Page 109 - SHB 2020 Issue 1
P. 109

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 1                       JSE – BAU

               Bauba Resources Ltd.
       ISIN: ZAE000145686  SHORT: BAUBA  CODE: BAU
       REG NO: 1986/004649/06 FOUNDED: 1996  LISTED: 1996
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Bauba is a junior mining company focusing on
        the mining of chrome ore and the exploration of platinum group metals
        The group has shifted its main focus towards the mining of chrome from
        platinum exploration due to the current economic climate, persistently
        low PGM prices and the acquisition of the Moeijelijk chrome resource
        which bears positive long-term prospects.
       SECTOR: Basic Materials—Basic Resrcs—Mining—Plat&Prcs Metals
       DIRECTORS: Luyt M (ld ind ne), Makgala T (ind ne), Phosa Dr M (ne),
        Smith D (ind ne), Thulare T V (alt), van der Hoven N P J (Chair, ne),  + delivered over the internet, which means you
        van der Hoven N W (CEO), Knowlden J (FD)      can access your account and all your research
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2019
         Highland Trading Investments Ltd.  59.93%    24 hours a day, and from any location
         The Kumane Trust                  6.47%
         Northlew Investments Ltd.         6.33%
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1658, Witkoppen, 2068  + we manage all installation, maintenance and
       MORE INFO:  updates relieving pressure on your IT resources
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Merchantec (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Merchantec Capital                  + incredibly easy to navigate, despite the depth of
       AUDITORS: BDO South Africa Inc.                data and the range of sophisticated tools
       BAU  Ords no par value  750 000 000  379 020 249
                                                    + your gateway to a vast array of valuable data in
       Ords no par value     Ldt    Pay     Amt       a product that is continually being developed
       Share Premium No  1  24 Oct 17  30 Oct 17  10.00
                                                      with your needs in mind
       LIQUIDITY: Jan20 Ave 211 652 shares p.w., R113 047.6(2.9% p.a.)
               PLAT       40 Week MA   BAUBA        + automatically updated daily – no downloads or
                                                      CD updates
                                                    + the most up to date source of fund performance
                                                      and factsheet data in South Africa
                                                    + full of excellent, intuitive features – line graphs,
                                           14         scatter charts, performance tables, ratio data,
          2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                           factsheets, list builders and universe filters and
       (Amts in ZAR’000)  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  Jun 16  Jun 15  portfolio modelling
                     Final  Final  Final  Final  Final
       Wrk Revenue  302 122  234 261  205 318  78 743  40 901
       Wrk Pft      43 884  97 576  130 157  49 552  25 368  + the output options give you the flexibility to
       NetIntPd(Rcd)  - 3 865  - 7 281  - 3 987  - 1 061  - 289  generate professional reports and presentations
       Minority Int  15 101  33 662  39 773  1 174  5 352
       Att Inc      17 930  38 248  55 756  - 6 406  934
       TotCompIncLoss  33 031  71 910  95 529  - 5 232  6 286  + fully supported by a professional,
       Ord SH Int  250 995  230 014  228 851  172 618  179 024  knowledgeable and friendly helpdesk
       Cap Employed  358 415  308 019  274 328  180 486  180 166
       Mining Ass  139 829  82 955  11 880  955  1 307
       Tot Curr Ass  130 754  90 805  132 351  13 885  40 406
       Tot Curr Liab  57 483  14 751  28 254  4 809  38 927
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)              l Fund Research
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  4.73  10.09  14.71  - 1.69  2.65
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -  10.00   -     -            l Comparison & Analysis
       NAV (ZARc)    66.22  60.69  60.38  46.15  47.23
       3 Yr Beta     0.68  0.92  1.37  0.98  1.99          l Portfolio Modelling
       Price Prd End  49    63    65   25    47
       Price High     72    78   112   60    60            l Presentation & Reports
       Price Low      35    40    19   20    25
       Ret on SH fund  10.29  25.24  35.26  - 2.99  3.49
       Ret on Tot Ass  17.65  60.35  92.98  241.35  51.59  For further information please contact
                                                          Tracey Wise on 011-728-5510 or
                                                        A ProfileData / Financial Express joint venture

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