Page 212 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 212

JSE – SAN                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                                                  SH Funds     64 712  67 317  69 506  57 420  53 390
                     Sanlam Ltd.                  Minority Int  12 512  12 043  12 111  6 017  5 696
                                                  LT Liab     758 416  718 625  641 630  603 035  550 220
                                                  Tot Curr Liab  108 156  102 244  92 329  67 111  63 253
                                                  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                                                  Core EPS(ZARc)  138.80  345.80  565.40  544.40  481.10
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  448.50  361.80  445.60  486.30  493.00
                                                   Pct chng p.a.  24.0  - 18.8  - 8.4  - 1.4  6.2
                                                   Tr 5yr av grwth %  0.3  - 2.2  1.6  11.1  14.5
                                                  DPS (ZARc)   300.00  334.00  312.00  290.00  268.00
                                                   Pct chng p.a.  - 10.2  7.1  7.6  8.2  9.4
                                                   Tr 5yr av grwth %  4.4  8.2  9.3  6.4  17.8
       ISIN: ZAE000070660  SHORT: SANLAM  CODE: SLM
       REG NO: 1959/001562/06  FOUNDED: 1918  LISTED: 1998  NAV PS (ZARc)  2 906.45 3 023.85 3 285.87 2 801.11 2 607.57
                                                  3 Yr Beta     1.10  0.50  0.82  1.08  1.39
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       Price High    8 109  8 525  9 849  9 474  7 149
        Sanlam's areas of expertise include financial planning, invest-  Price Low  3 850  6 886  6 540  6 100  5 116
                                                                                      6 290
                                                                                 8 700
                                                                           7 980
                                                                5 875
                                                                     7 910
                                                  Price Prd End
        ments, insurance, retirement and wealth. The Group  RATIOS
        conducts operations through business clusters that deliver  Ret on SH Fnd  4.71  11.10  15.69  18.90  17.90
        tailored, comprehensive and client-centric financial solutions  Ret On Tot Ass  0.80  1.65  2.14  2.24  2.04
        to individual and institutional clients.  Oper Pft Mgn  3.14  8.84  19.80  12.61  13.81
        Sanlam Life and Savings (SLS) offers retail and corporate life  D:E  1.73  1.61  1.20  1.24  1.13
        insurance and investment products in South Africa. The cluster  Int Cover  5.00  8.71  18.19  20.83  26.02
                                                  Current Ratio
        provides clients with a comprehensive range of appropriate and  Div Cover  0.46  1.04  1.81  1.88  1.80
        competitive financial solutions, designed to facilitate long-term  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 21 267
        wealth creation and protection. SLS has strong market positions  DIRECTORS: BirrellAS(ind ne), BothaAD(ne),
        in its businesses and is well diversified across product and  KrugerNAS(ind ne), Modise M J,
        segment.Theclusterispositionedtofurtherentrenchitsmarket  MokokaMG(ind ne), MollerJP(ind ne),
        presence to build a fortress position in South Africa.  NkosiSA(ne), NondumoKT(ind ne),
                                                               Simelane DrRV(ne), van Zyl Dr J (ne),
        Sanlam Emerging Markets (SEM) constitutes Sanlam’s     Werth H C, Zinn ProfSA(ind ne),
        financial services offering in emerging markets outside South  Masilela E (Chair, ind ne),
        Africa, with the aim of ensuring sustainable delivery and  Motsepe Dr P T (Dep Chair, ne),
                                                               Hanratty P (CEO), Mukhuba A (FD)
        growth across its various businesses and markets. SEM is  Scan the QR code to  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1, Sanlamhof, 7532
        divided into Sanlam Pan-Africa (SPA) and Other Interna-  visit our website  EMAIL:
        tional, with the latter comprising India, Malaysia and  WEBSITE:
        Lebanon. The key focus of SEM is on building Sanlam’s  TELEPHONE: 021-947-9111  FAX: 021-947-3670
        Pan-African operations to create a Pan-African champion, and  COMPANY SECRETARY: Sana-Ullah Bray
                                                  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        to strengthen and grow Sanlam’s operations outside of Africa.  SPONSOR: Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.
        SEM believes in local partnerships and skills development to  AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc., KPMG Inc.
        create sustainable businesses.            BANKERS: Absa Bank Ltd.
        clients in South Africa and the United Kingdom with access to a  CALENDAR  Expected  Status
        comprehensive range of specialised investment management,  Annual General Meeting  Jun 2021  Unconfirmed
        credit and risk management expertise. SIG is a key part of the  Next Interim Results  Sep 2021  Unconfirmed
        strategy to build a fortress position in South Africa.  Next Final Results  Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
        Santam provides a diversified range of general insurance  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        products and services in Southern Africa and internationally  SLM  Ords 1c ea  4 000 000 000  2 226 974 408
        toclients,rangingfromindividuals tocommercialandspecial-  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        ist business owners and institutions. Sanlam and Santam  Ords 1c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        continue to work collaboratively to strengthen their respec-  Final No 23  6 Apr 21  12 Apr 21  300.00
        tive market positions.                    Final No 22       14 Apr 20  20 Apr 20  334.00
        The clusters are supported by the Sanlam Group Office, which  Final No 21  9 Apr 19  15 Apr 19  312.00
        maintains synergies and co-operation among the clusters and  Final No 20  3 Apr 18  9 Apr 18  290.00
        provides guidance on market and environment-related devel-  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 31m shares p.w., R1 836.4m(71.5% p.a.)
        opments. The Group Office is responsible for Group strategy,  LIFE  40 Week MA  SANLAM
        capital and risk management, capital allocation and                            9570
        Group-wide support comprising finance, actuarial and risk
        management, human resources (HR), market development                           8389
        and strategy (including Corporate Finance).
       SECTOR: Fins—Insurance—Life Insurance—Life Insurance
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Dec 2020                                   6028
         Ubuntu-Botho Investments (Pty) Ltd.  13.13%                                   4847
         Government Employees Pension Fund (PIC)  13.05%
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  3666
       (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
                     Final  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final  Recent Announcements
       FundsFmClients  132 866  147 796  77 721  113 976  86 695  Thursday, 11 March2021: Sanlamshareholders are advised that the
       Financial Ser  4 171  13 072  15 388  14 376  11 969
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  835  1 500  846  690  460   Sanlam Annual Reporting Suite 2020, which incorporates the
       Tax on op inc  3 805  5 756  4 164  4 342  3 026  audited annual financial statements of the Sanlam Group for the
       Minority Int   771  1 655  1 175  1 067  955  year ended 31 December 2020, is available on the Sanlam
       Core Earnings  2 863  7 150  11 627  10 923  9 623  website (
       TotCompIncLoss  6 777  3 788  15 100  10 180  5 440  The audited annual financial statements of the Sanlam Group
       Hline Erngs-CO  9 249  7 481  9 162  9 757  9 860  containedinthe SanlamAnnualReportingSuite2020, onwhich
       Fixed Ass     4 344  3 449  3 597  1 839  2 052  Ernst & Young Inc. issued an unqualified audit report.
       Inv & Loans  814 074  770 995  690 744  656 020  592 945
       Def Tax Asset  2 843  1 872  2 249  2 083  1 880
       Tot Curr Ass  89 451  87 627  82 403  62 314  65 350
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