Page 254 - SHB 2020 Issue 1
P. 254

JSE – TRE                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 1

                                                               Trencor Ltd.
               EQII       40 Week MA  TREMATON
                                           428     TRE
                                           319    ISIN: ZAE000007506  SHORT: TRENCOR  CODE: TRE
                                                  REG NO: 1955/002869/06 FOUNDED: 1955  LISTED: 1955
                                           283    NATURE OF BUSINESS: Investment holding company.
                                                  SECTOR: Ind—Ind Goods&Srvcs—Ind Transportation—Trans Srvcs
                                           247    NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 12
          2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019
                                                  DIRECTORS: McQueen J E (ne), Nurek D M (Chair, ind ne),
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                        Oblowitz E (ind ne), Sieni R A (FD), Sparks R J A (ld ind ne),
       (Amts in ZAR’000)  Aug 19  Aug 18  Aug 17  Aug 16  Aug 15  van der Merwe H R (CEO), Wessels H (ind ne)
                     Final  Final  Final  Final  Final  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 27 Sep 2019
       NetRent/InvInc  386 280  317 576  301 203  132 644  114 194  Coronation Fund Managers  28.10%
       Total Inc   386 280  317 576  301 203  132 644  114 194  Prudential Portfolio Managers  14.90%
       Attrib Inc   22 135  35 657  291 777  49 504  95 235  Public Investment Corporation  11.40%
       TotCompIncLoss  41 278  59 144  363 990  62 721  117 677  POSTAL ADDRESS: 13th Floor, The Towers South, Heerengracht, Cape
       Ord UntHs Int  900 739  880 057  850 305  556 190  509 647  Town, 8001
       Investments  24 563  94 848  81 959  136 660  124 726  EMAIL:
       FixedAss/Prop  1 902 717 1 852 807 1 761 211  859 584  732 887  WEBSITE:  FAX: 021-419-3692
                                                  TELE PHONE: 021-421-7310
       Tot Curr Ass  261 835  202 757  272 104  166 572  194 722  COMPANY SECRETARY: Trencor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       Total Ass  2 367 556 2 297 710 2 237 211 1 190 664 1 075 034  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       Tot Curr Liab  166 137  77 774  275 387  96 689  54 270
                                                  SPONSOR: Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Ltd.)
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     AUDITORS: KPMG Inc.
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  2.00  2.80  20.30  1.70  11.20  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
       DPS (ZARc)    5.50  5.25  5.00  4.00  3.75  TRE  Ords 0.5c ea    200 000 000  173 534 676
       NAV PS (ZARc)  411.00  407.00  391.00  255.00  235.00  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       3 Yr Beta     0.14  0.20  0.28  0.27  0.25  Ords 0.5c ea         Ldt     Pay    Amt
       Price Prd End  255  320   280   300  355   Final No  105      12 Jun 18  18 Jun 18  50.00
       Price High     330  350   330   400  485   Interim No  104   24 Oct 17  30 Oct 17  50.00
       Price Low      240  270   248   270  305   LIQUIDITY: Nov19 Ave 1m shares p.w., R31.3m(31.8% p.a.)
                                                          INDT       40 Week MA   TRENCOR
       RetOnSH Funds  3.32  4.92  36.71  10.25  19.91
       RetOnTotAss   17.41  14.93  15.60  12.89  13.53
       Debt:Equity   1.05  1.09  1.18  0.84  0.88
       OperRetOnInv  20.04  16.31  16.34  13.31  13.32
       OpInc:Turnover  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  110.74                          5779
                                                     2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (R million)  Jun 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Dec 15
                                                              Interim  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)  Final
                                                  Revenue        270  543  9 625  9 373  9 277
                                                  Op Inc         54  2 879  1 002  - 2 357  1 171
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  45   22  1 586  1 394  1 176
                                                  Tax             3     9    30   - 11  61
                                                  Minority Int    -     -  - 289  - 2 003  89
                                                  Att Inc         6  2 848  - 321  - 1 743  - 146
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  - 20  - 629  - 1 849  - 6 151  5 621
                                                  Hline Erngs-CO  - 16  - 3 215  265  - 771  908
                                                  Fixed Ass     2 868  3 058  44 793  49 060  59 636
                                                  Long Term Dr    -     -     -    -   506
                                                  Inv & Loans   3 885  3 910  114  121  190
                                                  Def Tax Asset   2     2    19   18    19
                                                  Tot Curr Ass  1 168  1 426  5 404  5 773  7 829
                                                  Ord SH Int    6 211  6 231  7 048  8 199  11 780
                                                  Minority Int    -     -  5 387  6 218  9 479
                                                  LT Liab       1 670  1 622  35 061  5 026  46 428
                                                  Tot Curr Liab  282  552  4 817  37 679  2 904
                                                  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                                                  EPS (ZARc)    3.00 1 610.20  - 181.50  - 984.40  - 82.70
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 9.00 - 1 817.50  149.40  - 435.10  512.60
                                                  DPS (ZARc)      -     -  100.00  130.00  300.00
                                                  NAV PS (ZARc)  3 575.71 3 587.00 5 437.00 4 629.59 6 651.61
                                                  3 Yr Beta     0.65  1.17  1.55  1.43  1.13
                                                  Price High    3 247  4 976  5 332  5 250  7 500
                                                  Price Low     1 765  2 300  2 731  2 500  3 370
                                                  Price Prd End  2 200  2 855  4 800  2 850  4 450
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd  0.19  45.71  - 4.91  - 25.98  - 0.27
                                                  Ret On Tot Ass  0.22  33.99  - 1.11  - 6.62  0.01
                                                  Oper Pft Mgn  20.00  530.20  10.41  - 25.15  12.62
                                                  D:E           0.31  0.34  3.03  2.90  2.26
                                                  Int Cover     1.20  130.86  0.63  n/a  1.00
                                                  Current Ratio  4.14  2.58  1.12  0.15  2.70
                                                  Div Cover       -     -  - 1.82  - 7.57  - 0.28
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259