Page 212 - Stock Exchange Handbook 2020 - Issue 3
P. 212
JSE – ROY Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 3
Royal Bafokeng Platinum Ltd. PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share) - 390.60 87.60 - 1 589.20
HEPS-C (ZARc) 50.40 25.00 56.40 86.70 - 83.20
Pct chng p.a. 101.6 - 55.7 - 34.9 204.2 - 134.9
Tr 5yr av grwth % 16.1 3.3 27.8 27.2 - 16.2
NAV PS (ZARc) 7 782.03 7 859.38 5 549.21 5 817.98 5 713.58
3 Yr Beta 0.50 0.03 0.83 1.39 1.37
Price High 5 400 3 500 4 340 5 300 5 996
Price Low 2 452 1 500 2 650 2 235 2 261
Price Prd End 4 962 2 648 2 800 3 561 2 665
Ret on SH Fnd 0.40 1.69 - 4.55 1.77 - 26.01
Ret On Tot Ass 1.93 1.99 2.47 2.12 0.58
ISIN: ZAE000149936 SHORT: RBPLAT CODE: RBP Oper Pft Mgn 9.09 8.54 8.92 7.20 - 1.31
ISIN: ZAE000243853 SHORT: RBP CONV CODE: RBPCB D:E 0.56 0.64 0.40 0.28 0.28
REG NO: 2008/015696/06 FOUNDED: 2002 LISTED: 2010
Int Cover 1.29 n/a 7.73 n/a 56.74
Current Ratio 2.75 5.32 1.96 2.02 2.27
The company is an independently operated and managed, DIRECTORS: Ledger P (ind ne), Lucht U (ne),
mid-tier PGM (Platinum Group Metal) producer whose current Matlala Z (ind ne), Moffett M (ind ne),
mining operations and planned expansion prospects are based Mokgosi-Mwantembe T (ind ne), Phetwe O (ne),
RogersMH(ind ne), Stephens L (ind ne),
on the Bushveld Igneous Complex (the Bushveld complex) in Moroka Adv K D (Chair, ind ne),
the North West province, South Africa, the largest source of Phiri S D (CEO), Rossouw H (CFO)
PGMs in the world. RBPlat was formed to exploit PGMs in the POSTALADDRESS:POBox2283,Fourways,2055
Merensky and UG2 Reefs on the BRPM, Styldrift and EMAIL:
Frischgewaagd properties in the Rustenburg area. The PGM Scan the QR code to TELEPHONE: 010-590-4510 FAX: 086-572-8047
visit our website
resources on the Styldrift and Frischgewaagd farms have been COMPANY SECRETARY: Lester Jooste (ACIS)
identified as hosting the last undeveloped sub-outcrops of the TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
Merensky Reef on the western limb of the Bushveld Complex. SPONSOR: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd.
RBPlat produces approximately 401 thousand 4E ounces per BANKERS: Nedbank Ltd.
The mining operations are Merensky biased with UG2 being CALENDAR Expected Status
minedonareplacementbasis.Theminingplancurrentlyfocuses Next Interim Results 4 Aug 2020 Confirmed
on the shallow Merensky Reef on the BRPM property, and Next Final Results Mar 2021 Unconfirmed
expansiontotheMerenskyReefontheStyldriftproperty.UG2is Annual General Meeting May 2021 Unconfirmed
currently being mined on a supplemental basis at BRPM, with
the UG2 production increasing commensurately with the CAPITAL STRUCTURE AUTHORISED ISSUED
depletion of the Merensky resource. RBP Ords 1c each 1 000 000 000 258 792 016
The company’s brownfield Merensky expansion project on the LIQUIDITY: Jun20 Ave 1m shares p.w., R53.9m(28.7% p.a.)
neighbouringStyldriftfarmwhich iscontiguoustoBRPMiswell
centrator has the potential to increase the Company’s produc- 9376
tion to approximately 410ktpm of milled ore, yielding approxi-
mately 320koz platinum-in-concentrate per annum. Capital ex-
penditure on the Styldrift project to date (at 31 December 2019) 5526
duction of 230ktpm by the end of 2020.
The company has the benefit of entrenched broad-based black 1676
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
economic empowerment (“BEE”) ownership by the Royal
Bafokeng Nation (through its wholly-owned investment vehicle Recent Announcements
Royal Bafokeng Holdings (Pty) Ltd. (“RBH”). Thursday, 28 May 2020: RBPlat hereby advised its security holders
that all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed in the
SECTOR: Basic Materials—Basic Resrcs—Mining—Plat&Prcs Metals Notice of the AGM were tabled at the Company’s AGM held on
CONTROLLED BY: Royal Bafokeng Platinum Holdings (Pty) Ltd Thursday, 28 May 2020 and of the voting results.
Security holders are further advised that ordinary resolution 12
Royal Bafokeng Platinum Holdings (Pty) Ltd. 39.97% has not attained the required 75% votes in favour.
Allan Gray (Pty) Ltd. 18.31% In view of the fact that Ordinary Resolution 12, being the Remu-
Public Investment Corporation 11.97% neration Implementation Report, was voted against by more
than 25% of shareholders either present in person or repre-
sented by proxy at the AGM, the Company would like toconfirm
(R million) Dec 19 Dec 18 Dec 17 Dec 16 Dec 15 that it will commence an engagement process in a manner stipu-
lated in the remuneration report and based on preliminary as-
Final Final(rst) Final Final Final
Turnover 7 492 3 627 3 499 3 342 3 045 sessments of the key matters raised, and the Company
Op Inc 681 310 312 241 - 40 endeavours to improve disclosure in the next Remuneration
NetIntPd(Rcvd) 430 - 74 - 85 - 84 - 81 Report to be included in the 2020 Integrated Report. Conse-
quently, dissenting shareholders are invited to make submis-
Tax 60 61 84 - 8 - 753 sionstothe Companyby emailingthe companysecretary, Lester
Minority Int - 100 96 94 - 722 Jooste on The Company will
Att Inc 64 156 - 753 168 - 3 045 determine the most appropriate response manner and method
TotCompIncLoss 64 256 - 657 263 - 3 767 of engagement.
Hline Erngs-CO 123 50 109 167 - 160 Security holders are also advised that following the settlement
Fixed Ass 20 870 20 309 17 599 16 317 15 896 of the deferred consideration in respect of the transaction with
Inv & Loans 290 267 200 182 146 Rustenburg Platinum Mines (“RPM”), a wholly-owned subsid-
Def Tax Asset 58 70 47 39 35 iary of Anglo American Platinum Ltd., in terms of which RPM’s
Tot Curr Ass 4 790 4 027 3 697 2 704 2 611 participation interest (33%) in the Bafokeng Rasimone
Ord SH Int 16 187 15 158 10 670 11 156 10 920 Platinum Mine Joint Venture was acquired by Royal Bafokeng
Resources (Pty) Ltd. (“RBR”),a wholly-owned subsidiary ofthe
Minority Int - - 3 754 3 658 3 564
Company, both Dr Gordon Smith and Mr Avischen Moodley
LT Liab 9 025 9 596 5 838 4 165 4 126 have resigned as directors of the Company with effect from the
Tot Curr Liab 1 740 756 1 884 1 339 1 149 date of the AGM, being 28 May 2020.