Page 170 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 170

JSE – MOM                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 12326, Vorna Valley, 1686
                                                          LIFE       40 Week MA   MOMMET
       MORE INFO:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Statucor (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Java Capital Trustees and Sponsors (Pty) Ltd.                          2475
       AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche
       MIX  Ords no par value  1 000 000 000  605 578 516                              1888
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                                                            1594
       Ords no par value     Ldt    Pay     Amt
       QuarterlyNo 31    16Feb 21  22 Feb21  4.00                                      1300
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Interim No 30     17 Nov 20  23 Nov 20  4.00
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 438 711 shares p.w., R3.0m(3.8% p.a.)
                                                  (R million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                   Interim Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  Final
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Total Premiums  18 071  33 281  36 798  29 893  28 181
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Inc Fm Inv  10 895  22 442  22 088  20 084  18 958
       Turnover   1 019 408 2 151 997 1 975 863 1 712 482 1 540 058  Total Income  39 824  51 430  68 788  75 299  54 743
       Op Inc      127 698  311 278  338 912  214 952  137 862  Total Outgo  36 591  46 460  61 697  69 399  50 099
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  9 668  14 142  - 1 386  69  - 10 391  Minority Int  58  108  155  53  45
       Minority Int   - 4   - 4   -    59   - 17  Attrib Inc     909  188  2 255  1 369  1 536
       Att Inc      98 207  145 022  202 336  181 134  121 458  TotCompIncLoss  497  951  2 353  1 560  1 478
       TotCompIncLoss  67 483  292 559  318 083  120 625  40 512  Ord SH Int  22 961  22 593  23 020  22 328  22 956
       Fixed Ass   453 013  529 832  457 446  334 038  294 120  Minority Int  387  410  526  462  292
       Inv & Loans   9 075   -    -     -     -   Long-Term Liab  51 660  52 833  45 813  37 569  43 089
       Tot Curr Ass  1 083 183  951 254  872 545  720 043  702 517  Cap Employed  502 908  484 777  473 060  453 575  441 549
       Ord SH Int  1 869 011 1 817 534 1 751 664 1 517 171 1 444 489  Fixed Assets  3 668  4 107  4 271  4 187  4 494
       Minority Int    7    11    13   10  - 1 558  Investments  9 562  9 042  9 034  8 614  7 340
       LT Liab     286 674  327 117  174 256  84 790  101 900  Current Assets  495 099  480 542  477 807  443 526  431 552
       Tot Curr Liab  534 008  493 458  465 436  391 354  361 858  Current Liab  18 301  21 672  29 545  14 629  14 351
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  18.00  27.00  36.00  32.00  20.00  HEPS-C (ZARc)  55.90  71.30  168.00  93.00  118.30
       DPS (ZARc)    8.00  16.00  13.00  10.50  8.00  DPS (ZARc)  25.00  40.00  70.00  -  157.00
       NAV PS (ZARc)  339.00  332.00  312.00  269.00  256.00  NAV PS (ZARc)  1 591.20 1 560.29 1 579.96 1 476.72 1 474.37
       3 Yr Beta     0.50  0.32  0.09  0.48  0.54  3 Yr Beta    0.89  0.76  0.46  0.87  0.89
       Price High     755  1 050  1 109  802  428  Price Prd End  1 576  1 761  1 897  1 767  2 024
       Price Low      478  410   675   290  221   Price High    1 873  2 278  1 987  2 424  2 669
       Price Prd End  603  608   954   739  340   Price Low     1 282  1 326  1 500  1 673  1 920
       RATIOS                                     RATIOS
       Ret on SH Fnd  10.51  7.98  11.55  11.94  8.42  Ret on SH Fund  8.28  1.29  10.24  6.24  6.80
       Oper Pft Mgn  12.53  14.46  17.15  12.55  8.95  Ret on Tot Ass  1.29  1.02  1.47  1.30  1.05
