 1996  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Clicks Group is a retail-led healthcare group  Friedshelf 1577 (Pty) Ltd.  80.70%
        which is listed in the Food and Drug Retailers sector on the JSE.  Yellowwoods Trust Investments (Pty) Ltd.  8.98%
       SECTOR:CnsStp—PcDrugs&Groceries—PcDrugs&Groceries—DrugRetailers  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1316, Rivonia, 2128
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 15 413                MORE INFO:
       DIRECTORS: Engelbrecht B (HR), Abrahams Prof F (ind ne),  COMPANY SECRETARY: W van Zyl
        Bester J (ind ne), Daniels (Jakoet) F (ind ne), Moumakwa Dr P (ind ne),  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        NjekeJN(ind ne), Rosen M (ind ne), Nurek D M (Chair, ind ne),  SPONSOR: PwC Corporate Finance (Pty) Ltd.
        Ramsunder V (CEO), Fleming M (CFO)        AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 07 Apr 2021
         Public Investment Corporation (SA)  15.07%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED   ISSUED
         BlackRock                         6.10%  CLI  Ord 2c ea        750 000 000  335 321 768
         Fidelity Management & Research (US)  6.10%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 5142, Cape Town, 8000  Ord2cea            Ldt     Pay    Amt
       MORE INFO:  Final No 13       15 Sep 20  21 Sep 20  95.00
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Matthew Welz            Final No 12        17 Sep 19  23 Sep 19  131.00
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 208 857 shares p.w., R2.1m(3.2% p.a.)
       SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.                       LIFE       40 Week MA  CLIENTELE
       CLS  Ords 1c ea       600 000 000  246 168 326
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                                                            1871
       Ords 1c ea            Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Interim No 43      29 Jun 21  5 Jul 21  142.50
       Final No 42        19 Jan 21  25 Jan 21  450.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 5m shares p.w., R1 271.1m(111.6% p.a.)
               FOOR       40 Week MA   CLICKS
                                           27609                                       753
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                           23737  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                                           19865              Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  Total Premiums  1 155  2 223  2 278  2 199  2 003
                                                  Total Income  1 092  2 094  2 141  2 076  1 873
                                                  Total Outgo    935  1 729  1 852  1 720  1 491
                                                  Attrib Inc     197  329   401   490  466
                                           8248   TotCompIncLoss  197  324  405   489  473
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Ord SH Int     894  1 014  1 126  1 130  1 016
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Long-Term Liab  7 459  7 393  6 865  2 464  1 160
       (R million)  Feb 21  Aug 20  Aug 19  Aug 18  Sep 17  Cap Employed  9 165  9 238  8 731  4 275  2 872
                   Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)  Fixed Assets  466  470  478  469  469
       Turnover     18 134  34 364  31 352  29 239  26 809  Current Assets  8 931  8 911  8 462  4 162  2 744
       Op Inc        1 366  2 767  2 507  2 032  1 814  Current Liab  470  457  521  447  421
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  90  175   176   - 2   37
       Att Inc        891  1 880  1 681  1 468  1 278  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       TotCompIncLoss  883  1 936  1 656  1 517  1 261  HEPS-C (ZARc)  58.64  98.99  120.00  147.22  140.29
       Fixed Ass     2 098  2 121  2 067  1 843  1 534  DPS (ZARc)  -  95.00  131.00  125.00  115.00
       Inv & Loans    10    10    10   15     5   NAV PS (ZARc)  266.56  302.31  335.78  337.51  304.19
       Tot Curr Ass  10 375  9 744  10 024  8 355  6 890  3 Yr Beta  0.55  0.42  0.54  0.22  - 0.16
       Ord SH Int    4 338  5 194  4 787  4 424  3 297  Price Prd End  885  908  1 525  2 150  1 610
       LT Liab       2 079  1 940  1 689  448  402  Price High  1 299  1 694  2 250  2 475  1 900
       Tot Curr Liab  9 623  8 140  8 594  6 717  6 047  Price Low  756  651  1 300  1 500  1 002
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119