Page 136 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 136

JSE – GOL                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                   Gold Fields Ltd.                           TELEPHONE: 011-562-9700
                                                              FAX: 011-562-9829
                           ISIN: ZAE000018123                 COMPANY SECRETARY: Anré Weststrate
                           SHORT: GFIELDS                     TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare
                           CODE: GFI                           Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                           REG NO: 1968/004880/06             SPONSOR: JP Morgan Equities South Africa Ltd.
                           FOUNDED: 1998
                           LISTED: 1998                       AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
                                                              BANKERS: Standard Bank of SA Ltd.
                                                  Scan the QR code to
                            NATURE OF BUSINESS:    visit our website
                            Gold Fields Limited is a
                            globally  diversified  gold  CALENDAR        Expected     Status
                            producer with nine operating  Annual General Meeting  6 May 2021  Confirmed
        mines and one project in Australia, Chile, Ghana (including our  Next Interim Results  May 2021  Unconfirmed
        Asanko Joint Venture), Peru and South Africa, with total attrib-
                                                  Next Final Results     Feb 2022  Unconfirmed
        utable annual gold-equivalent production of 2.24Moz. It has at-
        tributable gold-equivalent Mineral Reserves of 52.1Moz and  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        gold Mineral Resources of 116.0Moz. Gold Fields has a primary  GFI  Ords 50c ea  1 000 000 000  887 564 061
        listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Limited, and  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        anadditionallistingontheNewYorkStockExchange(NYSE).  Ords 50c ea  Ldt   Pay    Amt
                                                  Final No 93        9 Mar 21  15 Mar 21  320.00
       SECTOR:BasicMaterials—BasicResrcs—PreciousMet&Min—GoldMin  Interim No 92  8 Sep 20  14 Sep 20  160.00
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 26 Feb 2021  Final No 91   10 Mar 20  16 Mar 20  100.00
         VanEck Global (New York)         10.07%
         Public Investment Corporation (Pretoria)  8.33%  Interim No 90  3 Sep 19  9 Sep 19  60.00
         BlackRock Investment Mgt (London)  5.46%  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 18m shares p.w., R2 504.7m(103.3% p.a.)
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                 40 Week MA         GFIELDS
       (USD million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
                     Final  Final Final(rst)  Final  Final                             23551
       Wrk Revenue   3 892  2 967  2 578  2 762  2 750
       Wrk Pft       1 742  934  535   657  1 362
       NetIntPd(Rcd)  106   82    67   62    59                                        15492
       Tax            433  176   - 66  173  192
       Minority Int   22    13    3    11    11                                        11462
       ExordLoss(Pft)  -     -    -    - 13   -
       Att Inc        723  162  - 348  - 19  163
       TotCompIncLoss  804  229  675   255  295                                        3403
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       Ord SH Int    3 665  2 777  2 586  3 403  3 190
       Minority Int   164  132   121    -     -   Recent Announcements
       LT Liab       2 228  1 851  2 216  1 909  1 820  Thursday,01April2021:GoldFieldsadvisedthatthecompanyfiled
       Def Tax Liab   500  434   455   454  466    its annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December
       Cap Employed  6 556  5 194  5 378  5 766  5 475  2020 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on 31
       Mining assets  4 771  4 657  4 259  4 893  4 548
       Inv & Loans    450  327   460   276  190    March 2021. The document can be accessed on Gold Fields’
       Def Tax Asset  240  266   270   72    49    website at
       Other Ass      252  211   194   188  177    Gold Fields’ shareholders (including holders of Gold Fields’
       Tot Curr Ass  1 760  1 101  727  1 114  1 053  American depositary shares) may also receive hard copies of the
       Tot Curr Liab  917  1 368  532  854  859    annual report on Form 20-F, which includes the audited
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      financial statements, upon request. For a copy of the report,
       EPS (ZARc)  1 343.16  289.20  - 599.34  - 26.66  294.00  please contact Khahliso Sekgotho at +2711-562-9728 or email
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  1 359.54  289.20  99.89  346.58  382.20
       Pct chng p.a.  370.1  189.5  - 71.2  - 9.3  803.3  Wednesday, 31 March 2021: Gold Fields today published its Inte-
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  256.5  138.2  129.3  118.5  113.0  grated Annual Report 2020 (IAR) and a number of associated
       DPS (ZARc)   480.00  160.00  40.00  90.00  110.00
       Pct chng p.a.  200.0  300.0  - 55.6  - 18.2  340.0  reports on its website.
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  153.3  105.8  62.1  55.1  53.0  These are the statutory Annual Financial Report 2020 (AFR),
       NAV (ZARc)  6 361.95 4 921.70 4 820.44 5 127.13 5 453.32  includingthe GovernanceReport, containingthe audited consol-
       3 Yr Beta     1.06  0.72  0.12  0.18  - 0.49  idated financial statements for the year ended 31 December
       Price Prd End  13 757  9 587  4 934  5 410  4 359  2020,theNoticetoShareholders oftheAnnualGeneralMeeting
       Price High   25 569  9 602  5 649  6 094  9 130  (AGM) and the 2020 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
       Price Low     6 397  4 672  3 290  3 760  3 680  Supplement. The relevant documents will also be posted to
       RATIOS                                      shareholders over the next few days.
       Ret on SH fund  19.47  6.01  - 12.74  - 0.23  5.45  These audited results contain no modifications to the reviewed
       Ret on Tot Ass  21.86  13.03  7.70  9.06  21.62  financial results published on the Stock Exchange News Service
       Oper Pft Mgn  44.75  31.47  20.75  23.78  49.54
       D:E           0.60  0.87  0.85  0.62  0.63  on 18 February 2020.
       Interest Cover  12.16  5.24  n/a  3.47  7.23  The IAR and the AFR incorporate all aspects of the Group’s
       Current Ratio  1.92  0.81  1.37  1.30  1.22  business, including reviews of the South African, West African,
       Dividend Cover  2.80  1.81  - 14.98  - 0.30  2.67  Australian and South American operations, the Group’s project
       Yield (g/ton)  1.70  1.80  2.00  2.10  2.10  activities, as well as detailed financial, operational and sustain-
       Ton Mll (‘000)  42 706  38 342  34 110  34 492  34 222  able development information.
       Price Received  1 765  1 387  1 251  1 255  1 241  PwC Inc. have audited the financial statements for the year
       WrkCost(R/kg)  39    41    42   43    42    ended 31 December 2020, and their unqualified Independent
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 18 412                 Auditor's Report is included in the AFR. PwC Inc have raised
       DIRECTORS: Carolus C A (Chair, ind ne), Griffith C I (CEO),
        Schmidt P (CFO), Andani A (ind ne), Bacchus P (ind ne),  one key audit matter in their unqualified Independent Auditor’s
        GoodlaceTP(ind ne), Letton Dr C (ind ne), ReidSP(ind ne),  Report, namely the impairment assessment of the South Deep
        Sibiya P (ne), Suleman Y (ne)              cash generating unit. PwC Inc have also included the Independ-
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Postnet Suite 252, Private Bag X30500, Houghton,  ent Reporting Accountant’s Assurance Report on the
       EMAIL:             compilation of pro-forma financial information in the AFR.
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