Page 245 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 245

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – WOR
                                                  SECTOR: Fins–FinServcs–OpEnd&Miscel Inv Veh–OpEnd&Miscel Inv Veh
              Workforce Holdings Ltd.             NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
        WOR                                       DIRECTORS: ConradABA(ind ne), Fuchs O (ne), Hall A (ind ne),
       ISIN: ZAE000087847  SHORT: WORKFORCE  CODE: WKF  Kobue K (ne), Lucht U (ne), Mbungela M (ne), MokgatlhaTV(ind ne),
       REG NO: 2006/018145/06  FOUNDED: 1972  LISTED: 2006  Silwanyana B (ind ne), BassaZBM (Chair, ind ne)
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Workforce is a holding company. Its subsidiaries  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 22 Apr 2021
        provide human capital solutions that include temporary employment  Royal Bafokeng Holdings (Pty) Ltd.  28.56%
        services, permanent placement recruitment,  training and skills  Vodacom Siyanda Employee Trust  20.92%
        development, contractor on-boarding, healthcare and wellness, disability  The Innovator Trust  2.27%
        solutions, financial services, lifestyle benefits and business process  POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X9904, Sandton, 2146
        outsourcing solutions.
       SECTOR: AltX                               MORE INFO:
                                                  COMPANY SECRETARY: Vodacom Group Ltd.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1 328                 TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DIRECTORS: Naidoo S (ne), Ross I (ne), Thomas S (ind ne),
        Vundla K (ind ne), Katz R S (Interim CEO), Macey J (Chair, ld ind ne),  SPONSOR: UBS South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
        van Wyk W O (FD)                          AUDITORS: Ernst & Young
         Force Holdings (Pty) Ltd.        40.17%  YYLBEE  Ords no par   100 000 000  52 915 960
         Little Kittens (Pty) Ltd.        27.02%
         Vebicept (Pty) Ltd.              17.60%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 11137, Johannesburg, 2000  Ords no par    Ldt     Pay    Amt
       MORE INFO:  Interim No 16     8 Dec 20  14 Dec 20  111.00
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Sirkien van Schalkwyk   Final No 15        30 Jun 20  6 Jul 20  84.00
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 13 553 shares p.w., R372 685.9(1.3% p.a.)
       DESIGNATED ADVISOR: Merchantec Capital
                                                          ALSH       40 Week MA  YEBOYETHU
       AUDITORS: Crowe JHB
       WKF  Ords no par     1 000 000 000  243 731 343                                 10321
       Ords no par           Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 2         6 May 19  13 May 19  1.50                                    5960
       Final No 1         9 May 08  19 May 08  4.50
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 84 857 shares p.w., R87 404.5(1.8% p.a.)                   3780
               ALSH       40 Week MA  WORKFORCE                                        1600
                                                         2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                           213    (R million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17
                                                              Interim  Final Final(rst)  Final  Final
                                           181    Turnover       464  961   455   20    19
                                                  Op Inc         455  945   415   16    15
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  246  675  408    -     -
                                                  Att Inc        765  765  - 898  499  290
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  765  765  - 898  499  290
                                           85     Fixed Ass    14 108  13 392  12 753  -  -
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Inv & Loans     -     -     -    -  1 635
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Tot Curr Ass   23    11    14  2 281  24
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Ord SH Int  3 196  2 476  1 811  1 850  1 368
                     Final  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final
       Turnover   2 778 034 3 227 054 3 014 446 2 807 890 2 523 405  LT Liab  10 930  10 922  10 951  425  286
       Op Inc       29 281  99 905  131 667  107 859  116 948  Tot Curr Liab  5  5  7  5  5
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  17 758  30 979  26 908  21 874  25 780  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Minority Int  4 126  2 361  - 1 348  - 1 738  299  HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 445.00 1 445.00 - 2 517.00 3 464.00 2 012.10
       Att Inc      31 245  95 769  104 253  98 542  91 604  DPS (ZARc)  111.00  196.00  189.00  100.00  112.00
       TotCompIncLoss  33 230  97 277  103 283  97 265  91 679  NAV PS (ZARc)  6 039.04 4 678.27 5 073.87 8 697.00 6 768.90
       Fixed Ass    20 651  20 642  20 266  23 559  18 015  3 Yr Beta  0.99  0.74  -  -  -
       Tot Curr Ass  851 308  892 530  783 521  744 246  688 090  Price High  3 400  2 112  12 600  7 750  6 200
       Ord SH Int  730 564  695 325  601 273  540 914  446 491  Price Low  1 560  1 500  1 850  5 761  5 000
       Minority Int  3 678  - 448  - 2 809  - 1 461  277  Price Prd End  2 950  1 570  2 105  7 641  5 761
       LT Liab      37 870  57 022  128 867  65 113  40 349  RATIOS
       Tot Curr Liab  527 721  527 570  438 118  427 961  400 033  Ret on SH Fnd  47.85  30.89  - 49.61  26.94  21.17
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Oper Pft Mgn  98.15  98.27  91.24  82.08  78.45
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  12.00  42.40  44.70  42.80  40.00  D:E    3.42  4.41  6.05  0.23  0.21
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -   1.50   -     -   Current Ratio  4.14  1.97  2.20  435.65  4.72
       NAV PS (ZARc)  323.99  308.00  264.00  235.86  195.00  Div Cover  13.02  7.37  - 13.32  34.64  17.97
       3 Yr Beta     0.19  0.30  0.31  - 0.37  - 0.48
       Price High     173  180   170   250  220         York Timber Holdings Ltd.
       Price Low      76   110   100   125  100
       Price Prd End  98   150   170   131  219   ISIN: ZAE000133450  SHORT: YORK  CODE: YRK
       RATIOS                                     REG NO: 1916/004890/06  FOUNDED: 1916  LISTED: 1946
       Ret on SH Fnd  4.82  14.12  17.19  17.94  20.57  NATUREOF BUSINESS:York isanintegrated forestry company, operating
       Oper Pft Mgn  1.05  3.10  4.37  3.84  4.63  through its wholly owned subsidiaries, York Timbers (Pty) Ltd., that owns
       D:E           0.12  0.11  0.24  0.14  0.09  plantations and processing plants, and Agentimber (Pty) Ltd., that runs a
       Current Ratio  1.61  1.69  1.79  1.74  1.72  wholesale distribution network.
                                                   York has the largest market share of the South African timber and plywood
       Div Cover       -     -  30.67   -     -    market. This is a result of York’s sustainable biological assets,
                                                   technologically advanced forestry operations and close attention to
                   YeboYethu Ltd.                  customer needs.
                                                  SECTOR: Basic Materials—Basic Resrcs—Ind Metals—Forestry
       REG NO: 2008/014734/06  FOUNDED: 2008  LISTED: 2016  DIRECTORS: BrinkAW(ind ne), Jammine DrAPH(ind ne),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: The company was incorporated for the specific  Mbanyele-Ntshinga H (ind ne), Meer S (ne), Mncube D (ind ne),
        purposeofacquiring aninterestinVodacomSA.YeboYethu isaring-fenced  Nyanteh M (ind ne), Myers Dr J (Chair, ind ne, USA), van Zyl P (CEO),
        limited purpose vehicle whose sole purpose is to buy andhold Vodacom SA  Stoltz G (CFO)
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