Page 75 - 2021 Issue 2
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Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – ABS
                  Absa Group Ltd.                             TELEPHONE: 011-350-4000
        ABS                                                   COMPANY SECRETARY: Nadine R Drutman
                                                              TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare
                                                               Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
                                                              SPONSORS: Absa Bank Ltd., JP Morgan Equities
                                                               South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
                                                              AUDITORS: Ernst & Young Inc.
                                                  Scan the QR code to  BANKERS: Absa Bank Ltd.
                                                   visit our Investor
                                                  CALENDAR               Expected     Status
                                                  Annual General Meeting  4 Jun 2021  Confirmed
                                                  Next Interim Results  16 Aug 2021  Confirmed
       ISIN: ZAE000255915  SHORT: ABSA  CODE: ABG  Next Final Results    Mar 2022  Unconfirmed
       REG NO: 1986/003934/06  FOUNDED: 1986  LISTED: 1986
                                                  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
        NATURE OF BUSINESS:                       ABG  Ords 200c ea     891 774 054  847 750 679
        Absa Group is a diversified financial services provider offering  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
        an integrated set of products and services across personal and  Ords 200c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        business banking, credit cards, corporate and investment  Final No 67  14 Apr 20  20 Apr 20  620.00
        banking, wealth and investment management and insurance.  Interim No 66  10 Sep 19  16 Sep 19  505.00
        With its long-standing presence in 12 African markets and its  Final No 65  9 Apr 19  15 Apr 19  620.00
        regional and global expertise, the Group a strong platform to  Interim No 64  11 Sep 18  17 Sep 18  490.00
        capture the growth opportunity in Africa.  LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 18m shares p.w., R1 888.3m(110.9% p.a.)
                                                          BANK       40 Week MA   ABSA
       SECTOR: Fins—Banks—Banks—Banks
       ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 04 Feb 2021
         Barclays Bank PLC                14.88%
         Public Investment Corporation Group  6.29%                                    21329
         Old Mutual PLC                    5.03%
       NOTES: Barclays Africa Group Ltd. renamed to Absa Group Ltd. on 11 July         17797
       (R million)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16                             10732
                     Final Final(rst)  Final Final(rst) Final(rst)
       Interest Paid  44 194  51 337  45 481  43 285  43 111  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  7199
       Interest Rcvd  93 051  97 838  89 236  85 929  85 114
       Operating Inc  33 482  31 353  29 712  30 091  32 438  Recent Announcements
       Tax           3 156  5 772  6 282  5 882  4 405  ABSA final results December 2020 - Monday, 15 March 2021: Net
       Minority Int  1 026  1 372  991  362  1 139  interest income for the year increased to R48.857 billion (2019:
       Attrib Inc    5 880  14 256  13 917  13 888  14 708  R46.501 billion) and operating income before operating expen-
       TotCompIncLoss  9 281  14 834  17 527  13 580  12 685  diture decreased to R61.024 billion (2019: R72.304 billion).
       Ord SH Int  115 671  113 278  109 484  108 614  93 191
       Minority Int  11 988  10 761  7 478  6 000  4 579  Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders was recorded at
       Dep & OtherAcc  1 048 000  943 716  857 726  757 257  728 057  R5.880 billion (2019: R14.256 billion). Furthermore, headline
       Liabilities  1 398 817 1 270 492 1 167 138 1 050 337 1 001 174  earnings per share fell to 730.9 cents per share (2019: 1 750.1
       Inv & Trad Sec  378 025  278 453  266 400  246 265  212 296  cents per share).
       Adv & Loans  1 014 507  976 723  894 860  805 198  770 098  Dividend
       ST Dep & Cash  60 682  52 532  46 929  48 669  50 006  In line with previous guidance, no ordinary dividend was
       Total Assets  1 531 120 1 399 175 1 288 744 1 169 595 1 103 588  declared for the period, given our focus on capital preservation
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)      in the current environment.
       EPS (ZARc)   711.80 1 717.60 1 676.50 1 665.70 1 764.00  Company prospects
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  730.90 1 750.10 1 703.70 1 724.50 1 796.60  Substantial uncertainty continues to surround the global
       Pct chng p.a.  - 58.2  2.7  - 1.2  - 4.0  6.5  economic outlook, which depends on the roll out of effective
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  - 10.8  2.7  4.2  7.2  6.1
       DPS (ZARc)      - 1 125.00 1 110.00 1 070.00 1 030.00  vaccines and additional policy support. The IMF expects global
       Pct chng p.a.  - 100.0  1.4  3.7  3.9  3.0  real GDP growth to rebound to 5.5% in 2021, with strong
       Tr 5yr av grwth %  - 17.6  4.0  6.3  9.5  8.8  growth from the US among developed economies and China in
       NAV PS (ZARc)  13 957.00 13 669.00 13 233.00 13 042.00 10 980.00  the developing world. After declining 2.6% in 2020, the IMF
       3 Yr Beta     1.49  0.43  0.35  0.70  1.13  expects 3.2% growth from sub-Saharan Africa, with a wide
       Price Prd End  11 986  14 930  16 182  18 199  16 869  range among individual countries.
       Price High   15 318  18 822  21 000  19 830  17 155  Similarly, there is significant uncertainty as South Africa works
       Price Low     6 330  14 223  13 628  13 322  11 955  through its largest economic shock since the early 1930s. We
       RATIOS                                      forecast 3.1% growth in South Africa during 2021, although we
       Ret on SH Fund  5.22  12.14  12.26  11.95  15.47  expect GDP to only recover to 2019 levels by 2023. The timely
       RetOn AveAsset  2.20  2.27  2.34  2.60  2.96
       Oper Pft Mgn  38.57  75.07  78.72  76.66  73.02  rollout of an appropriate vaccination programme is critical.
       Div Cover       -   1.53  1.51  1.56  1.71  However, employment and consumer spending will remain
       Interest Mgn  0.03  0.03  0.03  0.04  0.04  underpressure andbusiness confidenceandinvestmentislikely
       LiquidFnds:Dep  0.06  0.06  0.05  0.06  0.07  to recover slowly. South Africa’s fiscal trajectory will be of partic-
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 38 472                 ular importance, as National Treasury tries to restrain public
       DIRECTORS: Abdool-Samad T (ind ne), Beggs C (ne), DarkoAB(ind ne),  sector wage growth to improve the state’s finances. We believe
        Keanly R (ind ne), Merson M (ind ne), MunyantwaliSJ(ind ne),  that the Reserve Bank will leave the policy rate unchanged this
        Naidoo D (ind ne), Okomo-Okello F (ind ne), PityanaSM(ld ind ne),
        Rensburg Prof I (ind ne), Tonelli F (ne), van Wyk R (ne),  year, before increasing it by 75 basis points in 2022.
        Lucas-Bull W E (Chair, ind ne), Mminele A D (CEO), Quinn J P (FD)  We expect the economy in our ARO presence countries to
       POPULAR BRAND NAMES: Absa                   rebound in 2021, with GDP-weighted growth of 4.5%.
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 7735, Johannesburg, 2000  Economies dependent on tourism, such as Seychelles,
                                                   Mauritius and Botswana, are expected to recover more slowly
                                                   than the more diversified East African economies.
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