Page 216 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook 2022 Issue 1
P. 216

JSE – SPE                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2022 – Issue 1
                                                  SECTOR: ConsDisr—Travel&Leis—Travel&Leis—Resturants&Bars
                   Spear REIT Ltd.                NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 305
        SPE                                       DIRECTORS: Boggenpoel J (ind ne), Fernandez C (ld ind ne),
       ISIN: ZAE000228995  SHORT: SPEARREIT  CODE: SEA  Molebatsi L (ind ne), ParkerAC(ind ne), Phillip S (ind ne),
       REG NO: 2015/407237/06  FOUNDED: 2011  LISTED: 2016  Zinn ProfSA(ind ne), Bosman M J (Chair, ind ne), Nichas V (CEO),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Spear REIT Ltd. listed as a Real Estate  Robertson K (COO), Teixeira C (CFO)
        Investment Trust (“REIT”) on the main board of the JSE Ltd. and is the  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
        only regionally-focused REIT listed on the JSE that only invests in  Coronation Fund Managers  14.60%
        high-quality income-generating assets in the Western Cape. Spear obtains  Allan Gray  9.60%
        itsdiversificationthrough assettyperatherthangeographical investment.  Grand Parade Investments Ltd.  9.30%
        The company conducts its business directly and through a number of  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 166, Century City, 7446
        subsidiaries, collectively referred to as “the group”.  MORE INFO:
        The group’s property and asset management functions are internally and
        directly managed by the Spear executive management team.  COMPANY SECRETARY: Donfrey Meyer
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—REITS—Diversified  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 26                    SPONSOR: Questco Corporate Advisory (Pty) Ltd.
       DIRECTORS: AllieJE(ld ind ne), GoldbergBL(ind ne),  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
        Kjellstrom-Matseke N (ind ne), McCarthyCS(ne),  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        Phillips Dr R (ind ne), Varachhia A (Chair, ne), Flax M N (Dep  SUR  Ords 0.001c  201 000 000  90 996 932
        Chair, ne), Rossi Q M (CEO), Barnard C (CFO)
         BPSS JER/Huntress CI Nominess Ltd.  10.21%  Ords 0.001c        Ldt     Pay    Amt
         Mtshobela Capital                10.10%  Interim No 42     19 Oct 21  25 Oct 21  78.00
         Mega Park Investments (Pty) Ltd.  7.56%  Final No 41        1 Oct 19  7 Oct 19  73.00
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 50, Observatory, 7935  LIQUIDITY: Jan22 Avg 280 655 shares p.w., R5.4m(16.0% p.a.)
       MORE INFO:
                                                          TRAV       40 Week MA  SPURCORP
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Rene Cheryl Stober
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.                  3480
       SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: BDO                                                                   2894
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       2309
       SEA  Ords no par     1 000 000 000  214 615 571
       Ords no par           Ldt    Pay     Amt                                        1138
       Interim No 10     16 Nov 21  22 Nov 21  33.06
       Final No 9         1 Jun 21  7 Jun 21  29.36                                    552
                                                     2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2021
       LIQUIDITY: Jan22 Avg 1m shares p.w., R7.1m(26.9% p.a.)