       D:E           0.18  0.20  0.12  0.07  0.08  Debt:Equity  2.21  2.30  1.95  1.65  1.85
       Current Ratio  2.03  1.93  1.87  1.84  1.94  Solvency Mgn%  258.40  69.12  63.99  76.24  82.50
       Div Cover     2.25  1.63  2.77  3.05  2.38  Payouts:Prem  0.82  0.81  0.73  0.91  0.87
       Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Ltd.                       Mondi plc
       REG NO: 2000/031756/06  FOUNDED: 2000  LISTED: 2001  REG NO: 6209386  FOUNDED: 2007  LISTED: 2007
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Ltd. (MTM)  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Mondi is a global leader in packaging and paper,
        is a South African based financial services group listed on the  delighting its customers and consumers with innovative packaging and
        Johannesburg and Namibian Stock Exchange. MTM was formed from the  paper solutions that are sustainable by design.Mondi's business is fully
        merger of Metropolitan and Momentum, sizeable insurance-based  integrated across the packaging and paper value chain - from managing
        financial services companies in South Africa and listed on the  forests and producing pulp, paper and plastic films, to developing and
        Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 1 December 2010.  manufacturing effective industrial and consumer packaging solutions.
       SECTOR: Fins—Insurance—Life Insurance—Life Insurance  Sustainability is embedded in everything it does.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 16 234                SECTOR: Inds—IndsGoods&Services—GeneralIndustr—Cont&Pckgng
       DIRECTORS: Cilliers (Marais) J (Deputy CE), Chiume L (ne), Cooper P  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 26 000
        (ind ne), Daniels (Jakoet) F (ind ne), de Beer PrfDr L (ind ne),  DIRECTORS: Brandtzaeg S R (ind ne), Clark S (ind ne), FrattoTD(ind ne),
        Jurisich Prof S (ind ne), MashokoloPJ(ne), McPherson Dr S (ind ne),  Godongwana E (ind ne), Harris S (snr ind ne), Reiniche D (ind ne, Fr),
        Moloko S (ld ind ne), Nkonyeni V (ne), ParkDJ(ind ne), Truter F J  Strank Dame A (ind ne), Yea P (ne), Young S (ind ne, UK),
        C(ind ne), Meyer H (CEO), Ketola R (Group CFO)  Williams D (Chair, ind ne, UK), King A(CEO),PowellM(CFO)
         RMI Holdings Ltd.                26.80%    Public Investment Corporation Ltd.  5.91%
         Coronation Asset Managers        21.74%    BlackRock, Inc.                   5.86%
         Government Employees Pension Fund  7.50%   Investec Asset Management (Pty) Ltd.  4.99%
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 7400, Centurion, 0046  POSTAL ADDRESS: Building 1, 1st Floor, Aviator Park, Station Road,
       MORE INFO:  Addlestone, Surrey, United Kingdom, KT15 2PG
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Gcobisa Tyusha          MORE INFO:
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  COMPANY SECRETARY: Jenny Hampshire
       SPONSOR: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd.       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.               SPONSORS: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd., UBS Ltd.
       MTM  Ords 0.0001c ea  2 000 000 000  1 497 475 356  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                       MNP  Ords EUR 20c ea  3 177 608 605  485 553 780
       Ords 0.0001c ea       Ldt    Pay     Amt   DISTRIBUTIONS [EURc]
       Interim No 36     23 Mar 21  29 Mar 21  25.00  Ords EUR 20c ea   Ldt     Pay    Amt
       Interim No 35     24 Mar 20  30 Mar 20  40.00  Final No 28    6 Apr 21  13 May 21  41.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 20m shares p.w., R339.4m(71.0% p.a.)  Final No 26  18 Aug 20  29 Sep 20  29.75
       NOTES: MMI Holdings Ltd. renamed to Momentum Metropolitan Holdings  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R1 168.2m(38.4% p.a.)
        Ltd. on 17 July 2019.
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