Page 153 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 153

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                        JSE – IRO
       Ords 5c ea            Ldt    Pay     Amt           REDS       40 Week MA   IRONGATE
       Interim No 48      4 Dec 18  10 Dec 18  50.00
       Final No 47        24 Jul 18  30 Jul 18  50.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 388 214 shares p.w., R4.0m(18.1% p.a.)
               IIND       40 Week MA   INVICTA
                                           4648      2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                           3235   FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in AUD'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17
                                                              Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                           407    NetRent/InvInc  35 276  79 762  71 243  63 700  46 090
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Total Inc    35 298  79 859  71 502  63 857  46 516
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Attrib Inc   38 344  58 956  53 099  108 205  48 742
       (R million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  TotCompIncLoss  38 344  58 956  53 099  108 205  48 742
                   Interim  Final  Final Final(rst)  Final  Ord UntHs Int  819 673  808 161  621 477  617 363  505 668
       Turnover      3 572  8 268  10 450  9 994  9 632  Investments  1 100 401 1 084 958 1 062 767  986 696  779 350
       Op Inc         267  - 468  690  839  1 010  Tot Curr Ass  16 216  115 594  14 200  10 976  5 906
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  83  194   114   128  117   Total Ass  1 116 829 1 200 552 1 083 411  998 639  786 532
       Minority Int   10     7    11   21    - 4  Tot Curr Liab  34 722  38 722  60 320  30 662  24 988
       Att Inc        184  - 761  135  84   533   PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       TotCompIncLoss  189  - 390  477  121  519  HEPS-C (ZARc)  49.91  68.21  79.36  104.78  122.07
       Fixed Ass     1 648  1 738  1 942  1 721  1 641  DPS (ZARc)  49.19  83.73  118.78  99.81  97.31
       Inv & Loans     1    94    -     -     -   NAV PS (ZARc)  1 614.70 1 461.24 1 335.10 1 171.66 1 187.50
       Tot Curr Ass  7 755  7 526  8 079  7 372  8 098  3 Yr Beta  0.71  0.67  0.44  0.25  0.02
       Ord SH Int    4 662  4 505  5 061  4 778  5 116  Price Prd End  1 570  1 199  1 270  1 050  1 296
       Minority Int   133  129   122   99   152   Price High    1 734  1 639  1 350  1 400  1 559
       LT Liab       2 483  3 007  2 620  1 685  6 892  Price Low  1 100  947  1 036  1 000  1 260
       Tot Curr Liab  3 231  2 782  3 470  3 617  4 105
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     RetOnSH Funds  9.36  7.30  8.54  17.53  9.64
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  108.00  - 17.00  112.00  58.00  466.00  RetOnTotAss  6.32  6.65  6.60  6.39  5.91
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -    -  118.68  166.51  Debt:Equity  0.32  0.43  0.61  0.56  0.51
       NAV PS (ZARc)  3 728.00 3 580.00 4 085.00 3 805.00 4 715.00  OperRetOnInv  6.41  7.35  6.70  6.46  5.91
       3 Yr Beta     0.87  0.71  - 0.68  0.66  0.68  OpInc:Turnover  78.07  78.89  79.63  82.09  84.57
       Price High    1 349  3 000  5 155  5 991  7 698
       Price Low      351  525  2 602  4 303  4 470          ISA Holdings Ltd.
       Price Prd End  1 066  701  2 778  5 050  5 872
       RATIOS                                     ISIN: ZAE000067344  SHORT: ISA   CODE: ISA
       Ret on SH Fnd  8.08  - 16.29  2.81  2.14  10.05  REG NO: 1998/009608/06  FOUNDED: 1998  LISTED: 1998
       Oper Pft Mgn  7.49  - 5.66  6.60  8.39  10.49  NATUREOF BUSINESS:ISAHoldingsLtd.isaSouthAfricanincorporated
       D:E           0.68  0.76  0.70  0.53  1.51  limited liability investment holding company listed on the AltX. ISA
       Current Ratio  2.40  2.71  2.33  2.04  1.97  Holdings, through its main operating subsidiary, Information Security
       Div Cover       -     -    -   0.66  3.00   Architects(Pty) Ltd., together referred to as ISA or the group is a
                                                   prominent provider of network, internet and information security
                                                   solutions to the sub-Saharan Africa market.
                   Irongate Group                 SECTOR: AltX
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 34
       ISIN: AU0000046005  SHORT: IRONGATE  CODE: IAP  DIRECTORS: Maphothi N (ind ne), Naidoo A (ne), Pillay C (ne),
       REG NO: ARSN162067736  FOUNDED: 2012  LISTED: 2013  SeatonDC(ind ne), Seku O B (Chair, ind ne), Katz C S (CEO),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Irongate Group listed as the first inward listed  Green P (Technical), Mogoboya P (FD)
        Australian real estate investment trust. The fund currently comprises 27  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 28 Feb 2020
        propertiesinAustraliawithatotalgrosslettablearea(GLA)of285 1465m²  EmpowerGroup Technology (Pty) Ltd.  26.00%
        valued at AUD1 006 million.                 Interactive Trading 750 (Pty) Ltd.  15.20%
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—REITS—Office   Phillip Green                    14.40%
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0                     POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 781667, Sandton, 2146
       DIRECTORS: Herman S (ind ne), Koseff S (ne), LeonSR(ne, It), Lynch G  MORE INFO:
        (ind ne), Martin H (ind ne), Longes R A (Chair, ind ne, Aus), Katz G A  COMPANY SECRETARY: Acorim (Pty) Ltd.
        (CEO, Aus)                                TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 12 Apr 2021  DESIGNATED ADVISOR: Merchantec Capital
         360 Capital IG (Pty) Ltd.        15.18%  AUDITORS: Mazars Inc.
         Investec Bank Ltd.                9.18%
         Investec Property Fund Ltd.       9.02%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Level 23, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney,  ISA  Ords 1c ea  500 000 000  170 592 593
        2000                                      DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       MORE INFO:  Ords 1c ea           Ldt     Pay    Amt
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Lucy Spenceley          Interim No 16      1 Dec 20  7 Dec 20  5.00
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  Final No 15  23 Jul 19  29 Jul 19  19.20
       SPONSOR: Corporate Finance Division of Investec Bank Ltd.
       AUDITORS: KPMG Inc.                        LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 289 297 shares p.w., R179 402.8(8.8% p.a.)
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED          ALSH       40 Week MA    ISA
       IAP  LU AUD100c ea          -    611 298 084                                    200
       DISTRIBUTIONS [AUDc]                                                            169
       LU AUD100c ea         Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Interim No 15     17 Nov 20  4 Dec 20  4.39                                     138
       Final No 14       26 May 20  12 Jun 20  4.30
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 5m shares p.w., R67.7m(39.4% p.a.)
       NOTES: Investec Australia Property Fund renamed to Irongate Group on 2
        December 2020.
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  45
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158