Page 28 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 28

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the JSE  Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2

       Listed ETFs on the JSE (by Market Cap at 31 December 2020)
                                     Product     Product              Index           Market
       Product                       Type        Structure            Tracked        Cap (Rm)
       Satrix RESI ETF               Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Capped  514
                                                                       Resources 10 Index
       Sygnia Itrix Global Property ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Global Property 40  513
       CoreShares S&P Global Property ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Global Property 40  427
       Ashburton MidCap ETF          Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE MidCap Index  393
       1NVEST S&P 500 Info Tech Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P 500 Info Tech Index  359
       Satrix SWIX TOP 40 ETF        Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE SWIX Top 40  356
       Ashburton Inflation ETF       “Style” index  Market cap-weighted  Government Inflation  329
                                                                       Linked Bond Index
       Sygnia Itrix Top 40 ETF       Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Top 40 index  311
       NewFunds Equity Momentum ETF  Broad market access Market cap-weighted  Absa Wits  303
                                                                       SA-Momentum Index
       CoreShares Preftrax           Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Preference  290
                                                                       Share Index (J251)
       Satrix SA Bond Portfolio ETF  Broad market access Market cap-weighted  S&P South Africa  282
                                                                       Sovereign Bond 1+Year
       Newfunds S&P Namibia Bond ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Namibia Sovereign  274
                                                                       Bond 1 + Year Top 10
       NewFunds TRACI 3 Month ETF    Sectoral access  Term weighted    TRACI Index     225
       Sygnia Itrix SWIX 40 ETF      Broad market access Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 index  214
       CoreShares SA Property Income ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  SA Property Income  198
       Satrix ILBI ETF               “Style” index  Market cap-weighted  S&P SA Sovereign  150
                                                                       Inflation-linked Bond 1+
       Satrix Property ETF           Broad market access Market cap-weighted  S&P SA Composite  136
                                                                       Property Capped Index
       CoreShares SA Dividend Aristocrats ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  S&P South Africa  133
                                                                       Dividend Aristocrats
       Ashburton World Government Bond ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  Citi World Government  128
                                                                       Bond Index
       NewFunds Value Equity ETF     “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Absa Wits  120
                                                 factors               Risk-Controlled SA Value
       1NVEST MSCI World Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI World Index  114
       NewFunds Low Volatility Equity ETF  “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Absa Wits  106
                                                 factors               Risk-Controlled SA Low
                                                                       Volatility Index
       1NVEST Global REIT Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  FTSE EPRA/NAREIT  105
                                                                       Global REIT Index
       CoreShares Scientific Beta Multi Factor ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  Scientific Beta CS South  100
                                                                       Africa 6FEW Index
       NewFunds ILBI ETF             Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  ILBI index   97
       Satrix MSCI EM ESG ETF        “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  MSCI EM ESG Enhanced  86
                                                 factors               Focus Index
       NewFunds S&P GIVI SA Top 50 ETF  Fundamental index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  S&P GIVI SA Top 50  76
                                                 factors               Index
       Satrix Quality South Africa ETF  Fundamental index  Fundamental accounting factors  S&P Quality South Africa  75

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