Page 109 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 109

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – CAP
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Oper Pft Mgn  19.92  26.86  27.10  31.94  - 24.77
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 26.29  1.77  - 20.30  90.12  133.08  D:E  0.03  0.03  0.03  0.03  -
       NAV PS (ZARc)  624.41  636.12  629.41  911.18  798.35  Current Ratio  8.03  6.09  10.84  13.89  174.36
       3 Yr Beta     - 0.93  - 0.72  - 0.26  - 0.36  0.14  Div Cover  1.78  2.25  1.96  2.37  -
       Price High     800  899  1 550  2 050  2 349
       Price Low      80   188   701   982  1 500   Capital & Counties Properties PLC
       Price Prd End  250  280   875  1 242  1 750
       RATIOS                                     ISIN: GB00B62G9D36  SHORT: CAPCO  CODE: CCO
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 10.00  0.66  0.15  10.35  16.63  REG NO: 7145051  FOUNDED: 2007  LISTED: 2010
       Oper Pft Mgn  - 6.87  4.88  - 2.90  8.60  14.73  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Capital & Counties Properties PLC (Capco) is
       D:E           1.58  1.57  1.50  1.07  0.85  one of the largest listed property companies in central London. Our key
       Current Ratio  1.40  1.36  1.33  1.75  1.79  assets are the Covent Garden and Earls Court estates. We create and grow
                                                   value through a combination of asset management, strategic investment
                                                   and selective development.
              Capital Appreciation Ltd.           SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—REITS—Diversified
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 73
       ISIN: ZAE000208245  SHORT: CAPPREC  CODE: CTA  DIRECTORS: Boyle C (ind ne), Lane J (ind ne), McGrath M,
       REG NO: 2014/253277/06  FOUNDED: 2014  LISTED: 2015  Steains A (snr ind ne), Staunton H (Chair, snr ind ne),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Capital Appreciation owns, manages, invests in,  Hawksworth I (CE), Jobanputra S (CFO)
        and  promotes  established  and  developing  financial  technology  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 06 Feb 2020
        (“FinTech”) enterprises, their platforms, solutions, products and  Norges Bank  12.43%
        applications. The Group has two business segments – Payments and  BlackRock, Inc.  9.79%
        Software & Services. African Resonance and Dashpay comprise the  Public Investment Corporation Ltd.  8.00%
        Payments segment and Synthesis comprises the Services segment.  MORE INFO:
       SECTOR:Technology—Technology—Software&CompSer—ComputerService  COMPANY SECRETARY: Ruth Pavey
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 249                   TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DIRECTORS: Bulo B (ind ne), DlaminiKD(ind ne), KahnJM(ld ind ne),  SPONSOR: UBS South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
        KrugerEM(ind ne), Maqache T (ne), Morar R (ne), Sekese V (ind ne),  AUDITORS: PwC LLP
        Shapiro M, Valkin C (ind ne), Sacks M ( (Chair, ne),
        Pimstein M (Joint CEO), Sacks B (Joint CEO), Salomon A (CFO)  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020  CCO  Ords GBP25p ea     -    851 119 601
         Government Employees Pension Fund  25.45%  DISTRIBUTIONS [GBPp]
         Capprec Management Services (Pty) Ltd.  8.30%  Ords GBP25p ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt  Scr/100
         Capital Appreciation Empowerment Trust  5.73%
                                                                  14 Apr 20 14 May 20
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 785812, Sandton, 2146  Final No 20  27 Aug 19 20 Sep 19  1.00  0.67
                                                  Interim No 19
       MORE INFO:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Peter Katz (PKF Octagon)  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R134.6m(22.7% p.a.)
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  FINSA  40 Week MA  CAPCO
       SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       10154
       CTA  Ords no par val  10 000 000 000  1 310 000 000
       Ords no par val       Ldt    Pay     Amt                                        6126
       Interim No 7      21 Dec 20  28 Dec 20  2.50
       Final No 6         14 Jul 20  20 Jul 20  2.75                                   4111
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 3m shares p.w., R2.7m(12.8% p.a.)                          2097
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
               SCOM       40 Week MA   CAPPREC
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in GBP'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
                                                                Final  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final
                                                  NetRent/InvInc  42 000  36 000  40 500  48 900  52 100
                                           96     Total Inc    63 000  48 400  52 800  61 400  52 400
                                                  Attrib Inc  - 702 700 - 253 600  - 56 900  - 400 - 118 600
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 702 700 - 307 800 - 123 600  - 63 100 - 225 900
                                                  Ord UntHs Int  1 759 700 2 477 500 2 736 200 2 799 800 2 805 000
                                                  FixedAss/Prop  1 800 200 2 551 200 3 338 600 3 650 300 3 827 000
                                           52     Tot Curr Ass  430 800  292 500  79 200  61 700  81 600
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Total Ass  2 908 100 3 099 400 3 664 100 3 961 200 4 118 600
       NOTES: Capital Appreciation Ltd. listed on A2X on 18 December 2020.
                                                  Tot Curr Liab  46 900  63 000  64 000  73 600  100 100
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 27.42  - 40.57  - 14.11  53.13  - 10.00
       Turnover    323 654  701 230  607 723  508 204  80 173  DPS (ZARc)  -  32.08  27.88  25.50  26.85
       Op Inc       64 483  188 350  164 691  162 296  - 19 859  NAV PS (ZARc)  4 103.95 5 433.62 5 973.33  365.19 5 602.35
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 10 157  - 35 691  - 37 678  - 38 652  - 80 173  3 Yr Beta  0.88  0.59  0.68  0.57  0.52
       Att Inc      54 216  149 832  124 613  142 936  39 205  Price Prd End  2 856  4 831  4 235  5 257  4 950
       TotCompIncLoss  54 216  149 832  124 613  142 936  39 205  Price High  5 000  5 225  5 420  5 699  10 271
       Fixed Ass    27 514  28 838  21 737  15 276  212  Price Low  1 801  3 344  4 088  4 342  4 510
       Tot Curr Ass  592 142  596 685  681 530  607 345 1 048 625  RATIOS
       Ord SH Int  1 332 000 1 309 016 1 447 116 1 392 288 1 042 823  RetOnSH Funds  - 39.93  - 12.42  - 4.14  - 2.03  - 7.04
       LT Liab      33 765  40 791  34 643  35 688  -  RetOnTotAss  2.17  1.48  1.44  1.55  1.27
       Tot Curr Liab  73 773  98 022  62 857  43 732  6 014  Debt:Equity  0.63  0.23  0.21  0.25  0.27
                                                  OperRetOnInv  2.33  1.41  1.21  1.34  1.36
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     OpInc:Turnover  57.53  45.34  54.22  55.76  55.37
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  4.45  10.67  8.33  9.53  3.14
       DPS (ZARc)    2.50  5.00  4.25  4.00   -
       NAV PS (ZARc)  101.68  109.00  93.06  89.54  83.43  Capital & Regional plc
       3 Yr Beta     0.41  0.08  - 0.47  -    -    CAP
                                                  ISIN: GB00BL6XZ716  SHORT: CAPREG  CODE: CRP
       Price High     102   83   105   99   100   REG NO: 01399411  FOUNDED: 1978  LISTED: 2015
       Price Low      55    51    36   60    80   NATURE OF BUSINESS: Capital & Regional is a UK-focused retail
       Price Prd End  95    60    74   80    87    property REIT specialising in community shopping centres that provide
       RATIOS                                      needs based, non-discretionary and value-orientated retail goods and
       Ret on SH Fnd  8.14  11.45  8.61  10.27  3.76  services. Our centres are tailored to the needs and aspirations of each
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