Page 102 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 102

JSE – BAR                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
                   Barloworld Ltd.                        Bauba Resources Ltd.
        BAR                                        BAU
                                                  ISIN: ZAE000145686  SHORT: BAUBA  CODE: BAU
                                                  REG NO: 1986/004649/06  FOUNDED: 1996  LISTED: 1996
                                                  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Bauba is a mining and exploration company,
                                                   listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) since September 2010,
                                                   and fully compliant with the Mining Charter.
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 470
                                                  DIRECTORS: BaringTE(ind ne), le Roux J (ne), Luyt M (ld ind ne),
                                                   Makgala T (ind ne), Phosa Dr M (ne), Shedlock R (ne), Smith D (ind ne),
       ISIN: ZAE000026639  SHORT: BARWORLD  CODE: BAW  WesselsJH(ne), van der HovenNPJ (Chair, ne), van der
       ISIN: ZAE000026647  SHORT: BARWORLD6%P  CODE: BAWP  Hoven N W (CEO), Knowlden J (FD)
       REG NO: 1918/000095/06  FOUNDED: 1902  LISTED: 1941  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 04 Jun 2020
       NATUREOF BUSINESS:Barloworldisanindustrialprocessing,consumer  Highland Trading Investments Ltd.  59.93%
        industries and service company which distributes leading international  Pelagic Resources Pte Ltd.  23.10%
        brands. In our Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) businesses we  The Kumane Trust  6.47%
        provide integrated sales, rental, fleet management and product support  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 71036, Bryanston, 2021
        through offering flexible, value adding, and innovative business solutions
        to our customers backed by leading global brands.  MORE INFO:
       SECTOR: Inds—IndsGoods&Services—GeneralIndustr—DiversIndustr  COMPANY SECRETARY: Merchantec (Pty) Ltd.
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 12 905                TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DIRECTORS: Edozien N O (ind ne, Nig), Hickey H H (ind ne),  SPONSOR: Merchantec Capital
        Lynch-Bell M (ind ne, UK), Mnxasana N P (ind ne), Mokhesi N V (ld ind ne),  AUDITORS: BDO South Africa Inc.
        Molotsi H (ind ne), NtsalubaSS(ind ne), Schmid P (ind ne),  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        Dongwana N P (Chair, ind ne), Lila N V (Group FD), Sewela D M (CEO)  BAU  Ords no par value  750 000 000  492 703 583
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2021
         Silchester International Investors LLP  19.90%  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
         Zahid Tractor & Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd.  17.50%  Ords no par value  Ldt  Pay  Amt
         Public Investment Corporation (SOC) Ltd.  15.50%  Share Premium No 1  24 Oct 17  30 Oct 17  10.00
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 782248, Sandton, 2146  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 226 500 shares p.w., R70 026.2(2.4% p.a.)
                                                            40 Week MA         BAUBA
       TELEPHONE: 011-445-1000                                                         80
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Andiswa Ndoni
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.                            67
       SPONSORS: Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of
        Nedbank Ltd.                                                                   55
       AUDITORS: Ernst & Young, SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant Thornton Inc.
       BAW  Ords 5c ea       400 000 000  212 692 583                                  30
       BAWP  Prefs 200c ea     500 000    375 000
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  17
       Ords 5c ea            Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 182       7 Jan 20  13 Jan 20  297.00  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       Special            7 Jan 20  13 Jan 20  228.00  (Amts in ZAR'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                                                              Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
       LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R323.1m(104.5% p.a.)
                                                  Wrk Revenue  110 459  260 394  302 122  234 261  205 318
               GENI       40 Week MA  BARWORLD    Wrk Pft     - 34 804  - 58 321  43 884  97 576  130 157
                                           18451  NetIntPd(Rcd)  5 101  1 120  - 3 865  - 7 281  - 3 987
                                                  Minority Int    -  - 14 684  15 101  33 662  39 773
                                           15487  Att Inc     - 30 932  - 30 592  17 930  38 248  55 756
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 30 932  - 45 276  33 031  71 910  95 529
                                                  Ord SH Int  202 521  223 031  250 995  230 014  228 851
                                           9558   LT Liab      85 915  59 863  -   -     -
                                                  Cap Employed  346 420  360 555  358 415  308 019  274 328
                                           6594   Mining Ass  247 039  180 621  139 829  82 955  11 880
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  73 674  128 099  130 754  90 805  132 351
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  Tot Curr Liab  123 513  99 949  57 483  14 751  28 254
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       (R million)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 5.70  - 8.07  4.73  10.09  14.71
                     Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final Final(rst)  DPS (ZARc)  -  -  -  -  10.00
       Turnover     49 683  60 206  63 420  61 959  62 074  NAV (ZARc)  53.43  73.44  84.70  60.69  60.38
       Op Inc        1 797  3 897  4 404  4 082  4 087  3 Yr Beta  0.21  0.09  0.68  0.92  1.37
       Minority Int   - 23  49    74   114   96   Price Prd End  38    23    49   63    65
       Att Inc      - 2 476  2 428  3 846  1 643  1 883  Price High  41  66  72   78   112
       Hline Erngs-CO  - 536  2 322  2 427  2 053  1 778
       Fixed Ass    12 239  12 062  12 657  12 659  13 806  Price Low  19  11  35  40   19
       Inv in Assoc  2 148  2 253  1 343  1 093  923
       Tot Curr Ass**  27 408  28 182  30 028  27 711  25 843  Ret on SH fund  - 24.89  - 16.26  10.29  25.24  35.26
       Ord SH Int   19 504  23 623  22 233  20 275  18 942  Ret on Tot Ass  - 24.16  - 18.67  17.65  60.35  92.98
       Minority Int   246  272   517   602  737
       LT Liab      11 251  7 930  8 917  10 852  12 446    Bell Equipment Ltd.
       Tot Curr Liab**  16 877  15 563  17 592  14 595  13 897
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     ISIN: ZAE000028304  SHORT: BELL  CODE: BEL
       EPS (ZARc)  - 1 236.00 1 150.20 1 823.80  779.60  890.50  REG NO: 1968/013656/06  FOUNDED: 1968  LISTED: 1995
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 267.60 1 100.00 1 150.90  974.50  840.90  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Bell Equipment is a leading global manufacturer,
       DPS (ZARc)      -  690.00  462.00  390.00  345.00  distributor and exporter of a wide range of heavy equipment for the
       NAV PS (ZARc)  9 783.00 11 182.00 10 453.00 9 533.00 8 997.00  construction, mining, quarrying, sugar, forestry and waste handling
                                                   industries worldwide.
       3 Yr Beta     0.90  0.66  0.81  0.46  0.45  SECTOR: Inds—IndsGoods&Services—IndsTransport—CommVehicle&Parts
       RATIOS*                                    NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 3 229
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 1.50  10.60  11.80  9.50  9.20  DIRECTORS: BartonJR(ld ind ne), BellAJ(ne), Goordeen A (alt),
       RONOA         9.70  18.70  20.50  18.40  15.90  LawranceDH(ind ne), Naidu R (ind ne), Ramathe M (ind ne),
       Oper Pft Mgn  3.62  6.28  6.80  6.59  6.58  van der MerweHR(ind ne), Bell G W (Chair, ne), Goosen L (CEO),
        * all incl IFRS 16 impact for 2020         van Haght K J (Group FD)
        ** incl. assets held for sale
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107