Page 27 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 27

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2  Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the JSE

       Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the JSE

        Exchange Traded Funds ( ETFs) on the JSE
       Listed ETFs on the JSE (by Market Cap at 31 December 2020)
                                     Product     Product              Index           Market
       Product                       Type        Structure            Tracked        Cap (Rm)
       NewGold                       Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand gold price  Gold Spot  18398
       Sygnia Itrix MSCI World Index ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI World index  9859
       NewPlat                       Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand platinum price  Platinum Spot  8807
       Satrix 40 ETF                 Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Top 40 index  8787
       Sygnia Itrix MSCI US Index ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI USA index  5714
       1nvestPlatinum ETF            Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand platinum price  Platinum Spot  4601
       Satrix MSCI World Equity Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI World (Developed  3917
       Sygnia Itrix Eurostoxx50 ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  EURO STOXX 50 index  2690
       NewFunds GOVI ETF             Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  GOVI index  2241
       Satrix Capped INDI ETF        Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Capped  2096
                                                                       INDUSTRIAL 25
       Satrix Nasdaq 100 ETF         Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  Nasdaq-100® index  2014
       Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 ETF      Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P 500 index  2008
       Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Global Equity ETF Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  Kensho New Economies  1713
                                                                       Composite Index
       1NVEST Swix 40 ETF            Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Africa SWIX 40  1696
       Satrix DIVI ETF               Fundamental index  Fundamentally weighted on future  FTSE/JSE DIVI PLUS  1480
                                                 dividend yield        (J259)
       Ashburton Top 40 ETF          Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index  1458
       Satrix S&P 500 Feeder ETF     Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P 500 index  1420
       Satrix MSCI Emerging Markets Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI Emerging Markets  1332
                                                                       Investable Markets (IMI)
       CoreShares Top 50 ETF         Broad market access Market cap-weighted  S&P South Africa 50  1320
       CoreShares S&P 500 ETF        Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P500 index  1180
       Satrix MSCI China Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI China Index  1086
       Ashburton Global 1200 Equity Fund of Funds ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Global 1200 Index  1024
       1nvestPalladium ETF           Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand palladium price Palladium Spot  960
       1nvestGold ETF                Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand gold price  Gold Spot  949
       Satrix RAFI 40 ETF            Broad market access Fundamental accounting factors  FTSE/JSE RAFI 40 (J260)  849
       1nvestRhodium ETF             Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand rhodium price  Rhodium Spot  837
       Sygnia Itrix FTSE100 ETF      Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  FTSE 100 index  808
       1NVEST Top 40 ETF             Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index  710
       Sygnia Itrix MSCI Japan ETF   Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI Japan index  697
       CoreShares S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Global Dividend  692
                                                                       Aristocrats Blend Index
       1NVEST SA Property ETF        Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Africa SA  675
                                                                       Listed Property Index
       Satrix FINI ETF               Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE FINANCIAL 15  655
       NewPall                       Commodity index  Debenture tracks rand palladium price Palladium Spot  635

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