Page 89 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 89

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – ALL
                                                              DIRECTORS: Leeming M J (Chair, ind ne),
         Allied Electronics Corporation Ltd.                   Nyati M (CE), Miller C (CFO), BallAC(ne),
                                                               DawsonBW(ne), FrancisBJ(ind ne),
                                                               GelinkGG(ind ne), Mnganga Dr P (ind ne),
                                                               Sithole S (ne), Van GraanSW(ind ne),
                                                              POPULAR BRAND NAMES: Altron Security,
                                                               Altron TMT, Altron Nexus, Altron Nexus
                                                               Solutions, Altron Nexus Distributors, Altron
                                                  Scan the QR code to  Nexus @Connect, Altron Systems Integration,
                                                   visit our Investor  Altron Karabina, Netstar, Altron Document
       ISIN: ZAE000191342  SHORT: ALTRON  CODE: AEL   Centre   Solutions, Altron Managed Solutions, Altron
       REG NO: 1947/024583/06  FOUNDED: 1965  LISTED: 1979     People  Solutions,  Altron  Arrow,  Altron
                                                               Healthcare, Altron Fintech
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 981, Houghton, 2041
        Allied Electronics Corporation Ltd. (Altron) is domiciled in  EMAIL:
        South Africa and listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange  WEBSITE:
        (JSE). Altron is invested in the information and communica-  TELEPHONE: 011-645-3600
        tions technology sector (ICT). Altron’s solutions and services  COMPANY SECRETARY: Nicole Morgan
                                                  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        are clustered into the four segments of its ICT capabilities,  SPONSOR: Investec Ltd.
        namely Digital Transformation, Managed Services, regions  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
        and own platforms. Altron creates value by providing innova-  BANKERS: Absa Bank Ltd., Investec Bank Ltd., Nedbank Ltd., a division of
        tive and end-to-end technology solutions to business, govern-  Nedcor Bank Ltd., Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd.,
        ment and consumers. Altron has a direct presence in twelve  The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.
                                                  SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 31 Aug 20 (asa%of Revenue)
        African countries (including the United Arab Emirates),  Digital Transformation  78.56%
        Australia and the United Kingdom. Altron has four regions  Smart IoT          9.15%
        beingSouthAfrica,AltronRestofAfrica,UnitedKingdomand  Managed Services        8.26%
        Australia. The Altron head office is located in Johannesburg,  Healthtech/Fintech  -2.53%
        South Africa. Altron’s strategic partnerships with leading in-
        ternational technology companies offers the group an indirect  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        presence in several countries across Africa and the Middle  Next Final Results  May 2021  Confirmed
        East. The Altron Group employs approximately 7 711  Annual General Meeting  Jul 2021  Confirmed
        employees globally.                       Next Interim Results   Oct 2021   Confirmed
         Coronation Asset Management      25.14%  AEL  A ords no par value  500 000 000  401 883 022
         Value Capital Partners           19.10%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
         Biltron                          13.98%  A ords no par value   Ldt     Pay    Amt
       NOTES: Altron delisted the N ordinary shares from the JSE as of 4 April  Special  11 May 21  17 May 21  96.00
                                                  Interim No 72     10 Nov 20  16 Nov 20  33.00
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Final No 71        2 Jun 20  8 Jun 20  26.00
       (R million)  Aug 20  Feb 20  Feb 19  Feb 18  Feb 17  Interim No 70  12 Nov 19  18 Nov 19  29.00
                   Interim Final(rst)  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)
       Turnover      8 354  14 381  15 723  14 743  13 892  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 2m shares p.w., R44.5m(31.0% p.a.)
       Op Inc         508  1 016  1 015  745  736         ELEE       40 Week MA   ALTRON
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  110  228  176   178  223
       Tax            94   167   158   145   98
       Minority Int   - 8  - 12   39   - 19  - 117                                     2803
       Att Inc        257  670   711   187  - 185
       TotCompIncLoss  431  627  870   100  - 496                                      2146
       Hline Erngs-CO  309  634  663   441  387
       Fixed Ass      659  648   620   615  569                                        1489
       Inv in Assoc   22    15    19   20    23
       Inv & Loans     -     -    -    468  302
       Def Tax Asset  165  134   155   214  198                                        174
       Tot Curr Ass  9 975  9 118  7 430  6 138  6 991  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Ord SH Int    4 064  3 939  3 535  2 790  2 268
       Minority Int   - 76  - 176  - 162  - 245  - 240  Recent Announcements
       LT Liab       2 051  2 502  1 424  1 580  2 048  Thursday, 22 April 2021: Altron shareholders (“Shareholders”) are
       Tot Curr Liab  8 233  7 360  6 804  5 811  5 808  referred to the firm intention announcement released by the
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      Company on SENS on 2 November 2020 (“Firm Intention An-
       EPS (ZARc)    69.00  180.00  192.00  51.00  - 54.00  nouncement”) containing the details of the demerger of Bytes
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  83.00  171.00  179.00  119.00  114.00  Technology Limited (formerly known as Bytes Technology
       Pct chng p.a.  - 2.9  - 4.5  50.4  4.4  - 9.5  Group Limited) from Altron and the separate listing of Bytes
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  6.6  2.0  0.4  - 6.6
       DPS (ZARc)    33.00  55.00  72.00  -   -    Technology Group plc (together, the “Demerger”). For full
       Pct chng p.a.   -  - 23.6  -     -     -    details of the Demerger, Shareholders are referred to both the
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  - 24.7  - 32.3  - 25.6  - 32.5  Firm Intention Announcement and the circular published by
       NAV PS (ZARc)  1 017.07 1 061.00  885.12  752.00  669.00  Altron on 3 November 2020 (“Altron Circular”). Capitalised
       3 Yr Beta     0.31  0.14  - 0.03  0.64  1.16  terms not defined in this announcement shall have the
       Price High    2 474  2 875  2 029  1 394  1 198  meanings given to them in the Altron Circular.
       Price Low     1 390  1 400  1 200  950  463
       Price Prd End  2 430  2 019  1 880  1 245  1 035  As part of the Demerger, Altron retained approximately 9% of
       RATIOS                                      the Convertible Notes in order to settle the dividends tax which
       Ret on SH Fnd  12.49  19.40  21.30  16.70  - 11.40  arose on the Distribution. At the time of the Distribution,
       Ret On Tot Ass  6.58  10.60  13.40  10.20  - 8.30  Altronhad estimatedthat9%ofthe ConvertibleNoteswouldbe
       Oper Pft Mgn  6.08  7.06  6.46  4.50  3.10  sufficient to settle the dividends tax, however, the actual
       D:E           0.88  1.02  0.92  1.16  1.68
       Int Cover     4.66  4.45  5.77  4.19  3.30  liability for the dividends tax was only determined post Altron
       Current Ratio  1.21  1.24  1.09  1.06  1.20  receiving the declarations from Shareholders in terms of section
       Div Cover     2.09  3.27  2.67   -     -    64FA of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962.
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94