Page 30 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook - 2021 Issue 3
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NSX – CMB                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 3
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       (Amts in AUD'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  DPS (ZARc)  -  -  -  316.54  -
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
       Op Inc       - 1 087  - 2 315  - 2 401  - 2 509  - 2 996  NAV PS (ZARc)  68.63 -  78.08  174.27  164.93 -  166.57 -
                                                                     - 0.62
                                                  3 Yr Beta
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  -     -  - 146  - 31  - 41  Price High    191  178   173   145  158
       Minority Int   - 11  - 41  - 24  - 32  - 9  Price Low     72   112     -   115  124
       Att Inc      - 1 076  - 2 274  - 2 231  - 2 446  - 2 687  Price Prd End  74  178  145  118  134
       TotCompIncLoss  1 329  -  - 786  - 3 348  2 231
       Fixed Ass      64    61   128   127  149   RATIOS       - 12.73  - 149.42  5.16  6.95  - 4.68
                                                  Ret on SH Fnd
       Tot Curr Ass  3 121  4 259  6 458  8 492  3 531
       Ord SH Int   53 381  51 676  63 280  63 070  58 107  Oper Pft Mgn  - 43.48  - 399.41  18.95  23.59  - 24.93
       Minority Int   21    52  - 315  - 294  - 260
       LT Liab        273  263   297   474  440   Current Ratio  3.67  4.82  10.32  4.62  10.37
       Tot Curr Liab  375  284   225   310  291   Div Cover       -     -     -  0.04    -
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       HEPS-C (ZARc)   -     -  - 2.23  - 2.89  - 3.41     Capricorn Group Ltd.
       NAV PS (ZARc)  56.44  58.02  60.13  74.65  76.74  CGP
                                                                                   CODE: CGP
       3 Yr Beta     1.19  0.91  2.46  1.97   -   ISIN: NA000A1T6SV9  SHORT: CAP GROUP  LISTED: 2013
                                                                   FOUNDED: 1996
                                                  REG NO: 96/300
       Price High   38 682  4 849  76  64     -   NATURE OF BUSINESS: Capricorn Group is a leading Namibian-owned
       Price Low      35    18    35   27     -    financial services group listed on the NSX. We have three banking
       Price Prd End  106   40    45   55     -    subsidiaries operating in Namibia, Botswana and Zambia, with other
       RATIOS                                      subsidiaries and associates providing adjacent and complementary
       Ret on SH Fnd  - 4.07  - 4.48  - 3.58  - 3.95  - 4.66  products and services. Our customers range from personal to corporate,
       D:E           0.01  0.01   -   0.01  0.01   small and medium enterprises. Our value proposition is built around
       Current Ratio  8.32  15.00  28.70  27.39  12.13  customers rather than products or channels. We apply data and digital
                                                   technology in transactionalbanking services, products andfunctionality to
                                                   address future customer needs.
                Bravura Holdings Ltd.             SECTOR: Fins—Banks—Banks—Banks
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 2 359
       ISIN: MU0496N00003  SHORT: BRAVURA  CODE: CMB  DIRECTORS: Gaomab IIHM(ne), Menetté G (ind ne),
       REG NO: C132144 C1/GBL  FOUNDED: 2015  LISTED: 2015  Reyneke D (ind ne), Solomon E (ind ne), Esterhuyse J J (FD),
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Bravura Holdings Ltd. (formerly CMB  BrandtJC(ne), Swanepoel J J (Chair, ne), FourieDG(ld ind ne),
        International Ltd.) has a unique approach to financial services investment.  Prinsloo M J (Group CE), Nakazibwe-Sekandi G (ind ne)
        AsaMauritian-incorporatedentity,thecompanyholdsaCategory 1Global  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
        Business Licence issued by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). The  Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd.  43.10%
        company has a primary listing on the Official List of the Stock Exchange of  Government Institutions Pension Fund  25.90%
        Mauritius (SEM), and a secondary listing on the Main Board of the  Nam-mic Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd.  8.00%
        Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX).            POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 15, Windhoek, Namibia
       SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—InvBnkng&BrokerServcs—Investment Services  MORE INFO:
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0                     COMPANY SECRETARY: H G von Ludwiger
       DIRECTORS: du Plessis A D, GujadhurUK(ind ne, Mau), Hay S M,  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Transfer Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.
        Lim Voon KeeYS(ne), PadayachyKP(ind ne),  SPONSOR: PSG Konsult Wealth Management (Namibia)
        Taposeea R (Chair, ind ne, Mau)           AUDITORS: PwC Inc.
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020
         CMB Investment Ltd.              44.56%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
         African Rainbow Capital Financial Services  29.90%  CGP  Ords NAD2.5c ea  600 000 000  519 184 399
         Titan Rand (Pty) Ltd.            13.80%  DISTRIBUTIONS [NADc]
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Level 3, Alexander House, 35 Cybercity, Ebène,  Ords NAD2.5c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        Mauritius, 72201                          Interim No 15     12 Mar 21  31 Mar 21  22.00
       MORE INFO:  Final No 14       9 Oct 20  30 Oct 20  20.00
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Intercontinental Trust Ltd.
       SPONSOR: PSG Wealth Management Namibia (Pty) Ltd.  LIQUIDITY: Jul21 Ave 64 829 shares p.w., R85.5m(0.6% p.a.)
       AUDITORS: KPMG                                     ALSH       40 Week MA  CAP GROUP
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED                                       2277
       CMB  Ords no par val        -    345 983 575
       DISTRIBUTIONS [USDc]                                                            2022
       Ords no par val       Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Final No 1         26 Jun 18  29 Jun 18  0.23
                 40 Week MA         BRAVURA
                                           165        2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  NOTES: Capricorn Investment Group Ltd. renamed to Capricorn Group Ltd.
                                                   on 11 May 2020.
                                           116    FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (NAD million)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17
                                           92                 Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  Interest Paid  955  2 542  2 514  2 425  1 977
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  Interest Rcvd  1 967  4 623  4 548  4 244  3 626
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Operating Inc  733  1 605  1 470  2 963  1 253
       (Amts in USD'000)  Mar 21  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Minority Int  49  95  85  12  8
                     Final  Final  Final  Final  Final  Attrib Inc  379  761  930  923  909
       Turnover      4 724  5 238  8 603  12 163  6 779  TotCompIncLoss  351  927  1 024  986  931
       Op Inc       - 2 054  - 20 921  1 630  2 869  - 1 690  Ord SH Int  6 525  6 308  5 815  5 615  5 056
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 193  - 154  - 435  - 282  - 63  Dep & OtherAcc  40 801  39 323  36 985  33 948  -
       Att Inc      - 1 878  - 20 817  1 988  3 102  - 1 659  Liabilities  49 243  49 608  44 517  41 542  37 710
       TotCompIncLoss  813  - 24 498  - 4 900  9 215  1 193  Inv & Trad Sec  2 536  2 997  1 724  134  149
       Fixed Ass      291  295   220   290  196   Adv & Loans  40 725  40 079  38 050  36 234  -
       Tot Curr Ass  4 788  4 892  9 637  11 108  5 640  ST Dep & Cash  1 762  909  1 573  1 643  -
       Ord SH Int   14 726  13 932  38 505  44 643  35 428  Total Assets  56 220  56 338  50 678  47 434  42 921
       Minority Int   32     -    -     -     -
       LT Liab        185  460   716  2 082  2 400
       Tot Curr Liab  1 304  1 015  934  2 403  544
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35