Page 229 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 229

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – TEL
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Att Inc       1 079  603  2 795  3 052  3 797
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  TotCompIncLoss  320  1 451  4 139  2 484  3 757
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Fixed Ass  33 772  33 608  32 035  30 377  27 918
       Turnover     41 654  79 666  100 037  113 568  120 628  L-T Invest  76  62  78  100  40
       Op Inc         108  2 194  152  4 508  4 189  Tot Curr Ass  15 518  16 315  14 983  14 083  13 924
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  187  - 846  - 76  369  563  Ord SH Int  29 260  29 390  29 573  26 936  27 569
       Att Inc        - 57  1 090  1 043  3 101  2 457  Minority Int  - 28  - 29  195  359  337
       TotCompIncLoss  -  1 090  1 043  3 101  2 457  LT Liab  15 723  14 767  6 740  10 278  7 004
       Fixed Ass     8 511  7 527  10 170  14 741  20 081  Tot Curr Liab  15 940  17 258  16 436  12 927  13 139
       Inv & Loans     -  2 700   -     -     -
       Tot Curr Ass  22 788  22 917  23 370  24 879  24 625  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)  619.20  597.00  721.10
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)
       Ord SH Int   39 603  32 959  35 061  35 698  34 698
       LT Liab      18 647  8 256  816  1 934  3 031  DPS (ZARc)  -  121.61  361.54  355.08  421.99
       Tot Curr Liab  14 395  7 262  5 044  10 896  17 041  NAV PS (ZARc)  5 724.46 5 749.89 5 785.69 5 155.99 5 231.82
                                                  3 Yr Beta     1.20  0.90  0.19  0.61  1.28
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Price High    3 766  10 004  7 802  8 248  7 807
       HEPS-C (ZARc)   -   2.49  2.48  7.36  5.85  Price Low    1 720  1 329  4 609  4 161  5 299
       DPS (ZARc)    3.20  6.20  5.50  5.50  2.50
       NAV PS (ZARc)  78.51  78.47  83.48  85.00  82.61  Price Prd End  2 623  2 053  7 292  5 294  7 503
       3 Yr Beta     2.82  2.78  3.65  4.36  2.14  RATIOS
       Price High     159   79   115   115  120   Ret on SH Fnd  7.40  2.07  9.51  11.57  13.81
       Price Low      73    16    20   25    28   Oper Pft Mgn  11.93  6.24  11.41  12.04  12.73
       Price Prd End  122   73    73   89    75   D:E           0.58  0.57  0.41  0.46  0.31
       RATIOS                                     Current Ratio  0.97  0.95  0.91  1.09  1.06
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 0.29  3.31  2.97  8.69  7.08  Div Cover   -   1.00  1.55  1.70  1.75
       Oper Pft Mgn  0.26  2.75  0.15  3.97  3.47
       D:E           0.47  0.25  0.02  0.06  0.09     Textainer Group Holdings Ltd.
       Current Ratio  1.58  3.16  4.63  2.28  1.45
       Div Cover     - 0.04  0.42  0.45  1.34  2.34  ISIN: BMG8766E1093  SHORT: TEXTAINER  CODE: TXT
                                                  REG NO: EC18896  FOUNDED: 1993  LISTED: 2019
                Telkom SA SOC Ltd.                NATURE OF BUSINESS: Textainer has operated since 1979 and is one of the
                                                   world’slargestlessorsofintermodalcontainerswith approximately 3.8 million
        TEL                                        TEU in our owned and managed fleet. We lease containers to approximately
       ISIN: ZAE000044897  SHORT: TELKOM  CODE: TKG  250 customers, including all of the world’s leading international shipping lines,
       REG NO: 1991/005476/30  FOUNDED: 1991  LISTED: 2003  and other lessees. Textainer's fleet consists of standard dry freight, refrigerated
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Telkom is a leading information and  intermodal containers, and dry freight specials.
        communications technology (ICT) services provider in South Africa.
        Telkom's mission is to seamlessly connect people to a better life. Telkom  SECTOR: Inds—IndsGoods & Services—IndsTransport—TransportSer
        carries this through in all their brands, whether at the consumer, business  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
        or wholesale level. The Telkom Foundation actively works to bridge the  DIRECTORS: Brown I (ne), CottinghamDR(ne), MaccaroneJA(ne),
        digital divide, with projects including the Connected Schools programme,  NurekDM(ne), PedersenRD(ne), Tang G (ne), van der Merwe H R
        while FutureMakers, their enterprise and supplier development initiative,  (ne), Shwiel H (Chair, ne), Ghesquiere O (CEO)
        empowers digital entrepreneurs to realise their vision.  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Dec 2019
       SECTOR: Telecoms—Telecoms—TelecomServiceProvider—TelecomServices  Coronation Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.  11.80%
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 15 296                  Isam Kabbani                      6.50%
       DIRECTORS: Kapila N (ind ne), LuthuliPCS(ind ne), Moloko S (ind ne),  Trencor Ltd.  5.30%
        Mzondeki K (ind ne), Petersen-Cook F (ind ne), RaynerKA(ind ne),  MORE INFO:
        Samuels A (ne), Sibisi DrSP(ind ne), Singh E (ind ne), Tomlinson R G  COMPANY SECRETARY: Adam Hopkin
        (ind ne), von ZeunerLL(ind ne), Maseko S N (Group CE), Reyneke D  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        (CFO)                                     SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
         The Government of the Republic of South Africa  40.51%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
         Government Employees Pension Fund  14.97%  TXT  Ords USD0.01 ea  140 000 000  58 032 164
         Telkom Treasury Stock             2.61%
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X881, Pretoria, 0001  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 315 893 shares p.w., R65.8m(28.3% p.a.)
       MORE INFO:         ALSH       40 Week MA  TEXTAINER
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Ayanda Ceba
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Nedbank CIB
       AUDITORS: PwC Inc., SizweNtsalubaGobodo Inc.                                    36285
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       29871
       TKG  Ords of R10.00 ea  1 000 000 000  511 140 239
       Ords of R10.00 ea     Ldt    Pay     Amt                                        17042
       Final No 26         7 Jul 20  13 Jul 20  50.08
       Interim No 25     26 Nov 19  2 Dec 19  71.53              2020         |        10627
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 14m shares p.w., R396.5m(139.6% p.a.)  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
               FTEL       40 Week MA   TELKOM     (Amts in USD'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18
                                                                    Final    Final     Final
                                                  Turnover        600 873   619 760  612 704
                                                  Op Inc          221 599   222 684  194 426
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  122 699   150 680  136 718
                                           6004   Minority Int      851      - 168    3 872
                                                  Att Inc          72 822   56 724    50 378
                                                  TotCompIncLoss      -     56 481    54 123
                                                  Fixed Ass      4 125 798  4 157 279  4 136 082
                                                  Inv & Loans     801 501   254 363  127 790
                                           505    Tot Curr Ass    385 357   421 333  398 350
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Ord SH Int     1 259 608  1 259 379  1 206 813
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Minority Int     27 110   26 266    29 178
       (R million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  LT Liab  3 769 276  3 617 127  3 240 191
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final
       Turnover     21 396  43 043  41 774  41 018  40 970  Tot Curr Liab  685 382  299 845  292 587
       Op Inc        2 552  2 687  4 767  4 939  5 214
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  723  1 803  947  893  618
       Minority Int    2     5    36   106   57
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