Page 85 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 85

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – AFR
           African Rainbow Minerals Ltd.                      TELEPHONE: 011-779-1300
                                                              FAX: 011-779-1312
                                                              COMPANY SECRETARY: Alyson D'Oyley
                                                              TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare
                                                               Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                              SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
                                                              AUDITORS: Deloitte, Ernst & Young Inc.
                                                              BANKERS: ABSA Bank Ltd., FirstRand Bank Ltd.,
                                                  Scan the QR code to  NedbankLtd.,StandardBankofSouthAfricaLtd.
                                                   visit our website
                                                  SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 30 Jun 20 (asa%of Sales)
       ISIN: ZAE000054045  SHORT: ARM   CODE: ARI   Ferrous                          57.42%
       REG NO: 1933/004580/06  FOUNDED: 1933  LISTED: 1988
                                                    Platinum                         38.54%
                                                    Coal                              3.86%
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                         Corporate                         0.18%
        ARM is a diversified South African mining company with  CALENDAR  Expected    Status
        longlife, low unit-cost operations in key commodities. ARM,  Next Final Results  Aug 2021  Unconfirmed
        its subsidiaries, jointventures, jointoperationsandassociates  Annual General Meeting  Dec 2021  Unconfirmed
        explore, develop, operate and hold interests in the mining and  Next Interim Results  Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
        minerals industry.                        CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
        The current operational focus is on precious metals, base  ARI  Ords 5c ea  500 000 000  224 409 073
        metals, ferrous metals and alloys, which include platinum  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        group metals, nickel, coal, iron ore, manganese ore and ferro-  Ords 5c ea  23 Mar 21  29 Mar 21  1000.00
                                                  Interim No 124
        manganese. ARM also has an investment in Harmony Gold  Final No 123  29 Sep 20  5 Oct 20  700.00
        Mining Company Ltd.                       Interim No 122    17 Mar 20  23 Mar 20  500.00
                                                  Final No 121       23 Sep 19  30 Sep 19  900.00
       SECTOR: Basic Materials—Basic Resrcs—Mining—Gen Mining
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R679.8m(82.7% p.a.)
         African Rainbow Minerals & Exploration Investments  39.64%  MINI  40 Week MA  ARM
         Government Employees Pension Fund (PIC)  7.83%
         ARM Broad-Based Economic Empowerment Trust  7.10%                             29497
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                                            24326
       (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final                             19154
       Turnover      9 813  12 386  9 596  9 112  9 019
       Op Inc        4 668  3 271  784  1 710  214                                     13983
       IntPd          - 52  - 49  - 25  183  185                                       8811
       Tax           1 365  1 076  242  573  - 409
       Minority Int  1 184  1 069  300  260  60                                        3640
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Att Inc       4 868  3 965  3 554  4 562  1 372
       TotCompIncLoss  5 920  7 562  4 497  4 274  - 50  Recent Announcements
       Hline Erngs-CO  5 039  5 534  5 226  4 814  3 916  ARM interim results December 2020 - Wednesday, 03 March 2021:
       Fixed Ass     7 678  7 235  7 062  7 916  7 801  Revenue for the interim period increased to R9.813 billion (2019:
       Inv in Assoc  19 466  18 340  18 539  17 302  16 194  R5.907 billion), gross profit rose to R4.942 billion (2019: R1.488
       Investments   5 612  5 635  2 648  1 561  1 573
       Def Tax Asset   -     -   485   620  656    million), profit from operations before capital items grew to
       Tot Curr Ass  14 376  10 747  8 085  6 324  5 858  R4.668 billion (2019: R1.174 billion), profit for the period attribut-
       Ord SH Int   35 456  32 080  28 173  25 907  23 497  able to equity holders of ARM came in higher at R4.868 billion
       Non-Cont Int  2 844  2 028  1 530  1 471  543  (2019: R2.132 billion) and headline earnings per share increased
       LT Liab       6 085  5 550  4 211  4 513  4 465  to 2 587 cents per share (2019:1 114 cents per share).
       Tot Curr Liab  3 123  2 890  3 302  2 414  3 741  Dividends
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      Dividends are at the discretion of the board of directors which
       EPS (ZARc)  2 499.00 2 042.00 1 848.00 2 393.00  723.00  considers the company’s capital allocation guiding principles as
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  2 587.00 2 850.00 2 718.00 2 526.00 1 684.00  well as other relevant factors such as financial performance, com-
       Pct chng p.a.  81.5  4.9  7.6  50.0  240.9  modities outlook, investment opportunities, gearing levels as well
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  53.0  40.5  40.8  32.3  as solvency and liquidity requirements of the Companies Act. For
       DPS (ZARc)  1 000.00 1 200.00 1 300.00 1 000.00  650.00  1H F2021, the board approved and declared an interim dividend of
       Pct chng p.a.   -   - 7.7  30.0  53.8  188.9  1000centspershare(gross)(1HF2020:500centspershare).The
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  45.9  39.1  36.6  27.3
       NAV PS (ZARc)  15 800.00 14 365.00 12 690.00 11 792.00 10 744.00  amount to be paid is approximately R2 244 million.
       3 Yr Beta     1.53  1.86  1.40  0.89  0.92  Company outlook
       Price High   26 800  19 327  18 799  14 097  12 690  The Covid-19 pandemic continued to have pronounced health,
       Price Low    16 255  8 206  10 680  7 801  6 726  economic and societal impacts across the globe, the effects of
       Price Prd End  26 191  16 915  18 217  10 910  8 431  which are expected to be evident for years to come. Following a
       RATIOS                                      contraction of 4.3% in 2020, in January 2021, the World Bank
       Ret on Equity  31.60  17.30  18.50  18.60  13.60  revised itsforecastglobalgrossdomesticproduct (GDP)growth
       ROOA          19.54  18.20  5.20  12.00  1.80  to 4% in the 2021 calendar year. This forecast assumes the wide-
       Oper Pft Mgn  47.57  28.10  8.90  20.50  2.60  spread rollout of a Covid-19 vaccine globally.
       Net D:E       0.17  - 11.00  - 9.00  - 4.00  5.00  Encouragingly, many countries have started their vaccine
       Int Cover   - 143.31  20.60  19.10  16.70  9.20  rollouts and are beginning to see reduced Covid-19 infections.
       Current Ratio  4.60  3.72  2.40  2.60  1.70  Although the outlook for global economic conditions has
       Div Cover     2.50  1.70  2.09  2.53  2.59
                                                   improved in recent months, threats to global economic recovery
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 21 417
       DIRECTORS: Magagula J (Executive), Arnold M (ne, UK),  remain with the recovery likely to be subdued.
        BoardmanTA(ind ne), BothaAD(ind ne), Mkatshana H L,  The mining industry has demonstrated immense resilience in
        Mnisi P (ne), Noko D (ind ne), Simelane DrRV(ind ne),  the past year and is expected to play a key role in the recovery of
        SteenkampJC(ne), Schmidt M P (CEO), Mhlanga T (FD),  the South African economy. It has been vital in providing
        Motsepe Dr P T (Exec Chair), Abbott F (ind ne),
        ChissanoJA(ind ne, Moz), GuleWM(ind ne), MaditsiAK(ld ind ne)  wide-ranging support to employees, communities and Govern-
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 786136, Sandton, 2146  mentduringthepandemicandisexpectedtobeanessentialpart
       EMAIL:                   of the country’s recovery going forward.
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