Page 29 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 29

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2  Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the JSE

       Listed ETFs on the JSE (by Market Cap at 31 December 2020)
                                     Product     Product              Index           Market
       Product                       Type        Structure            Tracked        Cap (Rm)
       Satrix MSCI World ESG ETF     “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  MSCI World ESG  72
                                                 factors               Enhanced Focus NET
       NewFunds Volatility Managed High Growth Equity ETF “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  NewFunds/Absa Volatility  62
                                                 factors               Manager SA Growth
                                                                       Equity Index
       1NVEST S&P 500 Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P 500 Index  54
       NewFunds Shari’ah Top 40 Index ETF  “Style” index  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Shari’ah Top  54
                                                                       40 index
       NewFunds Volatility Managed Defensive Equity ETF  “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  NewFunds/Absa Volatility  50
                                                 factors               Managed SA Defensive
                                                                       Equity Index
       NewFunds Volatility Managed Moderate Equity ETF  “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  NewFunds/Absa Volatility  50
                                                 factors               Managed SA Moderate
                                                                       Equity Index
       1NVEST SA Bond ETF            Broad market access Market cap-weighted  SA Bond Index  47
       NewFunds MAPPS™ Protect ETF   Broad market access Market cap-weighted  MAPPS Protect Index  41
       Satrix Global Aggregate Bond Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  Bloomberg Barclays  41
                                                                       Global Aggregate
       NewFunds MAPPS™ Growth ETF    Broad market access Market cap-weighted  MAPPS Growth Index  40
       1NVEST Global Government Bond Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  FTSE G7 Government  35
                                                                       Bond Index
       Satrix Momentum ETF           “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Satrix Momentum Index  29
       Cloud Atlas AMI Big50 ex-SA ETF  Foreign index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Cloud Atlas AMI Big50  15
                                                 factors               Ex-SA index
       Cloud Atlas AMI Real Estate ex-SA ETF  Foreign index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  AMI Real Estate ex-SA  2
                                                 factors               index
       Total                                                                         100 314

        Exchange Traded Funds ( ETFs) on the JSE

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