Page 33 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook - 2021 Issue 3
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Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 3                       NSX – FSY
                                                  SPONSOR: IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd.
             Forsys Metals Corporation            AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       REG NO: 34660G   FOUNDED: 1985  LISTED: 2007  LHN  Ords NAD0.02c ea    -    500 000 000
       NATUREOF BUSINESS:ForsysMetalsCorp. (“Forsys”)anditssubsidiary  DISTRIBUTIONS [NADc]
        companies (collectively the “Company”) are engaged in the acquisition,  Ords NAD0.02c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        exploration and development of mineral properties located in Namibia,  Final No 4  14 May 21  4 Jun 21  22.50
        Africa. The Company’s principal focus is on bringing its wholly owned  Final No 3  8 May 20  29 May 20  22.50
        Norasa Uranium Project (“Norasa”) into production. Norasa is the
        consolidation of the Valencia and Namibplaas Uranium Projects.  LIQUIDITY: Jul21 Ave 13 589 shares p.w., R2.9m(0.1% p.a.)
        As an exploration stage company, the Company’s income is limited to  40 Week MA  LHN
        interest income and other incidental income. The recoverability of the
        amounts shown for mineral properties, exploration and evaluation costs
        and property, plant and equipment is dependent upon, but not limited to:
        the existence and economic recovery of mineral reserves in the future; the     353
        ability to obtain necessary permits and financing to complete the
        exploration and development of these properties; government policies and       302
        regulations; and attaining profitable production or proceeds from the
        disposition of properties.                                                     250
       DIRECTORS: Estepa J (ne), Frewin M (ind ne, UK), Matysek P (ind ne),            147
        Rowly M (Chair, ne), Hilmer M (CEO), Hanna D (CFO)  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 909, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2K3  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       MORE INFO:  (Amts in NAD'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Jorge Estepa                          Final Final(rst)  Final  Final  Final
       AUDITORS: BDO                              Interest Paid  98 750  110 011  32 866  114 038  99 943
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  Interest Rcvd  625 704  625 198  596 693  585 304  431 407
       FSY  Ords no par val        -     96 875 422  Operating Inc  466 775  533 445  673 231  553 045  429 554
                                                  Attrib Inc  320 889  401 198  468 873  385 256  329 952
       LIQUIDITY: Jul21 Ave 4 821 shares p.w., R5.0m(0.3% p.a.)
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  320 889  401 198  468 873  385 256  329 952
                 40 Week MA         FORSYS
                                                  Ord SH Int  2 383 449 2 174 936 1 865 011 1 577 080 1 304 618
                                           1239   Dep & OtherAcc  187 893  43 361  74 749  90 205  -
                                                  Liabilities  1 799 507 1 036 005  604 121 1 107 799  843 888
                                                  Adv & Loans  3 608 616 2 935 341 2 555 622 2 424 222 2 118 679
                                                  ST Dep & Cash  468 253  147 586  750 860  323 676  159 626
                                                  Total Assets  4 398 041 3 426 026 3 479 475 2 899 964 2 363 591
                                           533    PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                                                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  68.00  80.00  94.00  72.00  66.00
                                                  DPS (ZARc)    22.50  22.50  23.50  19.20  -
                                           62     NAV PS (ZARc)  524.00  478.00  373.00  315.42  260.92
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  3 Yr Beta     0.22    -     -    -     -
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Price Prd End  266  329   390   399    -
       (Amts in CAD'000)  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Price High  329  390  400  405  -
                      Final  Final  Final  Final  Price Low      230  329   344   399    -
       Op Inc         - 908  - 366  - 729   - 823  RATIOS
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)    -      -     - 1    - 3  Ret on SH Fund  12.35  16.79  16.31  -  -
       Minority Int      -     - 1    - 2     -   RetOnTotalAss  10.61  15.57  19.35  -  -
       Att Inc        - 908  - 365  - 74 879  - 1 499  Interest Mgn  0.12  0.15  0.16  -  -
       TotCompIncLoss  - 1 240  - 867  - 73 476  2 106  LiquidFnds:Dep  2.49  3.40  10.05  3.59  -
       Fixed Ass     11 354  12 007  15 595  88 309
       Tot Curr Ass    740    692    314    439
       Ord SH Int    14 738  15 610  15 776  88 690    MCUBE Investments One Ltd.
       Minority Int     6    - 169  - 215   - 185  MQA
       Tot Curr Liab   102    205    348    243   ISIN: NA000A2P8HD9  SHORT: MCUBE  CODE: MQA
                                                  REG NO: 2016/1091  FOUNDED: 2016  LISTED: 2020
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     NATURE OF BUSINESS: MCUBE was formed and incorporated in
       NAV PS (ZARc)  101.04  107.18  1 048.94  718.51  Namibia on 1 September 2016 as a non-operating cash entity, which will
       3 Yr Beta      - 0.67  - 0.74   -      -    participate in the growth of the capital market of Namibia as a Capital Pool
       Price High      283    343    245      -    Company ("CPC"). The Board intends to list MCUBE as a CPC in order to
       Price Low       122     81    101      -    position the Company as an alternative vehicle for listing on the NSX and
       Price Prd End   134    259    167      -    benefit from the growing need for access to the CPC listing process. The
       RATIOS                                      intention of MCUBE is to maximise returns to shareholders by focusing on
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 6.16  - 2.37  - 481.21  -  pursuing a viable Namibian asset ("Target") via a Reverse Takeover.
       Current Ratio   7.25   3.38   0.90   1.81  SECTOR:Fins—FinServcs—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
                                                  DIRECTORS: Cloete V (ind ne), Mandy J D, MandyBJ(ne),
          Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd.         ShiyukaAJH (Chair, ne)
                                                  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 90242, Klein Windhoek, Namibia, 9190
       REG NO: 2016/0145  FOUNDED: 2016  LISTED: 2017  COMPANY SECRETARY: MMM Consultancy CC
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd. is a listed  SPONSOR: Cirrus Securities (Pty) Ltd.
        public company, which operates within the Republic of Namibia. Its main  AUDITORS: KPMG Namibia
        business is holding its investment subsidiaries, namely Letshego Bank
        (Namibia) Ltd. (‘LBN') and Letshego Micro Financial Services (Namibia)  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED  ISSUED
        (Pty) Ltd.(‘LMFSN'). LHNholds99.99% ofthe issuedshare capital inLBN  MQA  Ords NAD0.1c ea  200 000 000  10 000 000
        and 100% of the issued share capital in LMFSN. The Group provides
        banking and other financial services to Namibian residents.  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       SECTOR: Fins—Banks—Banks—Banks             (Amts in NAD'000)     Jun 20        Jun 19
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 116                                         Final       Final (P)
       DIRECTORS: Martins-Hausiku R (ind ne), MbetjihaRM(ne),  Tot Curr Ass  7           7
        von BlottnitzSB(ind ne), Palanduz M (Chair, ind ne), Kali E (CEO),  Ord SH Int  7  7
        Altmann K (CFO)                           PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 11600, Windhoek, Namibia  NAV PS (ZARc)    0.10          0.10
       MORE INFO:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Chriszelda Gontes
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Transfer Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.
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