Page 111 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 111

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – CAS
                   Cashbuild Ltd.                             TELEPHONE: 011-248-1500
                                                              FAX: 086-666-3291
                                                              COMPANY SECRETARY: Takalani Nengovhela
                                                              TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services
                                                               (Pty) Ltd.
                                                              SPONSOR: Nedbank CIB
                                                              AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
                                                              BANKERS: First National Bank, Nedbank Ltd.,
                                                  Scan the QR code to  Standard Bank of SA Ltd.
                                                   visit our website
       ISIN: ZAE000028320  SHORT: CASHBIL  CODE: CSB
       REG NO: 1986/001503/06  FOUNDED: 1978  LISTED: 1986  CALENDAR     Expected     Status
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       Next Final Results     Sep 2021  Unconfirmed
        Cashbuild is southern Africa’s largest retailer of quality  Annual General Meeting  Nov 2021  Unconfirmed
        building materials and associated products, selling direct to a  Next Interim Results  Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
        cash-paying customer base through our chain ofstores (317 at  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
                                                  CSB  Ords 1c ea       35 000 000  24 989 811
        the end of this reporting period which includes 58 P&L  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        Hardware stores and 1 DIY store). Cashbuild carries an  Ords 1c ea  Ldt  Pay   Amt
        in-depth quality product range tailored to the specific needs of  Interim No 56  23 Mar 21  29 Mar 21  724.00
        the communities we serve. Our customers are typically  Final No 55  21 Sep 20  28 Sep 20  272.00
        home-builders and improvers, contractors, farmers, traders,  Interim No 54  24 Mar 20  30 Mar 20  435.00
        as well as all other customers requiring quality building  Final No 53  23 Sep 19  30 Sep 19  420.00
        materials at the best value.              LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 264 708 shares p.w., R49.0m(55.1% p.a.)
        Cashbuild has built its credibility and reputation by consis-  40 Week MA  CASHBIL
        tently offering its customers quality building materials at the                50477
        best value and through a purchasing and inventory policy that
        ensures customers’ requirements are always met.
       SECTOR: ConsDiscr—Retail—Retailers—HomeImprovementRetailers                     34975
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 27 Dec 2020
         Allan Gray (Pty) Ltd.            23.12%                                       27223
         SRA Investments (Pty) Ltd.       17.57%
         Goldrick P K                      9.76%                                       19472
       (R million)             Jun 19                2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                    Dec 20  Jun 20 (53 wks)  Jun 18  Jun 17
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Recent Announcements
       Turnover      6 695  10 091  10 821  10 207  9 730  Monday, 19 April 2021: Revenue for the third quarter for the
       Op Inc         576  520   559   543  620    Cashbuild Group was up 21% on the third quarter of the prior
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  31  126   - 54  - 51  - 37  financial year. The 299 existing stores’ revenue increased by
       Tax            181  121   180   169  188    19%andthe18newstores(openedsinceJuly2019)contributed
       Minority Int    2     5    5     5     4    2%. This together with the growth reported in the first half,
       Att Inc        362  267   427   421  465
       TotCompIncLoss  353  299  437   431  449    equates to an increase in revenue for the year to date of 21%.
       Hline Erngs-CO  350  259  434   424  464    Transactions through the tills during the third quarter for the
       Fixed Ass     2 397  2 395  1 129  1 100  979  Cashbuild Group increased by 14% to that of the comparative
       Inv & Loans    58    58   28     -     -    period, with new stores contributing 2% while existing stores
       Def Tax Asset  120   99   66    46    27    increased by 12%.
       Tot Curr Ass  4 641  3 371  2 279  2 635  2 257  Selling inflation was 6.3% at the end of March 2021 when
       Ord SH Int    2 409  2 117  2 157  1 890  1 656  compared to March 2020.
       Minority Int   35    38   31    28    23    During the third quarter the Group opened four new stores
       LT Liab       1 463  1 468  224  205  198   (three Cashbuild and one P&L Hardware) and closed four P&L
       Tot Curr Liab  3 732  2 723  1 583  2 177  1 863
                                                   Hardware stores at the expiration oftheir lease agreements. The
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      Group also relocated two stores (one Cashbuild and one P&L
       EPS (ZARc)  1 594.72 1 176.70 1 881.30 1 851.60 2 047.70  Hardware) and refurbished one Cashbuild store, bringing the
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 540.70 1 138.50 1 910.40 1 866.50 2 045.20
       Pct chng p.a.  170.7  - 40.4  2.4  - 8.7  8.1  totalnumberofstorestradingattheendofthequarterto317.
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  - 5.51  - 5.60  10.60  12.7  10.2  Tuesday, 23 March 2021: Shareholders are advised that Cashbuild
       DPS (ZARc)   724.00  707.00  855.00  842.00  930.00  has appointed JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd. as the Group’s
       Pct chng p.a.  2.4  - 17.3  1.5  - 9.5  - 7.1  new transfer secretaries with effect from 15 April 2021.
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -4.9  -6.72  3.73  9.78  13.81  Cashbuild interim results December 2020 - Tuesday, 02 March 2021:
       NAV PS (ZARc)  9 640.00 8 470.00 8 636.00 7 561.00 6 642.00  Revenue for the interim period increased to R6.695 billion
       3 Yr Beta     0.94  0.88  - 0.07  0.22  1.12  (2019: R5.510 billion), gross profit grew to R1.765 billion
       Price High   23 500  29 533  34 500  52 649  46 000
       Price Low    23 026  14 001  23 002  29 005  32 100  (2019: R1.369 billion), operating profit increased 92% to R576
       Price Prd End  23 101  14 258  26 715  33 000  35 000  million (2019: R299 million), net profit attributable to owners
       RATIOS                                      of the company rose to R362 million (2019: R170 million),
       Ret on SH Fnd  14.91  12.65  19.77  22.17  27.96  while headlineearningsper share cameinhigher at1540.7cents
       Ret On Tot Ass  9.54  4.30  10.82  9.89  12.64  per share (2019: 762.4 cents per share).
       Oper Pft Mgn  8.60  5.16  5.17  5.32  6.37  Declaration of dividend.
       D:E           0.21  0.19  0.08  0.12  0.12  The board has declared an interim dividend of 724 cents (2019:
       Int Cover     7.40  2.72  133.42  172.83  163.80  435 cents) per ordinary share out of income reserves to all share-
       Current Ratio  1.24  1.24  1.44  1.25  1.21  holders of Cashbuild.
       Div Cover     2.20  1.66  2.20  2.20  2.20
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 6 490                  Prospects
       DIRECTORS: KnockAGW (Chair, ind ne), de Jager W F (CEO),  Group revenue for the subsequent six weeks after half year-end
        Bosman M (ind ne), HickeyHH(ind ne), Lushaba DrDSS(ind ne),  has increased by 24% for the comparable six week period. Man-
        Prowse A E (FD), Tapon NjamoGM(ind ne), Thoresson S A,  agement expects trading conditions to remain uncertain due to
        van Aswegen W P                            the ongoingCOVID-19 pandemicandits economicimpact. This
       POPULAR BRAND NAMES: Cashbuild, Champion Cement, Champion
        Paint, P&L Hardware                        information has not been reviewed nor audited by the
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 90115, Bertsham, 2013  company’s auditor.
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