Page 359 - Profile's Unit Trusts and Collective Investments 2021 issue 2
P. 359


                                           PAGE                                    PAGE
        Derivatives ................ 45, 134                        F
        Development Bank of Southern Africa . . 127, 128
                                                 FAIS Fit and Proper Requirements ....... 24
        Disclosures .................. 72
                                                 FAIS Ombud .................. 96
        Discount instruments ............. 127
                                                 FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) 23, 42,
        discrete returns ................ 74       ..................... 47, 81
        discretionary fund manager ........ 80, 83  FTSE/JSE All Share index ........ 145, 148
        disintermediation................ 37
                                                 FTSE/JSE Mid Cap index ........ 144, 145
        Distributions .................. 49      Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund ....... 164
          Tax ..................... 50           Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund ........ 166
        Diversification ............... 33, 44
                                                 Fee hurdle ................... 62
        Dividend .................... 32
                                                 Fee structure
          Yield..................... 32            2/20 .................... 153
        Dividend Yield ................. 32      Feeder Funds ................. 157
        Dividends Withholding Tax (DWT) ..... 32, 50,
          ................. 52, 71, 75, 83
                                                   Discounted ................. 69
        Domestic................... 138
                                                   Trailer fees ................. 60
        Domicile .................... 35
                                                 fine art .................... 136
        Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) ..... 156
                                                 Financial Advisers Bill ............. 89
        Dual-regulated ................. 87
                                                 Financial Advisory and Intermediary
        Duration ................... 129          Services Act (FAIS)............ 85, 89
        Durr vs Absa Bank ............... 84     Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) ....... 97
        Duties of FSPs ................. 91      Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA). . . 85, 96
                                                 Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) 25, 81, 87
                                                 Financial Sector Funds ............ 145
        ESG (Environmental, social and governance) . 101  Financial Sector Regulation Act of 2017 (FSRA)81, 86
        ETF.................... 70, 160          Financial Services Board (FSB)......... 81
          RA (Retirement Annuity) .......... 160   Act of 1990 ................ 101
        ETF Unit Classes................ 70      Financial Services Laws General Amendment
        Effective Annual Cost measure (EAC) . . . 64, 65  Act (FSLGA) ................. 89
        Equities .................... 47 Financial Services Provider (FSP) ....... 23
        Equity Funds ............ 129, 141, 143 Financial Services Provider Representative
        Equity-Based Schemes ............ 130     (FSPR) .................... 90
        Eskom ............... 127, 128, 129 Financial intermediaries ............ 83
        Eskom bonds................. 128 Financial service providers (FSPs) ....... 90
        Ethical Guidelines ............... 86 Fit and Proper Requirements ........ 26, 90
        Ex dividend .................. 71 Fixed Interest Funds ............. 142
        Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) ...... 158, 159 Fixed deposit ................. 127
        Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) ........ 55 Fleming Martin................. 77
        Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) ........ 158 Flexible funds................. 148
        Exchange Traded Product (ETP) ....... 158 Foreign .................... 138
        Exit fee .................... 132 Foreign vs Offshore .............. 44
        exotics ................. 109, 136 Forward contract ............... 134
                                                 fourth industrial revolution ........... 37

        Profile’s Unit Trusts & Collective Investments                                357
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