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
               REIV       40 Week MA  SPEARREIT   (Amts in ZAR'000)  Jun 21  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                                                                Final Final(rst)  Final Final(rst)  Final
                                                  Turnover    681 436  761 620  944 779  891 797  648 016
                                           890    Op Inc      144 731  114 203  226 013  197 521  174 145
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 3 508  - 14 034  - 32 409  - 29 905  - 36 522
                                           729    Minority Int  6 677  3 733  7 300  4 362  3 956
                                                  Att Inc      93 082  66 924  165 118  154 662  134 143
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  99 773  69 300  173 105  162 457  133 637
                                                  Fixed Ass    93 957  102 182  100 390  101 094  100 319
                                                  Inv & Loans    962  2 929  5 391  118 483  110 730
                                           247    Tot Curr Ass  409 038  282 440  557 494  424 296  412 084
          2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2021
                                                  Ord SH Int  621 859  527 178  865 715  842 681  825 157
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Minority Int  13 314  8 437  10 580  9 424  12 019
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Aug 21  Feb 21  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  LT Liab  116 291  127 883  89 596  86 956  63 600
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Tot Curr Liab  157 885  137 408  72 947  80 668  90 393
       NetRent/InvInc  176 295  343 647  341 434  272 861  211 643  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Total Inc   177 232  349 556  351 646  281 952  217 896
       Attrib Inc   69 801  53 008  207 305  270 389  383 186  HEPS-C (ZARc)  110.74  83.23  173.68  156.73  140.96
       TotCompIncLoss  69 801  56 984  212 590  274 547  386 229  DPS (ZARc)  -  78.00  136.00  123.00  132.00
       Ord UntHs Int  2 440 697 2 372 257 2 447 203 2 295 532 1 917 318  NAV PS (ZARc)  756.00  637.88  924.47  892.17  875.08
       Investments  4 552 059 4 495 969 4 183 995 3 737 352 2 912 417  3 Yr Beta  0.90  0.75  0.28  0.22  0.74
       FixedAss/Prop  1 920  2 206  2 844  3 352  1 785  Price High  2 350  2 880  2 800  3 145  3 508
       Tot Curr Ass  139 130  75 151  48 152  108 291  251 488  Price Low  1 176  1 401  2 022  2 500  2 800
       Total Ass  4 703 423 4 583 887 4 301 966 3 916 718 3 227 338  Price Prd End  1 925  1 699  2 198  2 576  2 810
       Tot Curr Liab  356 275  494 362  236 121  231 178  202 431  RATIOS
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd  15.71  13.19  19.68  18.66  16.50
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPLU-C (ZARc)  43.10  76.70  99.09  87.95  92.60  Oper Pft Mgn  21.24  14.99  23.92  22.15  26.87
       DPLU (ZARc)   33.06  58.70  91.66  86.42  78.50  D:E     0.18  0.24  0.10  0.10  0.08
       NAV (ZARc)  1 197.00 1 153.00 1 221.00 1 215.00 1 161.00  Current Ratio  2.59  2.06  7.64  5.26  4.56
       3 Yr Beta     0.57  0.60  0.26   -     -   Div Cover       -   0.99  1.28  1.32  1.06
       Price Prd End  670  510   890  1 050  960
       Price High     700  895  1 050  1 150  1 090        Stadio Holdings Ltd.
       Price Low      495  475   850   850  850    STA
       RATIOS                                     ISIN: ZAE000248662  SHORT: STADIO  CODE: SDO
       RetOnSH Funds  5.67  2.38  8.43  11.68  19.59  REG NO: 2016/371398/06  FOUNDED: 2017  LISTED: 2017
       RetOnTotAss   7.54  7.63  8.17  7.20  6.75  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Stadio is an investment holding company that
       Debt:Equity   0.76  0.71  0.61  0.57  0.54  focuses on the acquisition of, investment in, and the growthand development
                                                   of higher education institutions to assist in meeting the demand for quality
       OperRetOnInv  7.74  7.64  8.15  7.29  7.26  and relevant higher educationprogrammes in southern Africa.
       OpInc:Turnover  61.44  64.69  64.76  62.77  66.85
                                                  SECTOR: ConsDiscr—ConsProducts&Servcs—ConsServcs—EducationServcs
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 912
                Spur Corporation Ltd.             DIRECTORS: Brown DrTH(ind ne), de WaalPN(ne),
                                                   Maphai DrTV(ind ne), Mellet A (alt), MokokaMG(ind ne), Singh D,
       ISIN: ZAE000022653  SHORT: SPURCORP  CODE: SUR  van der Merwe DrCR(ne), Vilikazi DrCB(ind ne), VorsterCPD
       REG NO: 1998/000828/06  FOUNDED: 1967  LISTED: 1999  (CEO), Totaram S (CFO)
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: SpurCorp is an investment holding company.  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 13 May 2021
        Through various subsidiaries, the group carries on the business of  PSG Alpha (Pty) Ltd.  44.00%
        franchisor in predominantly the family sit-down and quick service  Brimstone Investment Corporation Ltd.  5.30%
        restaurant markets.                         Coronation Fund Managers Ltd.     5.06%
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