Page 84 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 84

JSE – AFR                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                   African Rainbow Capital Investments
               MEDI       40 Week MA    AME
                                                  ISIN: MU0553S00000  SHORT: ARCINVEST  CODE: AIL
                                                  REG NO: C148430  FOUNDED: 2015  LISTED: 2017
                                                  NATURE OF BUSINESS: African Rainbow Capital Investments Ltd. (ARC
                                           9352    Investments/the Company/ARCI) is a public company which is
                                                   incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius andholdsa Category OneGlobal
                                           5546    Business License under the Mauritian Financial Services Act, 2007. It is
                                                   regulated by the Mauritian Financial Services Commission.
                                           1739   SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—ClosedEndInvstmnts—ClosedEndInvstmnts
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       DIRECTORS: Algoo-Bissonauth S (ind ne), Currimjee A (ind ne),
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Mokate DrRD(ind ne), Msipha C (ind ne, Zim), Nkadimeng R (ind ne),
                   Interim Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  Final  Olivier M C (Chair, ind ne, UK)
       Turnover     90 739  262 747  263 548  262 534  238 593  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 24 Dec 2020
       Op Inc        4 254  46 397  70 628  59 471  64 117  African Rainbow Capital (Pty) Ltd.  51.00%
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 1 129  - 3 654  - 5 398  - 7 682  - 7 850  Public Investment Corporation (SOC) Ltd.  13.40%
       Minority Int   913  3 412  - 10 907  7 005  7 413  Ubuntu-Botho & Sanlam Community Development Trusts  5.60%
       Att Inc        518  10 334  22 455  43 722  48 644  MORE INFO:
       TotCompIncLoss  1 431  10 585  16 204  54 685  56 057  COMPANY SECRETARY: Intercontinental Trust Ltd.
       Fixed Ass   120 517  123 487  87 762  72 371  73 822  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       Inv & Loans     -     -    -     -  10 240  SPONSOR:RandMerchantBank(AdivisionofFirstRandBankLtd.(SA))
                                                  AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       Tot Curr Ass  104 114  102 873  137 087  151 713  167 648
       Ord SH Int  242 391  241 873  246 862  245 281  226 643  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       Minority Int  15 996  15 083  - 661  16 601  4 222  AIL  Ord shares no par val  -  1 317 774 987
       LT Liab       2 764  2 325  1 915  544  -  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R11.5m(14.0% p.a.)
       Tot Curr Liab  45 085  49 919  68 097  86 123  75 413
                                                          FINA       40 Week MA  ARCINVEST
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  6.60  408.20  586.30  541.50  606.90
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -  230.00  300.00  350.00                                 776
       NAV PS (ZARc)  3 059.33 3 051.26 3 077.30 3 027.81 2 813.89
       3 Yr Beta     0.09  0.08  - 0.34  - 0.45  - 0.34                                646
       Price High    2 370  3 800  5 749  6 965  8 400
       Price Low     1 600  2 000  2 104  4 500  5 070
       Price Prd End  1 999  2 000  3 700  4 500  6 500                                385
       Ret on SH Fnd  1.11  5.35  4.69  19.37  24.28      2018  |   2019  |   2020  |  254
       Oper Pft Mgn  4.69  17.66  26.80  22.65  26.87
       D:E           0.01  0.01  0.01   -     -   FINANCIAL STATISTICS Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18
                                                  (Amts in ZAR'000)
       Current Ratio  2.31  2.06  2.01  1.76  2.22              Interim  Final  Final  Final
       Div Cover       -     -   1.22  1.80  1.74
                                                  Turnover      908 000  129 000  272 000  794 700
                                                  Op Inc        757 000  123 000  267 000  674 500
                                                  Att Inc       757 000  123 000  267 000  674 500
                                                                       123 000
                                                                                     674 500
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  11 638 000  9 983 000  9 854 000  9 581 700
                                                                757 000
                                                                              267 000
                                                  Inv & Loans
         Impress your                             Tot Curr Ass  11 655 000 -  10 001 000  9 878 000 -  9 610 200
                                                                                      29 400
                                                                        19 000
                                                                               24 000
                                                                 17 000
                                                  Ord SH Int
                                                                        1 000
                                                  Tot Curr Liab
          web visitors                            PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)  945.00  931.00
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)
                                                  NAV PS (ZARc)
                                                  3 Yr Beta       0.20     -      -      -
                                                  Price High      446    505    740    868
         ProfileData offers a range of INVESTOR RELATIONS (IR)  Price Low  251  192  375  549
                                                  Price Prd End   446    311    471    740
         web data services designed to enhance listed company  RATIOS
         websites. These include: live prices (updated continually,  Ret on SH Fnd  12.99  1.23  2.70  7.02
                                                  Oper Pft Mgn   83.37  95.35  98.16  84.87
         15 mins delayed), end-of-day prices (updated daily),
                                                  Current Ratio     -   19.00     -   32.67
         news and SENS feeds, email alert services, interactive
         Although built on proven designs and delivery methods,
         ProfileData’s IT team customise the IR data services to
                                                      This publication is now also
                                                          available online.
         For more information or bookings please contact:  Visit  for
         Lisa Trollope  082-454-9539  more details or scan the QR
         Michelle Botes  082-601-4020  code with your phone.
                                                    Usethiscodetoaccess theebook:
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89