Page 217 - Stock Exchange Handbook 2020 - Issue 3
P. 217

Group Annual Results for the year ended
        31 December 2019

        Net result from fi nancial services
         9%                       New business               Capital management
                                   Net value of new covered business  Net capital raised through share inssuance
        Dividend per share of       15% to R2,3 billion (up 11% on consistent   R4,5 billion
        334 cents,   7,1% (3% real growth)
                                   economic basis)            Surplus unlocked from operations
        Group Equity Value         Net new covered business margin  R593 million
        Group Equity Value per share  2,98% on consistent economic basis   Investment in Group operations
        R64,36                     (2.67% in 2018)            R2 billion
        Return on Group Equity Value per share  New business volumes  Discretionary capital at 31 December 2019
        6,4%  (2018: 11,6%)         12% to R249 billion      R220 million
        Adjusted Return on Group Equity Value per share  Net fund infl ows  Sanlam Group SAM cover ratio
        11,9%  (2018: 19,4%)       R57 billion (R42 billion in 2018)  211% (2018: 215%)
        for the  year ended 31 December 2019      2019   2018   %  for the  year ended 31 December 2019   2019   2018
                                                                                  R’m   R’m
        Earnings                                 RESULT FROM FINANCIAL SERVICES BEFORE TAX   16 116  15 544
        Net result from fi nancial services   R million   9 674  8 890   9%  Tax on result from fi nancial services   (4 671)  (4 116)
        Net operational earnings    R million   10 798  9 455   14%  Result from fi nancial services after tax   11 445  10 428
        Headline earnings    R million   7 481   9 162  (18%)  Non-controlling interests   (1 771)  (1 538)
        Weighted average number of shares    million  2 090,0  2 077,3   1%
        Adj. weighted average number of shares (1)   million  2 208,5  2 098,8   5%  Net result from fi nancial services   9 674   8 890
        Net result from fi nancial services per share  cents   438,0   423,6   3%  Net investment income   1 044   638
        Net operational earnings per share    cents   488,9  450,5   9%  Net investment surpluses   210   63
        Diluted headline earnings per share   cents   357,9   441,1  (19%)  Project Expenses   (130)   (136)

        Business volumes                         Net operational earnings       10 798   9 455
        New business volumes   R million  249 323 223 029   12%  Net amortisation of value of business acquired
        Net fund infl ows     R million  56 766  41 539  37%  and other intangibles   (766)   (400)
        Net new covered business                 Equity participation costs      (596)   (5)
           Value of new covered business   R million   2 280   1 985   15%  Net non-operational equity-accounted earnings   19   3
           Covered business PVNBP (2)   R million  76 446  74 378   3%  Net profi t/(loss) on disposal or subsidiaries and
           New covered business margin    %   2,98   2,67  associated companies   (6)   2 773
        Group Equity Value                       Impairments                     (339)   (305)
        Group Equity Value   R million  143 271  134 052   7%
        Group Equity Value per share   cents   6 436   6 341   1%  Normalised attributable earnings   9 110   11 521
        Return on Group Equity Value per share (4)   %   6,4   11,6  Fund transfers    (1 960)   106
        Adj. RoGEV per share    %    11,9   19,4
                                                 Attributable earnings per Group statement
        SOLVENCY COVER                           of comprehensive income         7 150   11 627
        Sanlam Group            %    211   215   Note
        Sanlam Life Insurance Limited   %   253   264  (1)   TThe B-BBEE transaction gives rise to a non-recurring share-based payment charge of R1,686 billion. The market-related discount of
        Sanlam Life Insurance Limited             R594 million is recognised as equity participation cost in the Shareholders’ fund income statement, with the remainder recognised in fund
        covered business        %   206   221
        Notes                                    SANLAM GROUP EARNINGS
        (1)   Weighted average number of shares excludes Sanlam shares held directly or indirectly through consolidated investment funds in policyholder
        portfolios, as well as Sanlam shares held by the Group’s broad-based black economic empowerment special purposes vehicle (B-BBEE   11 521
        SPV) that is consolidated in terms of International Financial Reporting Standards. These shares are treated as shares in issue for purposes
        of adjusted weighted average number of shares in issue, which is the base to determine net result from fi nancial services per share and net   9 647
        operational earnings per share. Diluted headline earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of shares.  8 890  9 110
        (2)   PVNBP = present value of new business premiums and is equal to the present value of new recurring premiums, at the relevant risk discount
        rate for each business, plus single premiums.
        (3)   New covered business margin = value of new covered business as a percentage of PVNBP.
        (4)   Growth in Group Equity Value per share (with dividends paid, capital movements and cost of treasury shares acquired reversed) as a
        percentage of Group Equity Value per share at the beginning of the year.
        (5)   Adjusted Return on Group Equity Value = Return on Group Equity Value excluding investment market and currency volatility, changes in
        interest rates and other factors outside of management’s control.
        (6)   Excludes investments in subsidiaries and associated companies, discretionary capital, cash accumulated for dividend payments and the net
        asset value of non-covered operations.
        for the  year ended 31 December 2019      2019   2018  Net result from fi nancial services  Normalised attributable earnings
                                    R’m   R’m   %  2019  2018
        Sanlam Personal Finance     61 813   60 971   1%
        Sanlam Emerging Markets     34 809   26 224  33%  NET RESULT FROM FINANCIAL SERVICES     2019   2018
                                                 for the  year ended 31 December 2019
        Sanlam Investment Group     113 236   99 696   14%                     R’m   R’m   %
        Santam                     24 227   22 812   6%
        Sanlam Corporate           15 238   13 326   17%  Sanlam Personal Finance     4 265  4 033   6%
                                                 Sanlam Emerging Markets       2 632  2 038  29%
        Total                    249 323  223 029   12%
                                                 Sanlam Investment Group       1 070   1 152  (7%)
        Covered business           53 927   53 815   –  Santam                 1 217   1 196   2%
        Investment business        155 565   136 529   14%  Sanlam Corporate      590   580   2%
        General Insurance          39 831   32 685  22%  Group Offi  ce and other      (100)   (109)   8%

        Total                    249 323  223 029   12%
                                                 Net result from fi nancial services     9 674  8 890   9%
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