Page 191 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 191

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – PIC
                                                  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 23087, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735
                Pick n Pay Stores Ltd.            EMAIL:
                                                  TELEPHONE: 021-658-1000  FAX: 021-797-0314
                                                  COMPANY SECRETARY: Debra Muller
                                                  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                  SPONSOR: Investec Bank Ltd.
                                                  AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.
                                                  BANKERS: Absa Bank Ltd., First National Bank of SA Ltd.
                                                  SEGMENTAL REPORTING as at 1 Mar 20 (asa%of Liabilities)
       ISIN: ZAE000005443  SHORT: PICKNPAY  CODE: PIK  South Africa                  97.19%
       REG NO: 1968/008034/06  FOUNDED: 1967  LISTED: 1968  Rest of Africa            2.81%
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       CALENDAR               Expected     Status
        The Pick nPayGroup is oneofAfrica's largestandmostconsis-  Next Final Results  May 2021  Unconfirmed
        tently successful retailers, with 1 884 stores (1 135 corporate  Annual General Meeting  Aug 2021  Unconfirmed
        and 749 franchise). In addition, it has 61 supermarkets in  Next Interim Results  Oct 2021  Unconfirmed
        Zimbabwe through its investment in TM Supermarkets. Pick
        n Pay branded businesses include Hypermarkets, Supermar-  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        kets, Clothing, Liquor, Express and Pharmacies. Non-Pick n  PIK  Ords 1.25c ea  800 000 000  493 450 321
        Pay branded businesses include Boxer Superstores and a 49%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        shareholding in TM Supermarkets in Zimbabwe. Pick n Pay  Ords 1.25c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        has a footprint in South Africa, Namibia, Eswatini, Botswana,  Final No 104  1 Dec 20  7 Dec 20  173.06
        Lesotho, Zambia and Zimbabwe.             Interim No 105     1 Dec 20  7 Dec 20  18.74
                                                                     3 Dec 19
                                                  Interim No 103
                                                                             9 Dec 19
       SECTOR: CnsStp—PcDrugs&Groceries—PcDrugs&Groceries—Food  Final No 102  4 Jun 19  10 Jun 19  192.00
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 01 Mar 2020  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 10m shares p.w., R530.0m(105.4% p.a.)
         Newshelf 1321 (Pty) Ltd.         25.30%
         Government Employees Pension Fund  13.00%        FOOR       40 Week MA   PICKNPAY
         GIC Private Ltd.                  3.50%
       (R million)  Aug 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Feb 18  Feb 17
                   Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final(rst)
       Turnover     44 227  89 282  86 271  80 524  76 596
       Trading Profit  886  3 148  3 055  1 820  1 736                                 6120
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  657  1 300  1 281  147  93
       Tax            84   541   464   472  461                                        5178
       Att Inc        159  1 195  1 445  1 296  1 216
       TotCompIncLoss  154  1 157  1 167  1 250  1 121  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Hline Erngs-CO  209  1 371  1 428  1 312  1 247
       Fixed Ass     6 457  6 622  6 189  6 054  5 584  Recent Announcements
       Inv in Assoc   62    50   184   366  310   Friday, 05 March 2021: Shareholders are advised that, on reaching
       Inv & Loans    74    87   102   79    85    the Group’s normal retirement age, Richard van Rensburg will
       Def Tax Asset  812  753   785   590  593    be retiring from his position as executive director of Pick n Pay
       Tot Curr Ass  17 566  12 887  11 771  10 846  9 938  Stores Ltd. with effect from 31 March 2021.
       Ord SH Int    3 298  3 010  3 035  2 940  2 798
       LT Liab      13 917  14 192  13 649  13 193  12 288  The Group has well-planned internal succession arrangements
       Tot Curr Liab  20 560  16 304  15 423  14 747  12 402  in place that will ensure successful delivery of these important
                                                   functions in the future.
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       EPS (ZARc)    33.23  250.90  304.04  273.64  256.67  Thursday, 14 January 2021: Pick n Pay Chairman, Gareth Ackerman,
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  43.78  291.90  300.58  245.50  234.80  announced that, after successfully leading the business for eight
       Pct chng p.a.  - 70.0  - 2.9  22.4  4.6  41.6  years,RichardBrasherwillretireasCEOwitheffectfrom21April
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  11.9  18.0  18.4  11.4  2021. Following a comprehensive local and international search,
       DPS (ZARc)    18.74  215.86  231.10  188.80  176.30  Richard will be succeeded as CEO on that date by Pieter Boone,
       Pct chng p.a.   -   - 6.6  22.4  7.1  18.0  former Chief Operating Officer of Metro AG.
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  -  13.5  20.4  17.9  9.3
       NAV PS (ZARc)  786.10  776.20  786.70  738.10  698.30  Pick n Pay interim results August 2020 - Tuesday, 20 October 2020:
       3 Yr Beta     0.08  0.72  0.93  0.94  1.22  Turnover for the interim period increased to R44.227 billion
       Price High    6 778  7 412  8 209  7 606  8 424  (2019: R43.209 billion), gross profit rose to R8.647 billion (2019:
       Price Low     4 095  5 155  6 228  5 460  5 525  R8.560 billion), profit for the period fell to R158.7 million (2019:
       Price Prd End  4 236  5 524  6 913  7 428  6 969  R386.8 million), while headline earnings per share lowered to
       RATIOS                                      43.78 cents per share (2019: 91.28 cents per share).
       Ret on SH Fnd  9.62  39.69  47.60  44.09  43.46  Dividends
       Ret On Tot Ass  1.57  3.57  4.20  5.98  10.25  The board deferred its FY20 final dividend decision in May 2020,
       Oper Pft Mgn  2.00  3.53  3.54  3.39  3.17
       D:E           5.71  10.13  9.58  9.50  8.82  until the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Group opera-
       Int Cover     1.28  2.42  2.30  12.23  18.26  tions, earnings and net funding position could reasonably be
       Current Ratio  0.85  0.79  0.76  0.74  0.80  known. The Group has effectively navigated the challenges of
       Div Cover     1.77  1.16  1.50  1.50  1.50  the past six months with exceptional operational discipline and
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 54 900                 careful control over cash resources. The board is confident with
       DIRECTORS: Ackerman J G,                    the stability of the Group's balance sheet, and with the Group's
        Ackerman-Berman S D, Bhorat H I (ind ne),
        Cassim M (ind ne), Friedland D (ind ne),   like-for-like net funding position now restored to pre-Covid-19
        Herman H S (ld ind ne), Jakoet A (ne),     levels, it has formally declared the FY20 dividend, alongside an
        Mothupi A M (ind ne), Robins D (ne, German),  FY21 interim dividend based on the Group's comparable HEPS
        van der Merwe A (ind ne), van Rooyen J (ind ne),  performance over the period.
        Ackerman G M (Chair, ne), Brasher R (CEO),
        van Rensburg R S J (CIO), Olivier L (CFO)  FY20 final dividend - number 104
       POPULAR BRAND NAMES: Pick n Pay Clothing,  Scan the QR code to  The directors have declared a final gross dividend (number 104)
        Pick n Pay Express, Pick n Pay Hyper, Pick n Pay  visit our Investor  relating to its 2020 annual financial period (ended 1 March
        Liquor, Pick n Pay Local, Pick n Pay Online, Pick n  Centre  2020) of 173.06 cents per share out of income reserves.
        Pay Pharmacy, Pick n Pay Spaza, Pick n Pay
        Supermarkets, Boxer, Boxer Build, Boxer Liquor, Boxer Punch, Boxer
        Superstores, TM Supermarkets
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